Reference: HTML-Cheatsheet.txt Web Page Developement Notes =============================================================== R U S S H O W E L L W E B P A G E R E F E R E N C E =============================================================== Table of Contents 1. How to Open an HTML document 2. Tips: Naming your Home Page Using Width & Height for Images 3. Font Name List 4. Special Characters 5. Standard 16 Colors 6. Basic Tags 7. Header Tags 8. Body Attributes 9. Text Tags 10. Sample - Technicolor Font Tags 11. Links 12. Formatting Paragraphs 12. Graphical Elements 13. Definition Lists 14. Ordered Lists 15. Unordered Bulleted Lists 16. Graphical Elements 17. Adding/Aligning Images 18. Interlace an Image 19. Horizontal Rules 20. Tables 21. Table Attributes 22. Frames 23. Frames Attributes 24. Sample - Frames: Top, Bottom, Left & Right Sides. 25. Forms 26. Comment Tags 27. Counters 28. Counter Provider Sites 29. Web Site Counter: Lynn Cooper 30. Helpful SubRoutines Centered Images Dividing Lines Centered Links 31. Inserting A Link To A Sound File Embedding A Link To A Sound File 32. Online Help 33. Graphical Image Cams 34. Free Hosting Providers 35. HTML Graphics Resources on the Web Bullets, Backgrounds, Bars and Buttons 36. HTML UseNet Groups (Support and NewsLetter Groups) 37. Java (also Java Script, a scaled-down version) 38. VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) 39. Netscape Navigator Home Page 40. Download MS-Word Internet Assistant 41. Most Excellent Web Design Resources 42. End of File =============================================================== 1. Open HTML Documents with: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" How To Associate Filenames: 1. Open Windows Explorer (File Manager Program) 2. Single Left Click on an HTML file. 3. Click on View from the upper menu bar. 4. Choose Folder Options 5. Click on the File Types tab. 6. Press the letter "H" to scroll down to the H files. Choose HTML document. 7. Click on Edit and set the application association to: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" ============================================================== 2. Tips: The main page on your WebSite should be called index.html. This is standard for most WebSite Providers. Many host providers are case-sensitive, so make sure your links maintain proper filenames. Some browsers don't know how to handle files that end with the .HTM extension. and prefer to see .HTML, instead. Webpages will load faster if you specify width and height in the tag. ============================================================== 3. The standard default font size is 3. Change the default font size with (? = 1-7) Set Type Font Style:

Famous People

Font Names: Arial Artistik augie Bazooka Regular Black Chance Normal Black Chancery Broadway Brush Script MT Italic BrushScript-Normal-Italic Candy Bits BT ChiliPepper-ExtraBold ChowMein Regular Comic Sans MS Comic Sans MS Bold Comic Strip Cooper Black Creepy Regular Donald Durango EraserDust Georgia Harquil Holidays ITC Pioneer Jester Regular JohnHancock Regular Jurassic Regular Kidprint Kidstuff KidTYPEPaint Monotype Sorts Nadianne Bold Parkplace Regular Plump MT QT SnowCaps Regular Rodeo Regular Saddlebag Scribble Regular Signature Regular Small Fonts SnowDrift Space Toaster StageCoach Regular Times New Roman Times New Roman Bold Wingdings ============================================================== 4. Special Characters: Symbol Character Reference Entity name ASCII Code < < < Alt-060 > > > Alt-062 ¢ ¢ ¢ Alt-155 £ £ £ Alt-156 Ý ° ° Alt-248 1/4 ¼ ¼ Alt-172 1/2 ½ ½ Alt-171 3/4 ¾ ¾ +/- ± ^2 ² ^3 ³ copyright © © Alt-169 (?) Registered ® ® Alt-174 (?) ============================================================== 5. Colors - There are 16 Standard HTML colors: There are six digits. * The first two represent the value of Red. * The middle two represent the value of Green. * The last two represent the value of Blue. 00 - Total absence of the color (Available values: 00-99) AA - ~Mid-Range Color Value FF - Total saturation of the color (Available values: AA-FF) #00FFFF Aqua #000000 Black #0000FF Blue* #FF00FF Fuchsia #808080 Gray #008000 Green #00FF00 Lime #800000 Maroon #000080 Navy #808000 Olive #800080 Purple #FF0000 Red #C0C0C0 Silver #008080 Teal #FFFFFF White #FFFF00 Yellow ============================================================== 6. Basic Tags Creates an HTML document Sets off the title and other information that isn't displayed on the Web page itself Sets off the visible portion of the document ============================================================== 7. Header Tags Puts the name of the document in the title bar ============================================================== 8. Body Attributes Sets the background color, using name or hex value Set The BackGround Image: Set The BackGround Image So It Doesn't Move When Scrolling: Sets the text color, using name or hex value Sets the color of links, using name or hex value Sets the color of followed links, using name or hex value Sets the color of links on click ============================================================== 9. Text Tags The standard default font size is 3. Change the default font size with (? = 1-7) Basefonts enable you to set up relative font sizes. Example: This is size 6. And this is two sizes smaller; size 4. And this is one size larger; size 7. (Why? Different browsers display differently. If you're using relative font sizes, you only have to change the tag.)

Creates preformatted text 

Inserting preformatted text:
  Import ASCII text and maintain spacing.

Normal Paragraph.
Line Break Creates the largest headline
Creates the smallest headline Creates bold text Creates italic text Creates teletype, or typewriter-style text Creates a citation, usually italic Emphasizes a word (with italic or bold) Emphasizes a word (with italic or bold) Places a line through text to show changes to information. Place numbers slightly above the main text (math formulas) Place numbers slightly below the main text (math formulas) Sets size of font, from 1 to 7) Sets font color, using name or hex value Refer to: Standard HTML colors Change the font of text. Instead of typing the name of a font, you can specify a font type (serif, sans-serif or monospace) To specify a second font choice, type a comma and then press the Spacebar. Then type your second font choice. Text Here Makes the text blink on/off. ============================================================== 10. *********************************************** *** S A M P L E *** *********************************************** You could even change the color of individual letters:

Joseph and the amazing T E C H N I C O L O R dreamtag

Will give you: Joseph and the amazing T E C H N I C O L O R dreamtag ============================================================== 11. Links ---------------- TIP! In your link text, don't ask the reader to "click on" something, because some of them won't have mice or other "clickable" devices. The verbs of choice are "select" and "choose." ---------------- Creates a hyperlink Creates a mailto link Links to that target location from elsewhere in the document Creates a target location within a document Example: Place this tag at the beginning of the document End Of Page When the tag above is clicked on, you will be sent to wherever the following tag is. End Of Page Link to A Target Location within a Page: This will link to the WebPage-MessageBoard.html Page and then proceed to the UpcomingEvents section: Upcoming Events
Link Font Color sets the default font color sets the color of unvisited links sets the color of visited links sets the color of links on click changes font color returns font to default color ============================================================== 12. Formatting

Creates a new paragraph Aligning Text

aligns a paragraph to the left

aligns a paragraph to the right

centers a paragraph Hint: Use Definition Lists to indent text.
Line breaks: Inserts a line break Blockquote Left & Right Margin Indent

indents text on both sides
returns the text to normal margins ============================================================== 13.
Creates a definition list Hint: Use Definition Lists to indent text.
Precedes each definition term
Precedes each definition Definition Lists (Use definition lists to indent text)
opens a Definition List
precedes each Defined Term
precedes each Definition
closes the Definition List The HTML for a simple list would go something like this:
Of or pertaining to a lack of physical fitness. Larpy people may not be obese, but their muscles have atrophied. A larpy person might sit at a computer 15 hours a day.
Characterized by or expressing lust. People seeking lascivious conversation often turn to AOL chat rooms.
And would look like this: Larpy Of or pertaining to a lack of physical fitness. Larpy people may not be obese, but their muscles have atrophied. A larpy person might sit at a computer 15 hours a day. Lascivious Characterized by or expressing lust. People seeking lascivious conversation often turn to AOL chat rooms. The
tag is only rarely used for its intended purpose. More often, you'll spot it indenting text, staggering paragraphs, and generally pushing text around. Take this example:
He avoided that side of the street.

