"Creating Web Pages With HTML - Simplified"
Chapter 7: Pages 100-113

Create Links

IDG's 3-D Visual Series

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Link To Another Web Page
Link Within A Web Page
Link To To An Image
Create An Email Link
Change Link Colors
Link Considerations

	102 Create A Link To Another Web Page
You can link a word, phrase or image on your Web page to another page on the Web.
» Create A Text Link
  1. Type the text you want readers to select to display another Web page.

  2. Type <A HREF="?"> in front of the text, replacing ? with the address of the Web page you want to display.

  3. Type </A> after the text.
    <A HREF="http://www.prices.html"> Prices</A>
» Create An Image Link
  1. Add the image you want readers to select to display another Web page.

  2. Type <A HREF="?"> in front of the image, replacing ? with the address of the Web page you want to display.

  3. Type </A> after the image.

<A HREF="http://www.prices.html"> <IMG SRC="Photo.gif"> </A>
» Link To A Page On Your Own Web Site
  1. To create a link to a Web page that is stored in the same folder, you can specify just the name of the Web page.

  2. To create a link to a Web page that is stored in a subfolder, you must specify the name of the subfolder and the name of the Web page.
    <A HREF="products/prices.html"> Prices</A>

	104 Create A Link Within A Web Page
You can create a link that will take readers to another area of a long Web page. This lets readers quickly display information of interest.
» Name Web Page Area
  1. Position the cursor in front of the Web page area you want readers to be able to quickly display.

  2. Type <A Name="?"> replacing ? with a name that describes the Web page area. The name you use should contain only letters and numbers.

  3. Type </A> to complete the naming of the Web page area.
    <A Name="AddingLinks"></A>
» Create Link To Web Page Area
  1. Position the cursor in front of the text or image you want readers to select to display the Web page area you named.

  2. Type <A HREF="#?"> replacing ? with the name you specified for the Web page area. in step 2.

  3. Type </A> after the text or image.
<A HREF="#AddingLinks"><IMG SRC="Photo.gif">Adding Links</A>

	106 Create A Link To To An Image
» You can create a link on your Web page that will take readers to an image.
  1. Type the text or add the image you want readers to select to display the linked image.

  2. Type <HREF="?"> in front of the text or image, replacing ? with the location of the linked image on your computer.

  3. Type </A> after the text or image.
<A HREF="Photo-Lg.gif"> <IMG SRC="Photo-Sm.gif"> 90kb</A>
» What should I consider when creating a link to an image?
  • Include the size of the linked image in kilobytes (KB).
    This can help readers determine how long the linked image will take to transfer to their computer.

	108 Create An Email Link
» You can create a link that allows readers to quickly send you an email message.
  1. Type the text or add the image you want readers to select to send you an email message.

  2. Type <A HREF="MailTo:?"> in front of the text or image, replacing ? with the email address of the person you want to receive the messages.

  3. Type </A> after the text or image.
<A HREF="MailTo:russ_howell@hotmail.com"> </A>
» Why Should I Include An Email Link On My Web Page?
  • An email link allows readers to send you questions and provide feedback that can help improve your Web pages. Many companies include a list of email links that allow you to contact employees in different departments.

	110 Change Link Colors
» You can change the color of unvisited and visited links on your Web page. An unvisited link is a link a reader has not previously selected. A visited link is a link a reader has previously selected.
» Change UnVisited Links
  • In the <Body> tag, type Link="?" replacing ? with the name or code for the color you want to use.

  • Note: The Link attribute is still supported by Web browsers, but the use of style sheets is now preferred.
    <Body Link="Red">
» Change Visited Links
  • In the <Body> tag, type VLink="?" replacing ? with the name or code for the color you want to use.

  • Note: The VLink attribute is still supported by Web browsers, but the use of style sheets is now preferred.
    <Body VLink="Blue">
    <Body Link="Red" VLink="Blue">
» What Should I Consider When Changing The Color Of Links?
  1. Make sure you choose different colors for unvisited and visited links. The colors should work well with the background color of your Web page.

  2. The colors you choose for links may not appear the way you expect on some computers. Readers can set their Web browsers to override the colors you choose.

	112 Link Considerations
  1. Be Descriptive
    Make sure the text or image you use for a link clearly indicates where the link will take your readers. Do not use the phrase "Click Here" for a link.

  2. Include Text Links
    If your Web page contains image links, you should provide corresponding text links for your readers. Some readers turn off the display of images to browse the Web more quickly, while others use Web browsers that cannot display images.

  3. Separate Links
    Do not place two text links beside each other on your Web page. When two text links appear side by side, readers may find it difficult to see there are two separate links, as opposed to one long link.

  4. Use Link Menus
    If you plan to include many links on your Web page, your should consider displaying the links in a menu format, like a table of contents in a book.

  5. Check Your Links
    If your Web page contains links to Web pages you did not create, you should verify the links on a regular basis. You will frustrate readers who select a link that no longer contains relevant information or displays an error message.

  6. Notify Readers Of Transfer Time
    Let readers know about any links that will take them to Web pages or images that will take a long time to transfer. This allows readers to decide if they want to select the link.

  7. Use Definition Links
    If your Web page contains technical terms that readers may not understand, you should consider including definition links that will take readers to brief explanations of the terms.

  8. Use Navigational Links
    You should include navigational links on your Web pages to help readers move through your pages. Each Web page should include a link to your home page. You can find images for navigational links at the following sites:
  • http://www.freeimages.com
  • http://www.classic-themes.freeserve.co.uk
  • http://www.iconbazaar.com