Filename: Motivation-Thoughts-Love-Decision-Committment-Results.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Billy Graham: "Whatever you love most in life will become your god." Paraphrased: Whatever you love most in life will control your decisions. Russ Howell: Our priorities are best shown by our actions and we mimick what we love most. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can always tell the level of your commitment by the results of your actions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. PLANT THE SEED AND HARVEST THE CROP Plant the attitude, and harvest the act. Plant the act, and harvest the habit. Plant the habit, and harvest the reputation. Plant the reputation, and harvest the character. Plant the character, and harvest the destiny. Taken from Dr. Shullman - Hour of Power TV Show Nov. 3, 1985 ---------- 2. WATCH WHAT YOU DO Watch your thoughts - they become your words. Watch your words - they become your actions. Watch your actions - they become your habits. Watch your habits - they become your reputation. Watch your reputation - it becomes your character. Watch your character - it will become your destiny. Think, Say, Do According To Where You Want To Go In Life! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill Ferguson "You magnify whatever you resist." The Law of Resistance One of the most powerful ways that we create in our lives is by resisting. When you resist, you magnify and give power to whatever you are resisting. ----------------------------------------------------------------------