Filename: Words-Mispronounced.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 Words You’ve Been Mispronouncing These Words Your Whole Life 1 Chipotle Definition: A smoked hot chili pepper used especially in Mexican cooking. Wrong: Chip – oat – lay Right: Cheep – oat – lay 2 Cache Definition: A collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place. Wrong: Catch Right: Cash 3 Gyro Definition: A sandwich made with slices of spiced meat cooked on a spit, served with salad in pita bread. Wrong: Juh – eye – roh or gee – roh Right: Yee – roh 4 Ennui Definition: A lack of spirit, enthusiasm, or interest. Wrong: N-U-I Right: On-WEE 5 Espresso Definition: Strong black coffee made by forcing steam through ground coffee beans. Wrong: Ex – press – so Right: Es – press – so 6 Prescription Definition: An instruction written by a medical practitioner that authorizes a patient to be provided a medicine or treatment. Wrong: Pur – scrip – shun Right: Pre – scrip – shun 7 Candidate Definition: A person who applies for a job or is nominated for election. Wrong: Can – uh – date Right: Can – da – date 8 Sherbet Definition: A frozen dessert made with fruit juice added to milk or cream, egg white, or gelatin. Wrong: Sure – burt Right: Sure – bit 9 Sudoku Definition: A puzzle in which players insert the numbers one to nine into a grid. Wrong: Suh – doe – coo Right: Soo – doe – coo 10 Niche Definition: A specialized but profitable corner of the market. Wrong: Nitch Right: Neesh 11 Affluent Definition: Having a great deal of money; wealthy. Wrong: Aff – lue (stress here) – ent Right: Aff (stress here) – lue – ent 12 Kibosh Definition: Put an end to; dispose of decisively. Wrong: Ki – bosh Right: Key – bosh 13 Aηaν Definition: A South American palm tree producing small edible blackish-purple berries. Wrong: Ak – kay Right: Ah – sah – ee 14 Asterisk Definition: A symbol used to mark printed or written text, typically as a reference to an annotation or to stand for omitted matter. Wrong: As – tricks Right: As – ter – isk 15 Wheelbarrow Definition: A small cart with a single wheel. Wrong: Weel – barrel Right: Weel – barrow 16 Quinoa Definition: A grain crop grown primarily for its edible seeds. Wrong: kwin-o-a Right: KEEN-wa 17 Celtic Definition: Of or relating to the Celts or their languages. Wrong: Sell – tick Right: Kell – tick 18 Antarctic Definition: Of or relating to the south polar region or Antarctica. Wrong: Ant – artic Right: Ant – arctic 19 Perspire Definition: Give out sweat through the pores of the skin as the result of heat, physical exertion, or stress. Wrong: Pre – spire Right: Per – spire 20 Chicanery Definition: Trickery, deception by artful subterfuge or sophistry. Wrong: Chick – can – urr – ree Right: Shi-kay-nuh-ree 21 Caramel Definition: A light brown candy made from butter, sugar, and milk or cream Wrong: car-mel Right: kar-ah-mehl 22 Engineer Definition: A person who runs a train Wrong: in-jee-near Right: en·gi·neer 23 Jewelry Definition: Decorative objects (such as rings, necklaces, and earrings) that people wear on their body Wrong: jule-ry Right: jew-el-ry 24 Bruschetta Definition: Thick slices of bread grilled, rubbed with garlic, drizzled with olive oil, often topped with tomatoes and herbs Wrong: broo-shet-ah Right: broo-sket-ah 25 Cavalry Definition: Soldiers mounted on horseback Wrong: cal-vary Right: cav-al-ry 26 Hyperbole Definition: Literary technique of exaggerating for effect. Wrong: hyper-bowl Right: hy-per-ba-lee 27 Raspberry Definition: A soft, red berry that is sweet and juicy Wrong: rasp-berry Right: raz-ber-ee 28 Prostrate Definition: Lying with the front of your body turned toward the ground Wrong: pro-state Right: pros-trate 29 Forte Definition: One's strong point Wrong: for-tay Right: fort 30 Tortillas Definition: A round, thin Mexican bread that is usually eaten hot with a filling of meat, cheese, etc Wrong: tor-tee-laas Right: tohr-tee-yahs 31 Liable Definition: Legally responsible for something Wrong: lie-bull Right: li-a-ble 32 Picture Definition: Visible image, especially one on a flat surface or screen Wrong: pitch-er Right: pic-shur or pic-tchur 33 Lambaste Definition: To criticize (someone or something) very harshly Wrong: lamb – basst Right: lamb – baste 34 Prerogative Definition: A right or privilege Wrong: per–og–uh–tivv Right: pre–rog–uh–tivv 35 Hummus Definition: A soft food made of ground chickpeas, garlic, and oil Wrong: hum-iss Right: hoom-us 36 Specific Definition: Special or particular Wrong: pe-cific Right: spe-cif-ic 37 Heinous Definition: Very bad or evil Wrong: heen-i-us Right: hay-nus 38 Jalapeno Definition: A small green pepper that is very hot and is used especially in Mexican cooking Wrong: ja-la-peh-noh Right: hah-la-peh-nyoh 39 Tenet Definition: A belief or idea that is very important to a group Wrong: ten-en Right: te-net 40 Edamame Definition: Immature green soybeans usually in the pod Wrong: ed-uh-mame Right: eh-dah-mah-meh Now don't you feel a bit smarter? ----------------------------------------------------------------------