16 Questions (TV)

Instructions Begin Game 1

Family Feud Playing Instructions

Coding by Russ Howell - January 2020


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OBJECT: To have the most points at the end of three games by matching the most popular survey answers.

PLAYING: Players will try to match their answers with the most popular survey answers.
Each round consists of (1) A Face-Off and (2) The Feud.


  1. Each Feud Round begins with a Face-Off as a player from each team tries to take control of the question by giving the most popular answer.

  2. If the player gives the number one answer, the team wins The Face-Off and The Feud Round begins.

  3. If the player gives an answer that is not one of the survey answers responses, or is not the most popular answer, the player on the opposing team gets to answer the question.

  4. If the opposing team’s player gives a more popular answer, that team wins The Face-Off.


The Winner of The Face-Off may play the question or pass the question to the other team.

Question #1:
  1. Players on the controlling team take turns guessing the answer to Question #1.

  2. Players cannot help each other answer the question.

  3. When a player gives an incorrect answer or takes too long to give an answer, it counts as a strike.

Winning the Round:
  1. If the controlling team gives all the remaining answers to Question #1 without getting three strikes, they win 100 points for the round.

  2. If the controlling team gets three strikes before all the remaining answers are guessed, the opposing team takes control and is allowed one guess to try and match any remaining answer. If the opposing team guesses correctly, they then win the 100 points for Question #1. If they don’t guess correctly, the team who originally controlled the question gets the points for the answer revealed on the Scoreboard.

  3. NOTE: If all the answers to the questions have not been revealed, the team who wins the Round only gets the points equal to the answers that were guessed correctly on the Scoreboard.

Question #2:
  • A new member from each team is chosen for The Face-Off and the Emcee reads Question #2 aloud.

  • The game is played the same as in Question #1, but the point value is 200 points.

Question #3:
  • A new member from each team is chosen for The Face-Off and the Emcee reads Question #3 aloud.

  • The game is played the same as in Questions #1 & #2, but the point value is 300 points.

Go To Top Of Page Begin Game 1

Question #1: We asked 100 men ... Name something you can do that's a surefire way to make a girl melt. (8)

Jewelry / Diamonds (35) Listen To Her (3)
Flowers (27) Be A Millionaire (2)
Kiss / Make Love (15) Cook Dinner (2)
Sweet Talk (8) ------------------------------
Look At Her (4) ------------------------------

Game 1   X   X   X   Go To Game 2

1. Jewelry / Diamonds 2. Flowers 3. Kiss / Make Love 4. Sweet Talk 5. Look At Her
6. Listen To Her 7. Be A Millionaire 8. Cook Dinner 9. 10.

Question #2: Name something you hear on the News that there's a shortage of. (7)

Oil / Gas (35) Food (6)
Flu Shot / Vaccine (20) Blood (4)
Money (13) ------------------------------
Jobs (6) ------------------------------
Water (6) ------------------------------

Game 2   X   X   X   Go To Game 3

1. Oil / Gas 2. Flu Shot / Vaccine 3. Money 4. Jobs 5. Water
6. Food 7. Blood 8. 9. 10.

Question #3: Name a movie that starred a rodent. (5)

Ratatouille (52) ------------------------------
Stuart Little (20) ------------------------------
An American Tail (12) ------------------------------
Ben (3) ------------------------------
Flushed Away (3) ------------------------------

Game 3   X   X   X   Go To Game 4

1. Ratatouille 2. Stuart Little 3. An American Tail 4. Ben 5. Flushed Away
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Question #4: Name someone you'd seek advice from. (7)

Parent (39) Lawyer (4)
Clergy (16) Sibling (4)
Friend (14) ------------------------------
Spouse (6) ------------------------------
Doctor / Counselor (5) ------------------------------

Game 4   X   X   X   Go To Game 5

1. Parent 2. Clergy 3. Friend 4. Spouse 5. Doctor / Counselor
6. Lawyer 7. Sibling 8. 9. 10.

Question #5: Name something that's very hard to do without a mirror. (7)

Put On MakeUp (41) Contact Lenses (2)
Fix / Cut Hair (33) Get Dressed (2)
Shave (9) ------------------------------
Pluck Eyebrows (5) ------------------------------
Look At Yourself (5) ------------------------------

Game 5   X   X   X   Go To Game 6

1. Put On MakeUp 2. Fix / Cut Hair 3. Shave 4. Pluck Eyebrows 5. Look At Yourself
6. Contact Lenses 7. Get Dressed 8. 9. 10.

Question #6: Name a phrase that starts with "It's All..." (7)

It's All Good () It's All Done ()
It's All Right () It's All Gone ()
It's All Over () ------------------------------
It's All OK () ------------------------------
It's All That () ------------------------------

Game 6   X   X   X   Go To Game 7

1. It's All Good 2. It's All Right 3. It's All Over 4. It's All OK 5. It's All
6. It's All That 7. It's All Done 8. It's All Gone 9. 10.

