Family Questions
16 Questions (TV)

Instructions Begin Game 1

Family Feud Playing Instructions

Coding by Russ Howell - January 2020


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OBJECT: To have the most points at the end of three games by matching the most popular survey answers.

PLAYING: Players will try to match their answers with the most popular survey answers.
Each round consists of (1) A Face-Off and (2) The Feud.


  1. Each Feud Round begins with a Face-Off as a player from each team tries to take control of the question by giving the most popular answer.

  2. If the player gives the number one answer, the team wins The Face-Off and The Feud Round begins.

  3. If the player gives an answer that is not one of the survey answers responses, or is not the most popular answer, the player on the opposing team gets to answer the question.

  4. If the opposing team’s player gives a more popular answer, that team wins The Face-Off.


The Winner of The Face-Off may play the question or pass the question to the other team.

Question #1:
  1. Players on the controlling team take turns guessing the answer to Question #1.

  2. Players cannot help each other answer the question.

  3. When a player gives an incorrect answer or takes too long to give an answer, it counts as a strike.

Winning the Round:
  1. If the controlling team gives all the remaining answers to Question #1 without getting three strikes, they win 100 points for the round.

  2. If the controlling team gets three strikes before all the remaining answers are guessed, the opposing team takes control and is allowed one guess to try and match any remaining answer. If the opposing team guesses correctly, they then win the 100 points for Question #1. If they don’t guess correctly, the team who originally controlled the question gets the points for the answer revealed on the Scoreboard.

  3. NOTE: If all the answers to the questions have not been revealed, the team who wins the Round only gets the points equal to the answers that were guessed correctly on the Scoreboard.

Question #2:
  • A new member from each team is chosen for The Face-Off and the Emcee reads Question #2 aloud.

  • The game is played the same as in Question #1, but the point value is 200 points.

Question #3:
  • A new member from each team is chosen for The Face-Off and the Emcee reads Question #3 aloud.

  • The game is played the same as in Questions #1 & #2, but the point value is 300 points.

Go To Top Of Page Begin Game 1

Question #1: Name an activity the entire family would enjoy. (5)

Going to the Movies ------------------------------
Eating at a Restaurant ------------------------------
Amusement Park ------------------------------
Going to the Beach ------------------------------
Watching Television ------------------------------

Game 1   X   X   X   Go To Game 2

1. Going to the Movies 2. Eating at a Restaurant 3. Amusement Park 4. Going to the Beach 5. Watching Television
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Question #2: What are the top favorite vacation destinations for the family?

Hawaii ------------------------------
Australia ------------------------------
Bahamas ------------------------------
California ------------------------------
National Parks ------------------------------

Game 2   X   X   X   Go To Game 3

1. Hawaii 2. Australia 3. Bahamas 4. California 5. National Parks
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Question #3: What food items are enjoyed by the most family members? (6)

Hamburgers Turkey / Ham
Candy ------------------------------
Cake / Pie ------------------------------
Steak ------------------------------
Lobster ------------------------------

Game 3   X   X   X   Go To Game 4

1. Hamburgers 2. Candy 3. Cake / Pie 4. Steak 5. Lobster
6. Turkey / Ham 7. 8. 9. 10.

Question #4: Name the "Top Ten" most common Household chores. (10)

Cooking Clean Your Room
Washing Dishes Yard Work
Sweeping Shopping
Laundry Clean Bathroom
Dusting Washing Windows

Game 4   X   X   X   Go To Game 5

1. Cooking 2. Washing Dishes 3. Sweeping 4. Laundry 5. Dusting
6. Clean Your Room 7. Yard Work 8. Shopping 9. Clean Bathroom 10. Washing Windows

Question #5: What are the most valuable characteristics of a person? (10)

Integrity Humility
Honesty Compassion
Loyalty Reliability
Respectfulness Forgiveness
Responsibility Kindness

Game 5   X   X   X   Go To Game 6

1. Integrity 2. Honesty 3. Loyalty 4. Respectfulness 5. Responsibility
6. Humility 7. Compassion 8. Reliability 9. Forgiveness 10. Kindness

Question #6: What are the main sources for a person's learning? (7)

School Travel
Parents Television
Friends ------------------------------
Books ------------------------------
Experience ------------------------------

Game 6   X   X   X   Go To Game 7

1. School 2. Parents 3. Friends 4. Books 5. Experience
6. Travel 7. Television 8. 9. 10.

Question #7: What are the Top Fears That Hold Us Back In Life? (8)

