Skit #3 - "In Jerusalem"

Skit #3 |
"In Jerusalem" |
Filmed: Nov 10 |
Shown: Dec 15 |
Cast: The two wise leaders of the Magi Tribe and the young apprentices
Mr. Magi - Russ (8)
Magi She-la - Shelley (7)
Aunyel - Moses (3) (Karate Kid "Danielson => Aunyel-son" character with headband)
Noahtall - Zeke (3) (The over confident "know it all" tribe member)
Part One
(running in from stage right to Noahtall)
Mr. Magi said to stop the tribe just outside the city gates and wait for them there.
Thank you, Aunyel. I will let the tribe know.
turns to his left as if addressing tribe)
Not much further tribe. We will stop outside the city gates and rest. Let us carry on...
Video stops and intro to "Oompa Loompa" music begins as Magi tribe enter stage. We need something on screen during song (Image of Jerusalem gates??)
Magi tribe Dances to "Following The Star" by Scott Prudence
Dance ends with Magi dancers all sitting down to rest facing the back screen on stage.

Announcement video starts again.
Part Two
(Magi Leaders return from secret meeting with Herod)
Mr. Magi:
So Magi Noahtall was wrong after all; this Jewish King is not in Jerusalem.
Magi She-la:
Nope. And ... did you catch that King Herod said "CHILD"? Go and search for the CHILD so I too can worship him" ... strange.
Mr. Magi:
Yes, yes, very curious. So the Jews are going to be ruled by a child? ... Strange. And was it just me or did Herod seem a little paranoid about the whole situation?
Magi She-la:
Oh quite! Borderline obsessive I'd say and he doesn't really seem like the type to worship anyone else.
Mr. Magi:
True, we need to consider this further, but first we better give the others this news along with the rest of the announcements.
Magi She-la:
They won't be thrilled our journey is not complete, so let's save that one for last.
Mr. Magi:
And Magi Noahtall won't be thrilled he was wrong...
(with a smirk)
Mention that first!
Aunyel runs up to them as they begin to walk towards "tribe"
Uhhh fiiinally -- where have you been?
Magi She-la:
Aaaaawe, did you miss us young Magi?
(She gives him a wink)
Go sit with the tribe - we will tell you all.
Aunyel runs towards camera and sits below out of shot
Mr. Magi:
Sorry to keep you all waiting. We have just returned from a secret meeting with King Herod. He has shared another Jewish prophecy ...
Magi She-la:
But first, the bad news. The Jewish King is NOT in Jerusalem.
Noahtall runs into shot
WHAT? No, it can't be. I calculated ... but the star ... I triple checked. I even --
Mr. Magi:
(Patting Noahtall on the back)
Of course you did, it seems you were mistaken though. It is okay Magi Noahtall - you got us very close. Go sit down. You will understand soon.
Magi She-la:
Before we reveal the prophecy, a few tribal announcments.

They give Adventure Announcements
Magi She-la:
Now, Mr. Magi, please share the prophecy we were told of.
Mr. Magi:
(Unrolls scroll and reads - Scroll Prop)
"But you Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,
Are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;
For out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people, Israel."
Again approaches leaders
Aaawe, Yes, Bethlehem! I KNEW IT! I always said, "If it wasn't Jerusalem, it was Bethlehem!!!"
She-la and Mr. Magi glance at each other, smirk and shake their heads.
(Running into shot)
Soooo close ... we're almost there guys!
(Magi dancers on stage begin to stand and shout throwing up hands and walking off stage complaining ...)
"Almost there?!?"
"That's at least three more days of travel."
"No way, I'm out!"
"Me too, I'm exhausted!"
This is all on video, but dancers will still be on stage and can jump up at end saying these statements.
On pre-recorded video announcement, Aunyel, Noahtall, She-la and Mr. Magi all mimic watching tribe members focusing on different people leaving, reaching out to try to stop them and then waving goodbye.
Mr. Magi:
(Nodding to his three companions)
And then there were four.