Question #7: Name something you try to avoid when walking down the street. (7)

Other People (29) Traffic / Cars (9)
Puddles (15) Doogy Doo (7)
Dogs (13) ------------------------------
Cracks / Holes (12) ------------------------------
Tripping / Falling (10) ------------------------------

Game 7   X   X   X   Go To Game 8

1. Other People 2. Puddles 3. Dogs 4. Cracks / Holes 5. Tripping / Falling
6. Traffic / Cars 7. Doggy Doo 8. 9. 10.

Question #8: Name an excuse choldren give to crawl into bed with their parents. (7)

Scared (49) Thunder (4)
Nightmare / Dream (17) Lonely (4)
Monsters (14) ------------------------------
Sick (9) ------------------------------
Can't Sleep (4) ------------------------------

Game 8   X   X   X   Go To Game 9

1. Scared 2. Nightmare / Dream 3. Monsters 4. Sick 5. Can't Sleep
6. Thunder 7. Lonely 8. 9. 10.

Question #9: If you could bring back any deceased singer, for one final song, who would you pick? (8)

Elvis Presley (23) John Denver (5)
Whitney Houston (15) Johnny Cash (5)
Frank Sinatra (10) Kurt Cobain (5)
Michael Jackson (9) ------------------------------
John Lennon (8) ------------------------------

Game 9   X   X   X   Go To Game 10

1. Elvis Presley 2. Whitney Houston 3. Frank Sinatra 4. Michael Jackson 5. John Lennon
6. John Denver 7. Johnny Cash 8. Kurt Cobain 9. 10.

Question #10: If you could have a souvenir from the movie, "The Wizard of Oz," what would you like to have? (5)

Ruby Slippers (61) ------------------------------
Tin Man Outfit (13) ------------------------------
Toto (8) ------------------------------
Lion Outfit (6) ------------------------------
Scarecrow (5) ------------------------------

Game 10   X   X   X   Go To Game 11

1. Ruby Slippers 2. Tin Man Outfit 3. Toto 4. Lion Outfit 5. Scarecrow
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Question #11: What is something you have a hard time geting out of? (5)

Work (16) ------------------------------
Bed (16) ------------------------------
Debt (11) ------------------------------
Tight Clothes (9) ------------------------------
Family Functions (7) ------------------------------

Game 11   X   X   X   Go To Game 12

1. Work 2. Bed 3. Debt 4. Tight Clothes 5. Family Functions
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Question #12: Name a movie with the word "Lost" in the title. (6)

Lost In Space (38) Paradise Lost (6)
The Lost Boys (12) ------------------------------
Raiders Of The Lost Ark (8) ------------------------------
Lost World (8) ------------------------------
Lost Horizon (7) ------------------------------

Game 12   X   X   X   Go To Game 13

1. Lost In Space 2. The Lost Boys 3. Raiders Of The Lost Ark 4. Lost World 5. Lost Horizon
6. Paradise Lost 7. 8. 9. 10.

Question #13: Name something that irritates you when it moves too slowly. (6)

Traffic / Cars (71) Computer / Internet (3)
Long Lines (9) ------------------------------
People (7) ------------------------------
Time / The Clock (5) ------------------------------
Digestive System (3) ------------------------------

Game 13   X   X   X   Go To Game 14

1. Traffic / Cars 2. Long Lines 3. People 4. Time / The Clock 5. Digestive System
6. Computer / Internet 7. 8. 9. 10.

Question #14: Name something people do in their cars while at a red light. (8)

Adjust Radio (27) Eat (7)
Talk / Cell Phone (11) Apply MakeUp (7)
Sing (10) Text (4)
Look In Mirror (9) ------------------------------
Look Around (9) ------------------------------

Game 14   X   X   X   Go To Game 15

1. Adjust Radio 2. Talk / Cell Phone 3. Sing 4. Look In Mirror 5. Look Around
6. Eat 7. Apply MakeUp 8. Text 9. 10.

Question #15:Name a celebrity who has gone postal at least once. (6)

Britney Spears (33) Amy Winehouse (4)
Mel Gibson (12) ------------------------------
Tom Cruise (8) ------------------------------
Russell Crowe (7) ------------------------------
Alec Baldwin (7) ------------------------------

Game 15   X   X   X   Go To Game 16

1. Britney Spears 2. Mel Gibson 3. Tom Cruise 4. Russell Crowe 5. Alec Baldwin
6. Amy Winehouse 7. 8. 9. 10.

Question #16: Name an expression that starts with the world "High." (6)

High Roller (31) High Hopes (5)
High Five (10) ------------------------------
High Blood Pressure (6) ------------------------------
High In The Sky (6) ------------------------------
High Heels (6) ------------------------------

Game 16   X   X   X   Go To
Top Of Page

1. High Roller 2. High Five 3. High Blood Pressure 4. High In The Sky 5. High Heels
6. High Hopes 7. 8. 9. 10.

Compliments of Russ Howell
January 2020