From: Jim Howell Date: November 18, 2015 Filename: History-RareAndWeirdFactsAboutWorldWarII.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rare And Weird Facts About World War II (Depressing, but sadly true) 1. The first German serviceman killed in the war was killed by the Japanese. 2. Over 100,000 Allied bomber crewmen were killed over Europe. 3. More U.S. servicemen died in the Air Corps then the Marine Corps. 4. Polish Catholic midwife Stanisława Leszczyńska delivered 3,000 babies at the Auschwitz concentration camp during the Holocaust in occupied Poland. 5. In World War II, British soldiers got a ration of three sheets of toilet paper a day. Americans got 22. 6. In 1941, more than three million cars were manufactured in the United States. Only 139 more were made during the entire war. 7. Four of every five German soldiers killed in the war died on the Eastern Front 8. Only 20 percent of the males born in the Soviet Union in 1923 survived the war. 9. In World War II, the youngest serviceman in the United States military was Calvin Graham - age 12. Graham lied about his age when he enlisted in the US Navy. His real age was not discovered until after he was wounded. (Unbelievable) 10. Only one out of every four men serving on U-boats survived. 11. The Siege of Stalingrad resulted in more Russian deaths (military and civilian) than the United States and Britain sustained (combined) in all of World War II. 12. To avoid using the German sounding name 'hamburger' during World War II, Americans used the name 'Liberty Steak.' ----------------------------------------------------------------------