"Creating Web Pages With HTML - Simplified"
Chapter 4: Pages 46-63

Change Text Appearance

IDG's 3-D Visual Series

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Bold Or Italicize Text
Strike Out Or Underline Text
Super Or Sub Script
Using Typewriter Text
Change The Font
Change The Font Size
Change The Font Color
Change The Background Color
Create A Block Quote
Create A Ordered List
Create A UnOrdered List
Create A Definition List

	48 Bold or Italicize Text
» You can bold text to emphasize information on your Web page.
  1. Type <B> in front of the text you want to bold.

  2. Type </B> after the text you want to bold.

    Example: BoldFace Text
» You can italicize text to emphasize information on your Web page.
  1. Type <I> in front of the text you want to italicize.

  2. Type </I> after the text you want to italicize.

    Example: Italicize Text

	49 Strike Out Or Underline Text
» You can place a line through text to show changes to information.
  1. Type <Strike> in front of the text you want to strike out.

  2. Type </Strike> after the text you want to strike out.

    Example: Strike Out Text
» You can underline text to emphasize information.
  1. Type <U> in front of the text you want to underline.

  2. Type </U> after the text you want to underline.

    Example: Underline Text

	50 Super Or Sub Script
» You can place text or numbers slightly above the main text on your Web page.
  1. Type <Sup> in front of the text you want to superscript.

  2. Type </Sup> after the text you want to superscript.

    Example: SuperScript Text
» You can place text or numbers slightly below the main text on your Web page.
  1. Type <Sub> in front of the text you want to subscript.

  2. Type </Sub> after the text you want to subscript.

    Example: SubScript Text

	51 Using Typewriter Text
» You can make text on your Web page look like it was produced by a typewriter.
  1. Type <TT> in front of the text you want to display as typewriter text.

  2. Type </TT> after the text you want to display as typewriter text.

    Example: Typewriter Text

	52 Change The Font
» You can change the font of a section of text to customize the appearance of your Web page.
  1. Type <Font Face=" in front of the text you want to change.

  2. Type the name of the font you want to use.

    Note: Instead of typing the name of the font, you can specify a font type
    (serif, sans-serif, monospace).

  3. To specify a second choice, type a comma (,) and then press the Spacebar.
    Then type your second font choice.

  4. Type "> to complete the Font tag.

  5. Type </Font> after the text you want to change.

    Example: Brush Script MT
    Example: Signature
    Example: Serif
    Example: Sans-Serif
    Example: MonoType

	54 Change The Font Size
» You can change the size of text on all of your Web page.
  1. Type <BaseFont Size="?"> before the text on your Web page.

  2. Replace ? with a number from 1 to 7.
    The smallest font size is 1; the largest font size is 7.
» You can change the size of text on part of your Web page.
  1. Type <Font Size="?"> in front of the text you want to change.

  2. Replace ? with a number from 1 to 7.
    The smallest font size is 1; the largest font size is 7.

    Example: Text Size 1
    Example: Text Size 2
    Example: Text Size 3
    Example: Text Size 4
    Example: Text Size 5
    Example: Text Size 6
    Example: Text Size 7

	56 Change The Font Color
» You can change the color of text on all of your Web page.
  • In the <Body> tag, type Text="?"
    replacing ? with the name or code for the color
    you want to use.
» You can change the color of text on part of your Web page.
  1. Type <Font Color="?"> in front of the text
    you want to change. Replace ? with the name or code for the
    color you want to use.

  2. Type </Font> after the text you want to change.

    Example: Text Color Red
    Example: Text Color White
    Example: Text Color Blue

	58 Change The Background Color
» You can change the background color of your Web page.
  • In the <Body> tag, type BGColor="?"
    replacing ? with the name or code for the color you want to use.

    Example: <Body BGColor=Black>
Black Background

	59 Create A Block Quote
» You can create a block quote to separate a section of text from the rest of the text on your Web page.
  1. Type <BlockQuote> before the text you want to display
    as a block quote.

  2. Type </BlockQuote> after the text you want to display
    as a block quote.

    Example: <BlockQuote> Text Goes Here </BlockQuote>
    This text is between the <BlockQuote> and </BlockQuote> tags. The text is indented from both the left and right margins.

	60 Create An Ordered List
» Ordered Lists Are Sequential
  1. Type <OL> before the list.

  2. Type <LI> in front of each item in the list.
    Note: If you want to continue an item in the list on the
    next line without creating a new list item, use the <BR> tag.

  3. Type </OL> after the list.
» Change The Starting Number
  • In the <OL> tag, type Start=? replacing ?
    with the number you want to use to start the list.
» Change The Number Style
  • In the <OL> tag, type Type=? replacing ?
    with the number style you want to use.
Example of an Ordered List:
  1. Apples
  2. Bananas
  3. Oranges

	62 Create A UnOrdered List
» Unordered Lists Are In No Particular Order
  1. Type <UL> before the list.

  2. Type <LI> in front of each item in the list.
    Note: If you want to continue an item in the list on the
    next line without creating a new list item, use the <BR> tag.

  3. Type </OL> after the list.
» Change The Bullet Style
  • In the <UL> tag, type Type=? replacing ?
    with the style you want to use.

    Example: <UL Type=circle>
lower case only
Results Bullet Symbol
discMakes round bullet symbols
circleMakes hollow square symbols
squareMakes solid square symbols
Example of an UnOrdered List:
  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Oranges

	63 Create A Definition List
» You can create a definition list to display terms and their definitions. This type of list is ideal for a glossary.
  1. Type <DL> before the list.

  2. Type <DT> in front of each term in the list.

  3. Type <DD> in front of each definition in the list.

  4. Type </DL> after the list.
Example of a Definition List:
Two Greek works: En=In and Theos=Life
To be enthusiastic is to have life in you.
An ancient Egyptian word meaning "carpet."
Humble yourself before others and provide comfort to their walk.
Not to be confused with lying down and letting people walk all over you.