Spanish Language Flash Cards #1

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Category #1 (1-11) - Spanish Greetings Category #2 (12-17) - Essential Phrases Category #3 (18-25) - Common Phrases
English 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Spanish 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Flash Card 1a
Good morning

Flash Card 1b
Buenos di'as

Flash Card 2a
Good afternoon

Flash Card 2b
Buenas tardes

Flash Card 3a
Good evening

Flash Card 3b
Buenas noches

Flash Card 4a

Flash Card 4b

Flash Card 5a
How are you?
(used with friends or family)

How are you?
(more formal; used with strangers,
more senior persons, etc.)

Flash Card 5b
Co'mo esta's?

Co'mo esta' usted?

Flash Card 6a
How's it going?

Flash Card 6b
Co'mo te va?

Flash Card 7a
What's happening?

Flash Card 7b
Que' pasa?

Flash Card 8a
A little tired.

Flash Card 8b
Un poco cansado
(for men)

Un poco
cansada (for women)

Flash Card 9a
I'm sick.

Flash Card 9b
Estoy enfermo
(for men)

Estoy enferma
(for women)

Flash Card 10a

Flash Card 10b

Flash Card 11a

Flash Card 11b

Flash Card 12a
I'm sorry.

Flash Card 12b
Lo siento.

Flash Card 13a
I love you.

Flash Card 13b
Te amo.

Flash Card 14a
I need help

Flash Card 14b
Necesito ayuda.

Flash Card 15a

Flash Card 15b

Flash Card 16a

Flash Card 16b
Hasta luego

Flash Card 17a
Until we see each other again

Flash Card 17b
Hasta la vista

Flash Card 18a
Good luck!

Flash Card 18b
Buena suerte!

Flash Card 19a
Have fun!

Flash Card 19b

Flash Card 20a
Have a good trip!

Flash Card 20b
Buen viaje!

Flash Card 21a
Enjoy your meal!

Flash Card 21b
Buen provecho!

Flash Card 22a

Flash Card 22b
Bienvenidos! / Bienvenidas!

Flash Card 23a
Happy Birthday!

Merry Christmas!

Happy New Year!

Flash Card 23b
Feliz Cumplean'os!

Feliz Navidad!

Feliz An'o Nuevo!

Flash Card 24a
Excuse me!

No worries!

Flash Card 24b

No se preocupe!

Flash Card 25a

Flash Card 25b