Filename: Friends-Speech-ThreeMirrors.txt ====================================================================== Dennis Prager wrote an exhaustive study of the book of Genesis. He offers a theory of "Three Mirrors" to find out who we are. Life's Three Mirrors If we want to see our face and body, we look into a mirror. That is the first mirror. But what if we want to see our mind or our character? Are there mirrors for those? It turns out there are. The second mirror is the mirror of our mind. It is our writing. If you want to see your physical reflection, look at a mirror; if you want to see your mind, look at your writing. You will then be looking at a reflection of what is in your mind. And if your writing is not clear, it is most likely because your thinking is not clear. Now, what if you want to see your character? What mirror is there for character? The third mirror -- the mirror of our character -- is the people we attract into our lives. Good people attract good people; bad people do not. Of course, even good people will occasionally be fooled and bring bad people into their lives. But those who find they repeatedly attract people who cause them grief and who rarely attract quality people would do well to asses their character. If you assess your friends honestly and conclude they are good people, you are probably a good person. That's one of the main reasons they are in your life. Our friends who surround us largely depends on who we are. The positive uses of our speech and actions are being helpful, encouraging, inspiring, caring, uplifting and loving. If we choose to constantly darken the paths of other people, our ability to attract good friends will be greatly diminished. Luke 6:45 A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. Chinese Proverb The one who keeps his tongue may also keep their soul. ======================================================================