And who could blame him?

The birds in the trees were merciless.

And his long, curly hair was a plum target for pecking.
Which displays like this: He avoided that side of the street. And who could blame him? The birds in the trees were merciless. And his long, curly hair was a plum target for pecking. ============================================================== 14. Ordered Lists
    creates a numbered list
  1. precedes each list item
closes the numbered list

Three things I know to be true:

  1. A cucumber and marmalade sandwich tastes better than it sounds.
  2. A mountain bike never belongs in the back seat of my mom's sedan.
  3. A head of lettuce isn't a good commuting snack.
Netscape has created list tags that use letters or Roman numerals instead. These extensions aren't supported by all browsers, though, so some of your readers may see plain ol' numbers. Here's how the lists break down:
    makes numbers (1, 2, 3) makes uppercase letters (A, B, C) makes lowercase letters (a, b, c) makes uppercase Roman numerals (I, II, III) makes lowercase Roman numerals (i, ii, iii) If you really wanted to, you could combine these tags to create something that looks like an outline:
    1. Never give bell peppers on the first date
      1. Intention could be misinterpreted
        1. Widely known as lusty vegetable
        2. Viewed by some as symbol of warfare
    And it should look like this: I. Never give bell peppers on the first date A. Intention could be misinterpreted 1. Widely known as lusty vegetable 2. Viewed by some as symbol of warfare
    1. Apples
    2. Berries
    3. Cherries
    Change Starting Number
        Creates a numbered list makes numbers (1, 2, 3) makes uppercase letters (A, B, C) makes lowercase letters (a, b, c) makes uppercase Roman numerals (I, II, III) makes lowercase Roman numerals (i, ii, iii)
      1. Precedes each list item, and adds a number ============================================================== 15. Unordered Bulleted Lists
          Creates a bulleted list
            makes round bullet symbols makes hollow square symbols makes solid square symbols
            A generic tag used to format large blocks of HTML, also used for stylesheets ============================================================== 16. Graphical Elements Pages load faster if you specify width & height. Most browsers won't display the entire page until they've calculate the height and width of all the images. Adds an image Aligns an image with text: top, middle, bottom. Text will appear to the right of the image in the position specified. NOTE: You cannot use both "top,middle,bottom" and "left,right" Wrap text around an image: left or right Text will wrap around the image in the position specified. Stop Text Wrap with either:
            NOTE: You cannot use both "top,middle,bottom" and "left,right" Sets size of border around an image. To remove an existing border, replace ? with zero. Add Space Around an Image. Picture of a fish. If the images does not appear, the Web browser will display the text you specified. Wrapping text (aligning text) around an image aligns an image to the left side of the page aligns an image to the right side of the page aligns text along the top of an image aligns text along the bottom of an image aligns text to the middle of an image So, for instance, you can lead a paragraph off with the image, aligned left:

            But sometimes you'll want the text to begin above the image and wrap around it. In this case, you can integrate the image into the paragraph:

            This is an ant, sitting on his butt. Some days he sits on his butt for hours upon hours, letting the other ants do all the work. Some people (and ants) would say he is lazy. But the truth is that this ant thinks he's a penguin, in which case it would be OK to sit on his tookus all day while the other ants (or penguins, in his world) scurry around securing food for the winter.

