A Cat's Happiness Is In His Tail April 2014 Filename: CatsHappinessIsInHisTail.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A Cat's Happiness Is In His Tail Once upon a time there was a young kitten and a very old cat. The old cat was perched upon a table and looked down upon the young kitten chasing his own tail. Finally, curiosity got the best of the old cat and he asked the young kitten why he chased his tail. The young kitten looked up at the old cat, and with great pride, said, "Old cat, I have studied the Truths of the Universe and have discovered that a cat's happiness is in his tail. I want to be happy and so I chase my tail to become happy." The old cat replied, "Young kitten, I too have studied the Truths of the Universe and agree that a cat's happiness is in his tail. But I have also discovered that if I chase my tail, it always eludes me. If I go on my way, my tail is sure to follow me." May Happiness Follow You Always.... ----------------------------------------------------------------------