What Is Art? Filename: Definition-WhatIsArt.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What Is Art? I was invited to attend the Perth International Arts Festival in Australia (2016) to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the World's Oldest Existing Public Skate Park. As an athlete, I was confused as to why an Arts Festival would include Sport. In an attempt to understand the invitation, I searched for a clear definition of "Art". Scott Freel, my wife's brother, shared the following description of Art. "Art is not a talent, it is a feeling. Anytime we share our feelings with others, we offer a portrait of the contents of our own heart." People share their feelings in many different ways. Some may speak, paint, create a sculpture, dance, sing, or physically express themselves in a sport. These are all valid expressions of individual art. Anyone who holds onto the belief that all these forms of expression are not "Art", limits the boundaries and potential of Art. Allowing only a few forms of artistic expression is pluralistic. Plurality, promotes separation, not understanding and respect. The purpose of Art is to share our feelings, promote understanding and respect, encourage, uplift, and inspire others. What medium will you choose to paint and share the tapestry of your life? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- E-mail to Warren Selles - Novemer 4, 2018 @ 2pm I was invited to attend the Perth International Arts Festival in Australia (2016) to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the World's Oldest Existing Public Skate Park. As an athlete, I was confused as to why an Arts Festival would include Sport. In an attempt to understand the invitation, I searched for a clear definition of "Art". Scott Freel, my wife's brother, shared the following description of Art. "Art is not a talent, it is a feeling. Anytime we share our feelings with others, we offer a portrait of the contents of our own heart." People share their feelings in many different ways. Some may speak, paint, create a sculpture, dance, sing, or physically express themselves in a sport. You have clearly found many ways to paint and share the tapestry of your life? ----------------------------------------------------------------------