Mormons Do Not Trust The Bible
Orson Pratt said:
- (8) "The Bible is not the word of God, but the word of uninspired translators."
- "Who knows that even one verse of the whole Bible has escaped pollution?"
Source of Truth?
- What Mormons believe will not be determined by what the Bible says.
- Their doctrine is dictated to them from the Church Office Building in Salt Lake City.
- The Bible must be the only rule for faith and doctrine.
- Former revelation always judges latter revelation!
- Joseph Smith is judged by the Bible, not vice versa.
God Does Not Change
- Because God doesn't change His mind, former revelation judges latter revelation, assuming the former revelation has been accurately preserved.
If The Bible Is Proved To Be True?
- Two Options Remain for the Mormon:
- He can choose to change his belief system to line up with the Bible, or
- He can choose to continue to adhere to a faith he no longer believes.
Proof For The Preservation Of The Bible
- First is the futility of God giving Scripture if He knew it would be lost. It is logically inconsistent to think that the Creator could set out to give us Scripture and then be foiled in His attempt by the foibles of men.
- Second is the vindication of the Old Testament by Christ. Jesus quoted from it copiously.
Textual Critics Agree
- Textual critics, whether they are Christian, Jew, Muslim, agnostic, or atheist, are in agreement regarding the miraculous preservation of the biblical text.
The Original & The Copies
- Paul suggested that copies of his letters be passed around through the churches.
- Scientists have access to thousands of these ancient manuscript fragments, which were found in various parts of the world: Africa, Asia, Europe...
- If the copies are in strict agreement, the textual critic knows, with a high degree of confidence, what the original said.
The Bible Is Certain
- One leading critic, Sir Frederic Kenyon, has said, "It cannot be too strongly asserted that in substance the text of the Bible is certain."
- Dr. Richard Anderson, a BYU professor, says Kenyon is right! That all the ancient manuscripts agree in 99% of the Bible verses.
Biblical Preservation
- God preserved His Word through the same agency He used to deliver it--men.
- (9) Joseph Smith was fond of saying that it was not unusual for "some old Jew" to change Scripture as he copied it.
- Their eighth Article of Faith states: "We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.
Notice, there is no qualification on the translation of the Book of Mormon, only on the Bible. - PDF Article
- The Old Testament scribes and scholars, Talmudists, believed it was their sacred duty to preserve the Scripture exactly.
Talmudists Adhered To The Following Regulations
- The scrolls had to be written on the skins of ceremonially clean animals.
- No word or mark could be written from memory; the scribe had to look at each word before he wrote it.
- Between each letter was the space of a hair's breadth or thread.
- Many more regulations had to be followed.
The Masoretes
- During the four hundred years from 500 A.D. to 900 A.D., a group of Jews called the Masoretes accepted the job of standardizing the Hebrew text.
- The Masoretic Text is so reliable that virtually every modern translation -- in all languages -- relies exclusively upon it.
- Their accomplishment was verified by the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947.
The Word Of God
- The Word of God is the objective yardstick by which Latter-Day Saints may measure Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, and Mormon doctrine.
Differences In Verse - Which Verse Is Correct?
- Isaiah 2:9 (KJV) - And the mean man boweth down, and the great man humbleth himself: therefore forgive them not.
- II Nephi 12:9 - And the mean man "boweth not down, and the great man humbleth himself not, therefore, forgive him not." (Page 81)
Taken Out Of Context
- Isaiah was not talking about men who will not bow down to God; on the contrary, he was talking about men who do bow down to idols!
- God is saying, in this passage, "both small and great men are bowing down to idols and I won't forgive them for it."
A Burning In The Bosom
- This expression is taken from Doctrine and Covenants, Section 9, verses 8-9, which is a prophecy given through Joseph Smith to Oliver Cowdery during the "translating" of the Book of Mormon.
- God has not said in Scripture that He will give you a burning in the bosom to tell you if something is true.
Truth vs. Experience
- If one allows himself to equate "experience" with truth, he isolates himself from reason and from Scripture.
- Religious truth cannot be documented by "spiritual experience" because the dark side to spiritual power is capable of appearing as light.
Check The Scriptures
- Joseph should have checked the message of the angel against the gospel of Christ:
- Galatians 1:8 - "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!"