13 Colonies Civil War WW I WW II Military
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In 1606, London Company sent three ships
equipped with 144 men to sail to Virginia
to establish what American settlement?

Category 1 - 100 Points


Category 1 - 100 Points

Many of the colonies were named after what?

Category 1 - 200 Points

The rulers of England including
the Carolinas (for King Charles I),
Virginia (for the Virgin Queen Elizabeth),
and Georgia (for King George II)

Category 1 - 200 Points

What was the motto of the colonists
who were angered with Britain's taxes?

Category 1 - 300 Points

No Taxation Without Representation

Category 1 - 300 Points

What treaty ended
The American Revolutionary War?

Category 1 - 400 Points

The Treaty of Paris
(September 3, 1783)

Category 1 - 400 Points

What was the original name
of New York City?

Category 1 - 500 Points

New Amsterdam
It was part of the Dutch colony
of New Netherland.

Category 1 - 500 Points

The Civil War was fought from 1861-1865
between what two sides?

Category 2 - 100 Points

The American Civil War was fought between
the United States of America
and the Confederate States of America,
a collection of eleven southern states
that left the Union in 1860 and 1861.
The conflict began primarily as a result
of the long-standing disagreement
over the institution of slavery.

Category 2 - 100 Points

Who was President of the United States
during the time of the Civil War?

Category 2 - 200 Points

Abraham Lincoln
was the President of the United States
during the Civil War.

Category 2 - 200 Points

The Civil War began when
Southern troops bombarded what fort?

Category 2 - 300 Points

The Civil War began
when Southern troops bombarded
Fort Sumter, South Carolina.

Category 2 - 300 Points

Where was the bloodiest battle
of the Civil War?

Category 2 - 400 Points

The bloodiest battle of the Civil War
was the Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
(summer of 1863)
fsA three-day battle near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
that left nearly 51,000 men killed,
wounded, or missing in action.

November of 1863, President Lincoln
traveled to the small Pennsylvania town
and delivered the Gettysburg Address.
More than 620,000 men died in the Civil War,
more than any other war in American history.

Category 2 - 400 Points

How many times did the Northern States
amend the Constitution after the Civil War
and before the Southern States
were admitted back into the union?

Category 2 - 500 Points

The Constitution was amended three times
after the Civil War. The amendments are
also known as the "Civil War Amendments."

The 13th Amendment
abolished slavery in the United States

The 14th Amendment
guaranteed that citizens would receive “equal protection under the law.”

The 15th Amendment
granted black men the right to vote.

Category 2 - 500 Points

What cosmetic surgery was invented
because of World War I?

Category 3 - 100 Points

Plastic surgery.

Blood banks were also developed
during World War I.

Category 3 - 100 Points

How many people died in World War I?

Category 3 - 200 Points

More than 15 million people died.
135 countries took part in World War I.

The youngest British soldier in WW1
was just 12 years old.

Category 3 - 200 Points

America joined World War I
after what event?

Category 3 - 300 Points

The Americans joined World War 1
after a German submarine sank
the British passenger ship Lusitania in 1915.

In all, 1,195 passengers,
including 128 Americans,
lost their lives.

Category 3 - 300 Points

What treaty ended World War I
and established the League of Nations
to prevent future wars?

Category 3 - 400 Points

The Treaty of Versailles

Category 3 - 400 Points

Mustard gas was first used in World War I.
What common pet was used to test
gas masks for contamination?

Category 3 - 500 Points

The gas masks were washed and rinsed.
And if the rinsing water killed
a goldfish that was placed in it,
that meant the masks still had poison on them!

Category 3 - 500 Points

What country had the most casualties
during World War II?

Category 4 - 100 Points

The country with the largest number
of WWII casualities was Russia,
with over 21 million.

Eighty percent of Soviet males
born in 1923 didn’t survive WWII.

Category 4 - 100 Points

The Bavarian word that means
“simple minded”
became what World War II term?

Category 4 - 200 Points

The original abbreviation of
the National Socialist Party was Nasos.

The word “Nazi” derives from
a Bavarian word that means
“simple minded”
and was first used as a term of derision
by journalist Konrad Heiden (1901-1966).

Category 4 - 200 Points

The Enola Gay became well known for
dropping the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

What was the name of the B-29
that bombed Nagasaki?

Category 4 - 300 Points

It was Bock’s Car, named after
the plane’s usual commander,
Frederick Bock.

Category 4 - 300 Points

If it became necessary
to drop a third atom bomb on Japan,
what city would have been the target?

Category 4 - 400 Points


Category 4 - 400 Points

Who was Time Magazine’s
"Man of the Year" in 1938?

Category 4 - 500 Points


In the 1928 elections,
less than 3% of Germans
voted for the Nazi party.

Category 4 - 500 Points

What building serves as the headquarters
of the US Department of Defense?

Category 5 - 100 Points

The Pentagon

It is one of the world's largest office buildings,
with 3 times the floor space of the
Empire State Building in New York City.

Built during WWII, the Pentagon has a distinct,
five-sided shape and 17.5 miles of corridors.

Category 5 - 100 Points

General Purpose vehicles used
during World War II
evolved into what brand of car?

Category 5 - 200 Points


The popular civilian vehicle made by Chrysler,
originally began as a vehicle for
the US Military during World War II.
Over 650,000 General Purpose vehicles,
called "GPs" or "Jeeps,"
were produced for military use
for carrying men and supplies
to the Frontline, wounded men to safely,
and even in combat assault.

Category 5 - 200 Points

What percentage (within 10%)
of American families
have a family member
in active military service?

Category 5 - 300 Points

Fewer than 1% of American families
have a family member
in active military service,
and only 22% of US senators
and congressional representatives
have served in the military.

Category 5 - 300 Points

Where is the final resting place
for more than 400,000
US active duty veterans?

Category 5 - 400 Points

Arlington National Cemetery
in Arlington, Virginia

It is also home to
"The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,"
which holds the remains of unidentified
US Military soldiers from World War I,
World War II, and the Korean War.

The Vietnam War tomb has been empty since 1998
when DNA testing identified the unknown remains
as Air Force 1st Lieutenant Michael Joseph Blassie.

Category 5 - 400 Points

What did Norvell Gillespie,
the Garden Editor
of Better Homes and Gardens,
design for U.S. service uniforms
in World War II?

Category 5 - 500 Points


Norvell Gillespie designed
the camouflage print
for U.S. service uniforms
in World War II.

Category 5 - 500 Points