
How To Develop A Web Site

  1. Introduction To WebSites

  2. 7 Steps To Creating A WebSite

  3. Create A Graphical Overview Of Your WebSite

  4. Web Hosting Services

  5. Graphics - File Formats: BMP-JPG-GIF

  6. HTML Online Book


Introduction To WebSites

There are many reasons to create a Web Site:
  1. Share Personal Information about: family, pets, vacations, hobbies, job resume.

  2. Share Knowledge

  3. Entertain Readers: Display jokes, humorous stories, sports teams, celebrities.

  4. Promote Interests about an organization or club.

  5. Provide Information about products, services and interesting news.

  6. Job Listings

  7. Shopping

  8. Provide Contact Information

7 Steps To Creating A WebSite

  1. Plan Your Web Site
    Decide what you want to accomplish with your Web Site.
    Decide on a main topic or theme for your Web Site
    and then determine the type of information you want to include.

  2. Gather Information
    Collect the information you want to include on your Web Site,
    such as text, images, diagrams and contact numbers.
    Make sure the information you gather directly relates to the main topic
    or theme you chose for your Web Site.

  3. Organize Information
    Divide the information you gathered into sections.
    Each section should be displayed on a separate Web page.
    Each Web page should discuss a different concept or idea
    and should contain enough information to fill a single screen.

  4. Enter Text
    Enter the text you want to appear on your Web pages in a text editor
    or word processor. Each Web page should be a separate document.
    You can then add HyperText Markup Language (HTML) tags to the text
    to convert the documents into Web pages.
    (Use: MS-Word, WordPad, NotePad, etc..)

  5. Add Images
    You can add images to enhance the appearance of your Web pages.
    You can create your own images, use a scanner to scan images
    into your computer, buy images at computer stores or find images on the Internet.

  6. Add Links
    You can add links to your Web pages.
    Links are text or images that readers can select to display
    another Web page, another Web site, a specific page location,
    or an individual graphic image.
    Links allow readers to easily move through information of interest.

  7. Publish Web Pages
    When you finish creating your Web pages, you can transfer the pages
    to a computer (server) that makes pages available on the Web.
    You should then test the Web pages to ensure your links work properly
    and your information appears the way you want.
    NOTE: You must name your introduction page "index.html
    All filenames (Pages, Links, Graphics, etc.) are case-sensitive)

Create A Graphical Overview Of Your Web Site


Graphics - File Formats: BMP-JPG-GIF


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Russ Howell Web Designs
5036 South 2200 West - Taylorsville, Utah 84129
Phone: (951) 907-75000 - E-mail:
