Be A Warrior For Your Life Russ Howell Filename: Inspiration-BeAWarriorForYourLife-RussHowell.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- By request, I hope this is easier to read. Be A Warrior For Your Life We were born into a world without limitations. Our youth led us into new adventures. Each trial filled with excitement and another story to tell, We forged eagerly onward to write our next chapter. The price which we purchased our experiences Was sometimes paid with the currency of pain. Chasing our youthful passions seemed worth the price And we rarely complained when payment came due. The addition of years gave new temptations To not follow our passions and pay the price. We became greedy to hold onto what we had And lost the opportunity for what might have been. Our deepest regrets transitioned from what we had done, To what we never dared because of fear of failing. Our passions began to whither within us And our diminishing light invited darkness to come. Raise your shield against the coming of darkness Never lose sight of why the Gift of Life was given. Strive to preserve the pursuits of your passions. And fight hard to free the Life that screams within. The temptation to surrender can be strong. Logic would argue that inviting further pain is foolish. Be brave and stand to face the threat of darkness. Be a warrior for the light that shines within you. Russ Howell ----------------------------------------------------------------------