            This is an ant, sitting on his butt. Some days he sits on his butt for hours upon hours, letting the other ants do all the work. Also: ============================================================== 17. Adding/Aligning Images places an image aligns an image (Left, Right, Top, Middle, Bottom) The easiest place to save the image is in the same folder or directory as your HTML source file, which is where the browser will automatically look for it. If you have many images to organize, you may want to place them in a single folder, called "images" or "stuff," then place that folder (or directory) in the same directory as your HTML file. My image is called "monkey.gif," and it's in a folder called "stuff," which is in the same folder on our server as this HTML file. The HTML for my monkey image will read like this: also:

            ============================================================== 18. Interlace an Image You can interlace a GIF image. An interlaced GIF image first appears blurry and then gradually sharpens as it transfers to a computer. Noninterlaced images must fully transfer to a computer before appearing on the screen. Use Paint Shop Pro: 1. Load image 2. Click "File" and choose "Save As" 3. Click "Options" 4. Click "Interlaced" 5. Click "OK" to confirm 6. Click "Save" to save your change. 7. Click "Yes" to replace the original image. ============================================================== 19. Horizontal Rules: Bars across the screen

            Inserts a horizontal rule
            Sets size (height) of rule

            Sets width of rule, in percentage or absolute value
            Displays the line as a solid line (instead of appearing etched into the screen)

            ============================================================== 20. Tables Reasons For Using Tables: 1. Display List of Information 2. Create Newspaper Columns 3. Create Borders 4. Control Web Page Layout
            Creates a table Sets off each row in a table (Table Row) Sets off each cell in a row (Table Data) Sets off the Table Header (a normal cell with bold, centered text)
            Creates an empty cell within a Table. Spanning Text Across Multiple Rows or Columns: (# = Number of Columns to Span) or (# = Number of Columns to Span) Center a Table by placing center tags before & after the table tags.
            *********************************************** *** S A M P L E *** *********************************************** Spanning Text Across Columns
            The Spanning Thing (RowSpan)
            This Item Spans Two Rows The first row
            This one doesn't The third row
            BorderColor="#CCCCFF" ============================================================== 21. Table Attributes Sets width of border around table cells
            Add a caption to summarize the information in the table. Place the tag directly below the tag. Example:
            Season Pass Prices
            Sets amount of space between table cells
            Sets amount of space between a cell's border and its contents
            Sets width of table in pixels or as a percentage of document width Align Data Horizontally within a Cell or or Span cells down rows: In the


