(16 Questions)

Instructions Begin Game 1

Family Feud Playing Instructions

Coding by Russ Howell - December 2016


  1. This Game Is Configured To Display Properly On A Screen Resolution Of 1024x768.

  2. Press F11 To Display The Game Full Screen. (Remove The Upper Address Bar)

  3. Press F11 Again To Display The Upper Address Bar.


Change all BLACK answers (previously chosen) back to WHITE.
  1. Display Main Game Board

  2. Click on Upper Menu History Tab and Click on:
        Show All History / Left-Click on History Folder / Choose Delete Option

  3. Go back to the Main Game Board Web Page and Press the F5 Key to Refresh


OBJECT: To have the most points at the end of three games by matching the most popular survey answers.

PLAYING: Players will try to match their answers with the most popular survey answers.
Each round consists of (1) A Face-Off and (2) The Feud.


  1. Each Feud Round begins with a Face-Off as a player from each team tries to take control of the question by giving the most popular answer.

  2. If the player gives the number one answer, the team wins The Face-Off and The Feud Round begins.

  3. If the player gives an answer that is not one of the survey answers responses, or is not the most popular answer, the player on the opposing team gets to answer the question.

  4. If the opposing team’s player gives a more popular answer, that team wins The Face-Off.


The Winner of The Face-Off may play the question or pass the question to the other team.

Question #1:
  1. Players on the controlling team take turns guessing the answer to Question #1.

  2. Players cannot help each other answer the question.

  3. When a player gives an incorrect answer or takes too long to give an answer, it counts as a strike.

Winning the Round:
  1. If the controlling team gives all the remaining answers to Question #1 without getting three strikes, they win 100 points for the round.

  2. If the controlling team gets three strikes before all the remaining answers are guessed, the opposing team takes control and is allowed one guess to try and match any remaining answer. If the opposing team guesses correctly, they then win the 100 points for Question #1. If they don’t guess correctly, the team who originally controlled the question gets the points for the answer revealed on the Scoreboard.

  3. NOTE: If all the answers to the questions have not been revealed, the team who wins the Round only gets the points equal to the answers that were guessed correctly on the Scoreboard.

Question #2:
  • A new member from each team is chosen for The Face-Off and the Emcee reads Question #2 aloud.

  • The game is played the same as in Question #1, but the point value is 200 points.

Question #3:
  • A new member from each team is chosen for The Face-Off and the Emcee reads Question #3 aloud.

  • The game is played the same as in Questions #1 & #2, but the point value is 300 points.

Go To Top Of Page Begin Game 1

Question #1: Name the most expensive thing in your refrigerator. (6)

Meat / Fish (38) Chocolates (2)
Alcohol (30) ------------------------------
Milk (13) ------------------------------
Cheese (7) ------------------------------
Orange Juice (3) ------------------------------

Game 1   X   X   X   Go To Game 2

Question #2: Give me a word or phrase for someone who just won't shut up. (6)

Blabbermouth (25) Gabber / Gabbby (5)
Motormouth (19) ------------------------------
Chatterbox (14) ------------------------------
Big Mouth (6) ------------------------------
Loudmouth (6) ------------------------------

Game 2   X   X   X   Go To Game 3

Question #3: Name something mothers make sick kids drink. (7)

Ginger Ale / Soda (24) Medicine (7)
Water (11) Cod Liver Oil (5)
Juice (11) ------------------------------
Cough Syrup (10) ------------------------------
Soup / Broth (9) ------------------------------

Game 3   X   X   X   Go To Game 4

Question #4: Parents yell at kids to stop doing this. (8)

Fighting / Hitting (34) Picking Nose (6)
Running In The House (16) Jumping On Bed (5)
Yelling (14) Throwing Things (3)
Crying / Whining (12) ------------------------------
Talking / Sassing (6) ------------------------------

Game 4   X   X   X   Go To Game 5

Question #5: Name a word you use instead of "Friend." (7)

Buddy / Bud (39) Homey (4)
Pal (21) Acquaintance (4)
Companion (17) ------------------------------
Associate (15) ------------------------------
Amigo (4) ------------------------------

Game 5   X   X   X   Go To Game 6

Question #6: We asked 100 women ... Name something men think they know more about than women. (7)

Sports (31) Women (5)
Car / Driving (19) Cooking (4)
Sex (15) ------------------------------
Money / Work (7) ------------------------------
Directions (6) ------------------------------

Game 6   X   X   X   Go To Game 7

Question #7: Name something you'd hate to drop if you were holding it. (5)

Glass / Crystal (48) ------------------------------
Baby / Child (28) ------------------------------
Food (20) ------------------------------
Hot Water (3) ------------------------------
Telephone (3) ------------------------------

Game 7   X   X   X   Go To Game 8

Question #8: Name something people love to do on a "Lazy Day." (7)

Sleep In / Nap (53) Go To The Beach (2)
Watch TV / Movies (28) Play Video Games (2)
Read / Good Book (21) ------------------------------
Have A Drink / Beer (3) ------------------------------
Go For A Walk (2) ------------------------------

Game 8   X   X   X   Go To Game 9

Question #9: Name something that would make your life better if you could get rid of it. (7)

Debt / Bills (43) Pets (3)
Weight (22) Boss (2)
Stress (9) ------------------------------
Cigarettes (4) ------------------------------
Illness / Aches (4) ------------------------------

Game 9   X   X   X   Go To Game 10

Question #10: Name the bill you can most easily delay paying. (6)

Phone / Cell (40) Doctor / Dentist (5)
Cable Bill (12) ------------------------------
Electric Bill (9) ------------------------------
Water Bill (8) ------------------------------
Credit Cards (7) ------------------------------

Game 10   X   X   X   Go To Game 11

Question #11: Name a reason a man might never have to worry about being fired. (5)

He's The Boss (54) ------------------------------
Related To Boss (14) ------------------------------
He's Rich (7) ------------------------------
He's A Man (6) ------------------------------
Good Worker (4) ------------------------------

Game 11   X   X   X   Go To Game 12

Question #12: Name something you'd hate to see on the kitchen counter. (7)

Bugs (35) Shoes (5)
Dirty Dishes (11) Left Out Food (4)
Cat / Pet (10) ------------------------------
Mouse / Rat (7) ------------------------------
Crumbs / Spills (6) ------------------------------

Game 12   X   X   X   Go To Game 13

Question #13: Besides babies, tell me someone or something whom you talk baby-talk to. (5)

Pet (62) ------------------------------
Lover / Mate (28) ------------------------------
Older Child (3) ------------------------------
Elderly People (2) ------------------------------
Doll / Teddy Bear (2) ------------------------------

Game 13   X   X   X   Go To Game 14

Question #14: Name something people do right after they get off a wild roller coaster ride. (7)

Throw Up (40) Take A Deep Breath (6)
Get Dizzy (12) Go To The Bathroom (5)
Sit Down (11) ------------------------------
Laugh (9) ------------------------------
Back In Line (7) ------------------------------

Game 14   X   X   X   Go To Game 15

Question #15: Tell me someone who knows how much you make. (8)

Spouse / Lover (56) Friends (3)
Boss / Employer (14) Bank (2)
Parents (12) Children (2)
Siblings (6) ------------------------------
IRS (4) ------------------------------

Game 15   X   X   X   Go To Game 16

Question #16: Besides a greeting card, name another type of "Card." (6)

Credit / Debit (33) Index Card (3)
Playing Card (15) ------------------------------
Business Card (10) ------------------------------
Birthday Card (6) ------------------------------
Sympathy Card (5) ------------------------------

Game 16   X   X   X   Go To
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Compliments of Russ Howell - 2016