America's Godly Heritage
David Barton

Website Design by Russ Howell


David Barton
P.O. Box 397, Aledo, Texas 76008
Phone: (817) 441-6044
Video Tape: 60 minutes

"America's Godly Heritage" is a film narrated by David Barton which discusses the original intent of America's Founding Fathers and how that intent has been changed by recent legislation. America's Constitution was written for a religious people, and now the challenge to remove God and religion from our public affairs has threatened the security of our nation.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction (Top of this Page)

  2. State Constitutions Were Founded Upon God

  3. America Is A Christian Nation

  4. Choose Christian Political Leaders

  5. What Motivated Our Founding Fathers?

  6. The Importance of Precedents in Court Cases

  7. The 1st Amendment

  8. Separation of Church and State

  9. What Is Unconstitutional?

  10. The Majority Rule Is Lost

  11. The Effects of the 1962 Court Decision

  12. State Constitutions and Religion

  13. Accountability to God

  14. What Is Religion?

  15. Considerations

  16. Conclusion

  17. Contact Me

  18. MS-Word 11-Page Outline Document

  19. Chart: BirthRates For UnWed Girls

  20. Chart: Violent Behavior

  21. Chart: Sexually Transmitted Diseases

  22. Chart: Educational Achievement

  23. Chart: Family Stability

All writings are copyrighted and may not be copied and/or used without the author's permission.

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