George Washington praying at Valley Forge Our Godly
American Heritage

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Our mission is to re-establish the presence and influence of the Bible into American public schools.


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James Risch
Idaho Lt. Governor
Butch Otter
Governor of Idaho
Idaho Republican Party Christian Law Association
Bible Literacy Project Heritage Foundation Governors' Day Of Prayer Franklin Graham
President of the
Billy Graham
Evangelistic Association
Brad Little
Idaho Lt. Governor
Tom Luna
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Bob Nonini
State Representative
Bart Davis
Idaho Senator
Russell Fulcher
Idaho Senator
Shirley McKague
Idaho Senator
Robert Schaefer
Idaho Representative
Steven Thayn
Idaho Representative
Ron Crane
Idaho State Treasurer
Pete Nielsen
Idaho Representative
Teaching The Bible In Schools
Senator Mike Crapo
November 12, 2013

Bible Literacy Project - A First Amendment Guide

Heritage Fountation
Understanding America Brochures Available
  • How Should Americans Think About Human Rights?
  • Why Is America Exceptional?
  • What Is America's Role In The World?
  • Why Does Sovereignty Matter To America?
  • Why Does Religious Freedom Matter?
  • Why Provide For The Common Defense?
  • How Must America Practice Diplomacy?
  • Why Does Economic Freedom Matter?
  • Who Makes American Foregin Policy?
Brochures are available from Chuck Seldon. Call 208-954-2788

View The Original Letter

February 9, 2012

Dr. Charles Seldon
3077 Bonview Dr.
Boise, Idaho 83712

Dear Dr. Seldon:
This letter is to let you know how much I appreciate the hard work you have done over the last several years. It looks like you are close to attaining your goal of allowing the teachings in the Bible to be a normal and timely subject to be taught in all the schools in Idaho. We are on the same philosophy in this and other matters. Thank you very much for your endurance in getting so far on this very important matter!

Shirley McKague
Senator Shirley McKague
Idaho State Senate
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, Idaho 83720-0081


Download Endorsement Letter

Download Endorsement Letter

Rep. Steven Thayn
Gem and Canyon

5655 Hillview Rd.
HOME (208)365-6614


Education, Health and Welfare,

Commerce and Human resources
House of Representatives
State of Idaho

April 1, 2012

Dr. Charles Seldon
Our Godly American Heritage

Dear: Dr. Seldon

I am writing to let you know how much I appreciate your hard work in letting people know how important the Bible is in our history. The truths taught in the Bible form the basis of Western Civilization for example: God’s command to Adam and Eve to have children and form a strong family unit, the need for each man to work and produce in order to eat, and the importance of respecting another’s life, property, and beliefs.

An understanding of the Bible, its history, and language is valuable in understanding the English language and has a place in the education of our youth.

Keep up the good work!


Rep. Steven Thayn
Idaho House of Representatives
Boise, Idaho   83720

Letter from Idaho Representative Pete Nielsen on Teaching the Bible In Schools

Download The Original Letter - (PDF - 858kb)

Letter from Idaho Senator Mike Crapo on Teaching the Bible In Schools

United We Stand - Divided We Fall

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