"Creating Web Pages With HTML - Simplified"
Chapters 1-3: Pages 2-45

Introduction To The Internet

IDG's 3-D Visual Series

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Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Introduction To The Internet
What The Internet Offers
Introduction To The Web

Chapter 1
	4  Introduction To The Internet
» History of the Internet
In the late 1960's the U.S. Defense Department began the Internet as a military research project. The government created a network that covered a large geographic area and that could withstand a nuclear attack. If part of the network failed, information could find a new route around the disabled computers. The network quickly grew to include scientists and researchers across the country and eventually included schools, businesses, organizations and individuals around the world.

» Structure of the Internet
The Internet consists of thousands of connected networks around the world. A network is a collection of computers that are connected to share information. Each government agency, company and organization on the Internet is responsible for maintaining its own network on the Internet.

	5  What The Internet Offers
» Electronic Mail
Electronic mail (e-Mail) is the most popular feature on the Internet. You can exchange electronic mail with people around the world, including friends, family members, colleagues, customers and even people you meet on the Internet. Electronic mail is fast, easy, inexpensive and saves paper.

» Information & Entertainment
The Internet gives you access to information on every subject imaginable. You can review newspapers, magazines, academic papers, government documents, television show transcripts, famous speeches, recipes, job listings and airline schedules. You can also paly games, watch videos, listen to music and chat with people around the world.

» OnLine Shopping
You can order products on the Internet without leaving your home. You can purchase items such as books, computer programs, flowers, music CD's, pizza, stocks and used cars.

» Discussion Groups
You can join discussion groups to meet people with similar interests around the world. You can ask questions and discuss issues on topics such as food, pets, music, politics and sports. Usenet newsgroups are the most popular discussion groups on teh Internet. You can also find discussion groups on many Web sites.

	6  Introduction To The Web
The World Wide Web is part of the Internet and consists of a huge collection of documents stored on computers around the world. A Web page is a document on the Web. Web pages can include text, images, sound and video. A Web server is a computer that stores Web pages and makes the pages available on the Web for other people to view. URL: Each Web page has a unique address, called a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). You can instantly display any Web page if you know its URL. Web Site: A Web site is a collectioon of Web pages maintained by a college, university, government agency, company, organization or individual.

» Hyper-Links
Web pages contain hyperlinks. Hyperlinks are highlighted text or images on a Web page that connect to other pages on the Web. You can select a hyperlink to display a Web page located on the same computer or on a computer across the city, country or world. Hyperlinks allow you to easily navigate through a vast amount of information by jumping from one Web page to another. Hyperlinks are also knows as links.

» Web Browsers
A Web browser is a program that allows you to view and explore information on the Web.
  1. Microsoft Internet Explorer
  2. Netscape Navigator
» Types of Connections
  1. Modem: Most people use a modem to connect to the Internet through a regular telephone line. A modem with a speed of 56 KBPS is recommended for browsing the Web.

  2. ISDN: An Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) line is a digital phone line offered by telephone companies in most cities. An ISDN line can transfer information at speeds from 56 Kbps to 128 Kbps.

  3. Cable Modem: A cable modem allows you to connect to the Internet with the same cable that attaches to a television set. A cable modem can transfer information at a speed of up to 3,000 Kbps.

  4. DSL: Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) is a service offered by telephone companies in many cities. DSL can transfer information at speeds from 1,000 Kbps to 6,000 Kbps.
» How To Connect
  1. Internet Service Provider: An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company that offers access to the Internet. Most ISP's offer a certain number of hours on the Internet each month for a set fee. Some ISP's offer unlimited access to the Internet for a set fee.
  2. Commercial Online Service: A commercial online service is a company that offers access to the Internet and provides well-organized information and services such as daily news, weather reports, encyclopedias and chat rooms. Popular online services include America Online and The Microsoft Network.
  3. University or Company: Many universities, colleges and companies often provide students, teachers and employess with free access to the Internet.

Table of Contents
Chapter 2
Reasons For Creating A WebPage
Steps To Creating A Web Page
Introduction To HTML

Chapter 2
	12  Reasons For Creating A WebPage
  1. Share Personal Information about: family, pets, vacations, hobbies, job resume.

  2. Share Knowledge

  3. Entertain Readers: Display jokes, humorous stories, sports teams, celebrities.

  4. Promote Interests about an organization or club.

  5. Provide Information about products, services and interesting news.

  6. Job Listings

  7. Shopping

  8. Contact Information

	22  Steps To Creating A Web Page
» 1. Plan Your Web Pages
Decide what you want to accomplish with your Web pages. Decide on a main topic or theme for your Web pages and then determine the type of information you want to include.

» 2. Gather Information
Collect the information you want to include on your Web pages, such as text, images, diagrams and contact numbers. Make sure the information you gather directly relates to the main topic or theme you chose for your Web pages.

» 3. Organize Information
Divide the information you gathered into sections. Each section should be a separate Web page. Each Web page should discuss a different concept or idea and should contain enough information to fill a single screen.

» 4. Enter Text
Enter the text you want to appear on your Web pages in a text editor or word processor. Each Web page should be a separate document. You can then add HyperText Markup Language (HTML) tags to the text to convert the documents into Web pages.

