---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- How To Submit Names To The Featured Skaters WebPage SkateBoarders who have served the sport and contributed to others may be added to this Web Page. The following information is required: 1. Name 2. Location: City, State, Country 3. Age (if applicable) 4. Contributions to Skateboarding 5. Competitive History 6. Optional: E-mail Address 7. Optional: Web Site Address 8. Photos (Suggested Resolution: No Larger Than 800x600) There are many SkateBoarders around the world who have elevated the Sport of Skateboarding. The purpose of this Web Page is to recognize those skaters who have unselfishly served the sport and uplifted others. Thank you for your service to SkateBoarding! Skate Forever and Serve the Sport! Russ Howell E-mail: russwebdesigns@yahoo.com Web Site: http://www.skatewhat.com/russhowell/index.html Featured SkateBoarders Web Page: http://www.skatewhat.com/russhowell/WebPage-FeaturedSkaters.html Filename: WebPage-FeaturedSkaters-HowToSubmitNames.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------