            Centered Dividing Line Within A Table: Centered Links:
            Sets alignment for cell(s) (left, center, or right) Align Data Vertically within a Cell
            Sets vertical alignment for cell(s) (top, middle, or bottom) Spanning cells is useful if you want to display a title across the top or down the side of your table. Span cells across columns: In the or tag for the cell you want to span across columns, type ColSpan=# replacing # with the number of columns you want the cell to span across. Example: Product List and Prices
            or tag for the cell you want to span down rows, type RowSpan=# replacing # with the number of rows you want the cell to span down. Example: Product List and Prices Sets number of columns a cell should span Sets number of rows a cell should span (default=1) Prevents the lines within a cell from being broken to fit ============================================================== 22. Frames Replaces the tag in a frames document; can also be nested in other framesets Defines the rows within a frameset, using number in pixels, or percentage of width The Absolute Frame command example of: Yields 3 Rows: Row1=20%, Row2=70%, Row3=10% of Vertical Screen Size The Relative Frame command may also be written as: Yields 3 Rows: Row1=50Pixels, Row2=Vertical Screen Size minus 70 (50+20), Row3=20Pixels Defines the columns within a frameset, using number in pixels, or percentage of width Defines a single frame or region within a frameset Defines what will appear on browsers that don't support frames ============================================================== 23. Frames Attributes Specifies which HTML document should be displayed Names the frame, or region, so it may be targeted by other frames Defines the left and right margins for the frame; must be equal to or greater than 1 Defines the top and bottom margins for the frame; must be equal to or greater than 1 Sets whether the frame has a scrollbar; value may equal "yes," "no," or "auto." The default, as in ordinary documents, is auto. Prevents the user from resizing a frame ============================================================== 24. *********************************************** *** S A M P L E *** *********************************************** Frames Example: Top, Bottom, Left & Right Sides. A Frame HTML file organizes the screen into framed areas. Each of these areas use other html files to fill them. The example below used four html files to fill top, bottom, and both sides of the page. Required Files: 1. WebPage-PhotoSampler-Green-2Columns.html 2. WebPage-WebSiteMap-SideFrame.html 3. WebPage-PhotoSampler-Black-1Column.html 4. WebSiteFrame-BottomLinks.html SamplePage-Frames-TopSidesBottom.html ============================================================== 25. Forms *************** * IMPORTANT * *************** For functional forms, you'll have to run a CGI (Common Gateway Interface) script. The HTML just creates the appearance of a form. Most Web hosting providers make some simple CGI scripts (programs) available to their customers. For example, one common type of script grabs form data, extracts the field names and values, and sends them to an email address you specify. ------------- There are sites on the Net that can supply you with CGI script programs. The service provider of your site will want to view the program before you use it. They will usually put the program in a special directory called cgi-bin. ------------- Free CGI sites: comp.infosystems.www.authoring.cgi. ------------- A form is simply the Webpage equivalent of a dialog box. Form Examples Website: From the book, "The Idiot's Guide to Creating Web Pages" http;// Why use a form? Answer: Collect information, Guest books, receive messages & comments.
            Creates all forms Creates a scrolling menu. Size sets the number of menu items visible before you need to scroll.
            Centered Links: Three Photos With Titles
            1979 1977 1987
            ============================================================== 31. Requires the user to click to hear the sound. Click Here To Play Misirlou Immediately begins to play the sound. ============================================================== 32. Online Help: Online HTML Tutorial Reference Site: I have some notes I've collected (for your eyes only) Ordered Lists: Unordered Lists: Definition Lists: Tables: You should learn about all 4. Tables are *the* most useful thing to know. If you understand tables, you can place items anywhere on a page. Let me know if I can help you with anything else. Krys - October 10, 2002 ============================================================== 33. Graphical Image Cams: (Fish Tank) http://sec.dgsys/AntFarm.html (Steve's Ant Farm) (Wearable Wireless Webcam) (The Tele-Garden) (Adam's Casa) ============================================================== 34. Free Hosting Providers: Who Does It How To Get There Who's Eligible ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Allfaiths Press Religious organizations Beverly Hills Anyone Internet CurBet main/homestead/ Non-profit groups in Virginia Communications Esoteric Source Writers of metaphysical subjects Providers MarketNet Anyone Nitehawk Anyone (up to 200KB of storage) The Student Center Students USA Online Artists & programmers Vive Web Non-profit organizations, schools, community centers Connections ============================================================== 35. HTML Graphics Resources on the Web The Three B's: Buttons, Bars, and Bullets. ********************* * B U L L E T S * Page 176 ********************* Bullets by Jen Celine's Original .GIFs CSC Image Index Page Daniel's Icon Archive Geoff's Images Page HTML-O-Rama Interactive Graphics Renderer (IGR) Yahoo's Icon Index ***************************** * B A C K G R O U N D S * ***************************** Background Archive Background Generator Dr. Zeus' Textures Jay's Personal Collection of Backgrounds Netscape's Background Sampler Yahoo's Background Index ********************* * B A R S * ********************* ============================================================== 36. HTML UseNet Groups (Support and NewsLetter Groups) HTML tips, tricks, and instruction. comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html Creating Net Sites D.J. Quad's Ultimate HTML Site Global HTML Directory HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Yahoo's HTML Index ============================================================== 37. Java (also Java Script, a scaled-down version) Instead of mere documents to read and look at, pages will become programs that you can manipulate and play with. When you access a Java website, your browser gets not only a page containing the usual HTML suspects, but it also receives and runs a program. Java programs are also called "applets." Interactive Game of BreakOut ============================================================== 38. VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) - Page 192 Provides 3-dimensional interactive webpages. Software Plug-ins are required. ============================================================== 39. Netscape Navigator Home Page ============================================================== 40. Download MS-Word Internet Assistant (Page 238) MS-Word Toolbars and Menus change when you open an .html document. or You can get a patch for Word 6.0 from: Download: WORD60A.exe & README.TXT ============================================================== 41. Most Excellent Web Design Resources: Create Flaming Text GIF Animations Assorted HTML Stuff Free Font Downloads Dynamic Mouse Trails Navigational Link Graphics ============================================================== 42. End of File ============================================================== 43.