» 5. Add Images
You can add images to enhance the appearance of your Web pages. You can create your own images, use a scanner to scan images into your computer, buy images at computer stores or find images on the Internet.

» 6. Add Links
You can add links to your Web pages. Links are text or images that readers can select to display other pages on the Web. Links allow readers to easily move through information of interest.

» 7. Publish Web Pages
When you finish creating your Web pages, you can transfer the pages to a computer that makes pages available on the Web. You should then test the Web pages to ensure your links work properly and your information appears the way you want.

	22  Introduction To HTML
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a computer language used to create Web pages.

» HTML Documents
Web pages are HTML documents. An HTML document consists of text and special instructions, called tags. HTML documents have the .html or .htm extension (example: index.html).

» HTML Advantages
An HTML document can be displayed on any type of computer, such as a Macintosh or IBM-compatible computer. This means that you do not have to create different HTML documents for different types of computers. Since HTML documents contain only text, they transfer quickly over the Web.

» HTML Versions
There are several versions of HTML. Each version offers new features to give people more control when creating Web pages. HTML version 4.0 is the latest version of HTML.

» Tags
Each tag gives a specific instruction and is surrounded by angle brackets < >. Most tags have an opening tag and a closing tag that affect the text between the tags. The closing tag has a forward slash (/). Some tags have only an opening tag.

» Attributes
Some tags have attributes that offer options for the tag. For example, the <Font> tag has a Color attribute that lets you change the color of text.

» Web Page Structure
Tags tell a Web browser about the structure of a Web page, but do not specifically define how to display the Web page. Each Web browser may interpret HTML tags differently, so a Web page may not look the same when displayed in different Web browsers.

» View HTML Tags
When you find a Web page that you like you can use your Web browser to view the HTML tags the author used to create the Web page. This is a great way to get ideas for creating your own Web pages.

Table of Contents
Chapter 3
Set Up A Web Page
Displaying Web Pages
Common Tags
Special Characters

Chapter 3
	36  Set Up A Web Page
  1. Start the word processor or text editor you will use to create a Web page. WordPad or NotePad will work.

  2. Type the text you want to appear on the Web page. Do not format the text. You must use HTML tags to format the text.

  3. Check the Web page for spelling and grammar errors.

  4. Save the Web page.

  5. Type a name for the Web page. Make sure you add the .html or .htm extension to the Web page name. Note: A Web page name can contain letters and numbers, but no spaces. The main Web page is usually named index.html.

  6. You need to identify a document as a Web page. Type HTML before all the text on the Web Page.

  7. Type HTML after all the text on the Web page.

  8. Type <Head> directly before the <HTML> tag.

  9. Press Enter twice and type </Head>

  10. You must give a Web page a title that describes its contents.
    The title usually appears in the title bar of the a Web browser window. Type <Title> directly below the <Head> tag.

  11. Type the title of the Web page, using only letters and numbers
    (A to Z and 0 to 9).

  12. You must place Body tags around the contents of a Web page. Type <Body> directly below the <Head> tag.

  13. Type </Body> directly above the </HTML> tag.

	32  Displaying Web Pages
» See How Your Web Page Will Appear On The Web.    Use A Web Browser
  1. Start the Web browser you want to use to display your Web page. You can use Microsoft Internet Explorer.

  2. To open your Web page in the Web browser, click File.

  3. Click Open.

  4. Click Browse to locate the Web page on your computer.

  5. Click the Web page you want to open.

  6. Click Open.

  7. Click OK in the Open dialog box.
    If you later make changes to the Web page, you can display the updated page in the Web browser. Press the Refresh button or press F5.

	36 Common Tags
  1. Start a new paragraph.
    Use the <P> </P> tags to specify a new paragraph.

  2. Start a new line.
    Use the <BR> tag to start a new line.

  3. Center text.
    Use the <Center> </Center> tags to center text.

  4. Add a heading.
    Use the <H?> </H?> tags to create a heading.
    Replace the ? with a number bewtween 1 (large) and 6 (small).

  5. Center a heading.
    Use the <H? Align=?> tag to align a heading.
    Replace the Align=? with either: left, center, or right.

  6. Use Pre-formatted text.
    Use the <Pre> </Pre> tags to retain the spacing of the text you type.
    Note: A Web browser usually ignores blank lines and extra spaces you add when typing the text for your Web page.

  7. Add a comment.
    Use the <!--- Comment Goes Here ---> tags to add a comment.
    This comment will not be displayed by the Web browser.

	45  Special Characters
        Place &# In Front Of Each Number To Produce The Character. 
	»   -   187		²   -   178		ä   -   228
	"   -    34		³   -   179		è   -   232
	&   -    38		¶   -   182		é   -   233
	<   -    60		·   -   183		ê   -   234
	>   -    62		¹   -   185		ë   -   235
	¡   -   161		º   -   186		ò   -   242
	¢   -   162		»   -   187		ó   -   243
	£   -   163		¼   -   188		ô   -   244
	¤   -   164		½   -   189		õ   -   245
	©   -   169		¾   -   190		ö   -   246
	«   -   171		à   -   224		÷   -   247
	®   -   174		á   -   225		ø   -   248
	°   -   176		â   -   226		ù   -   249
	±   -   177		ã   -   227		ú   -   250