Failure Being Judged
Uncertainty Getting Hurt
Lonliness Inadequacy
Change ------------------------------
Loss of Freedom ------------------------------

Game 7   X   X   X   Go To Game 8

1. Failure 2. Uncertainty 3. Lonliness 4. Change 5. Loss of Freedom
6. Being Judged 7. Getting Hurt 8. Inadequacy 9. 10.

Question #8: What are the most common causes of High School Dropouts? (8)

Academic Failure Mental Illness
Attendance Drug Use
Disengagement Disabilities
Pregnancy ------------------------------
Financial Difficulties ------------------------------

Game 8   X   X   X   Go To Game 9

1. Academic Failure 2. Attendance 3. Disengagement 4. Pregnancy 5. Financial Difficulties
6. Mental Illness 7. Drug Use 8. Disabilities 9. 10.

Question #9: What do most people consider to be their most valuable possessions? (8)

Home Cell Phone
Car Clothing
Television Character
Computer ------------------------------
Boat ------------------------------

Game 9   X   X   X   Go To Game 10

1. Home 2. Car 3. Television 4. Computer 5. Boat
6. Cell Phone 7. Clothing 8. Character 9. 10.

Question #10: According to the Bible, what are the fruits of a Good Spirit? - Galatians 5:22-23 (9)

Love Goodness
Joy Faithfulness
Peace Gentleness
Forbearance Self-Control
Kindness ------------------------------

Game 10   X   X   X   Go To Game 11

1. Love 2. Joy 3. Peace 4. Forbearance 5. Kindness
6. Goodness 7. Faithfulness 8. Gentleness 9. Self-Control 10.

Question #11: What habit would most people say is not good for them? (7)

Over Eating Laziness
Too Much TV Picking Your Nose
Lack Of Exercise ------------------------------
Biting Fingernails ------------------------------
Eating Candy ------------------------------

Game 11   X   X   X   Go To Game 12

1. Over Eating 2. Too Much TV 3. Lack Of Exercise 4. Biting Fingernails 5. Eating Candy
6. Laziness 7. Picking Your Nose 8. 9. 10.

Question #12: Children were asked to name something they expected other people to do for them? (8)

Provide Shelter Buy Things
Cook Meals Provide Healthcare
Buy Clothing Unconditional Love
Wash Clothes ------------------------------
Clean The House ------------------------------

Game 12   X   X   X   Go To Game 13

1. Provide Shelter 2. Cook Meals 3. Buy Clothing 4. Wash Clothes 5. Clean The House
6. Buy Things 7. Provide Healthcare 8. Unconditional Love 9. 10.

Question #13: Children were asked to name something that adults expected them to do without being asked. (6)

Homework Be Honest
Household Chores ------------------------------
Clean Their Room ------------------------------
Take Out The Trash ------------------------------
Be Polite/Kind ------------------------------

Game 13   X   X   X   Go To Game 14

1. Homework 2. Household Chores 3. Clean Their Room 4. Take Out The Trash 5. Be Polite/Kind
6. Be Honest 7. 8. 9. 10.

Question #14: Children were asked to name something they hoped their parents didn't find out about. (7)

Bad School Grades Unkind Behavior
Bad Friends Hiding Things
Lies They Told ------------------------------
Candy They Ate ------------------------------
Stealing Things ------------------------------

Game 14   X   X   X   Go To Game 15

1. Bad School Grades 2. Bad Friends 3. Lies They Told 4. Candy They Ate 5. Stealing Things
6. Unkind Behavior 7. Hiding Things 8. 9. 10.

Question #15: Name an activity that both children and adults enjoy doing together. (8)

Playing Games Watching Television
Shopping Going To The Movies
Hiking/Walking Vacations
Roasting Marshmallows ------------------------------
Eating ------------------------------

Game 15   X   X   X   Go To Game 16

1. Playing Games 2. Shopping 3. Hiking/Walking 4. Roasting Marshmallows 5. Eating
6. Watching Television 7. Going To The Movies 8. Vacations 9. 10.

Question #16: Can you name the first Ten Books of the Bible? (10)

Geneis Joshua
Exodus Judges
Leviticus Ruth
Numbers 1st Samuel
Deuteronomy 2nd Samuel

Game 16   X   X   X   Go To
Top Of Page

1. Genesis 2. Exodus 3. Leviticus 4. Numbers 5. Deuteronomy
6. Joshua 7. Judges 8. Ruth 9. 1st Samuel 10. 2nd Samuel

Compliments of Russ Howell
January 2020