America's Godly Heritage
David Barton

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What Motivated Our Founding Fathers

We have the longest standing Constitution at over 200 years.

What sources did our founders use to produce such longevity?

A group of Political Science Professors at the University of Houston Study did a 10-Year Study in an attempt to find the source of motivation for establishing America and the Constitution.

Researchers Isolated 3,154 direct quotes made by the founders. Most were taken directly out of the Bible.

The Founders quoted Baron Charles deMontesquieu most often at 8.3%.

Sir William Blackstone was quoted second at 7.9%.

John Locke was third at 2.9%.

The Bible was quoted directly by the Founders 4 times more often than Montesquieu or Blackstone.

34% of the Founders quotes came directly out of the Bible.

Blackstone's "Commentaries on the Law" were used to settle court cases.

Blackstone's rules were the final word in court.

Charles Finney: Having determined to become a lawyer, he studied Blackstone. Blackstone's books contained not only the law, but also the scriptures upon which those laws were based. Blackstone quoted so much of the Bible that Finney became a Christian through his studies.

The Bible was the foundation for establishment of government:
  1. Isaiah 33:22 - Three Branches of Government
  2. Jeremiah 17:9 - Separation of Powers
  3. Ezra 7:24: Tax Exemption for Churches

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