By Lynn Curlee
Book Description - Publication Date: April 1, 1999
The fascinating story of how Gutzon Borglum, gifted sculptor and son of immigrants, overcame tremendous obstacles to create the world's most immense stone carving--Mt. Rushmore. Full color.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
By Craig And Katherine Doherty
Editorial Review - Publication Date: December 2001
"Beautifully laid out on 48 informative pages... These books will become favorites of budding historians, architects, engineers, and their parents!"
--Christian Library Journal (December 2001)
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
King Remembered
By Flip Schulke and Penelope Ortner McPhee
Book Description - Publication Date: January 1986
An unforgettable memoir of the courage, hope and vision of Martin Luther King, Jr. Certain to be a leading seller during January, the month of King's birthday.
Editorial Review
From Publishers Weekly
Through an empathetic biography and comprehensive collection of photographs, the authorsSchulke, a photojournalist who covered the '60s civil rights struggles, and McPhee, a writerpay a quiet, moving tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. and his passion for nonviolent social change. This volume chronicles his life, from birth in segregated Atlanta, to education in Boston, to assassination in 1968 in Memphis, where he was supporting striking garbage collectors. It also documents the events that significantly changed Southern societyMontgomery's bus boycott, Birmingham's Project "C," Selma's bloody race riots. The authors judiciously blend King's eloquent words, culled from speeches, with the recollections of his closest associates, such as Ralph Abernathy, Julian Bond, Andrew Young, Jesse Jackson. The result is a readable, intimate portrait. BOMC selection. January
Copyright 1985 Reed Business Information, Inc.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Sacajawea: Guide and Interpreter of Lewis and Clark
By Grace Raymond Hebard
Book Description - Publication Date: March 20, 2002
This remarkable study rescues from undeserved obscurity the name and reputation of Sacajawea — a true Native American heroine. The volume also unravels the tangled threads of her family life and traces the career of her son Baptiste, the "papoose" of the Lewis and Clark expedition. 21 illustrations, including a map. Bibliography. Index. 6 Appendices.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Kingdoms In Conflict
By Charles Colson & Ellen Santilli Vaughn
Book Description - Publication Date: April 10th 2007
How should Christians live their faith in the public arena? Twenty years ago, the first edition of Chuck Colson's Kingdoms in Conflict became a bestseller, a must-read for people interested in politics and the relationship between church and state.
Now, with a passion for truth and moved by the urgency of the times we live in, Colson has written God and Government, re-voicing his powerful and enduring message for our post-9/11 world.
In an era when Christianity is being attacked from every side—books being written charging Christians with being theocrats and trying to impose their views on an unwilling culture—what is the message of the Christian church?
What does the Bible say, and what do we learn from history about the proper relationship between faith and culture?
Appealing to scripture, reason, and history, this book tackles society's most pressing and divisive issues. New stories and examples reflect the realities of today, from the clash with radical Islam to the deep division between 'reds' and 'blues.' In an era of angry finger-pointing, Colson furnishes a unique insider's perspective that can't be pigeonholed as either 'religious right' or 'religious left.' Whatever your political or religious stance, this book will give you a different understanding of Christianity. If you're a Christian, it will help you to both examine and defend your faith. If you've been critical of the new religious right, you'll be shocked at what you learn. Probing both secular and religious values, God and Government critiques each fairly, sides with neither, and offers a hopeful, fair-minded perspective that is sorely needed in today's hyper-charged atmosphere.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
The Big Picture
By Ben Carson
Book Description - Publication Date: October 3, 2000
Dr. Ben Carson is known as the originator of ground-breaking surgical procedures, a doctor who turn impossible hopes into joyous realities. He is known as well as a compassionate humanitarian who reaches beyond corporate boardrooms to touch the lives of inner-city kids. What drives him? The Big Picture. A vision of something truly worth living for, something that calls forth the best of his amazing talents, energy, and focus. In The Big Picture, Dr. Carson shares with you the overarching philosophy that has shaped his life, causing him to rise from failure to far-reaching influence. This book is not about HOW to succeed---it's about WHY to succeed. It's about broadening your perspectives. It's about finding a vision for your own life that can reframe your priorities, energize your efforts, and inspire you to change the world around you.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Take The Risk
By Ben Carson
Book Description - Publication Date: December 25, 2007
No risk, pay the cost. Know risk, reap the rewards. In our risk-avoidance culture, we place a high premium on safety. We insure our vacations. We check crash tests on cars. We extend the warranties on our appliances. But by insulating ourselves from the unknown---the risks of life---we miss the great adventure of living our lives to their full potential. Ben Carson spent his childhood as an at-risk child on the streets of Detroit, and today he takes daily risks in performing complex surgeries on the brain and the spinal cord. Now, offering inspiring personal examples, Dr. Carson invites us to embrace risk in our own lives. From a man whose life dramatically portrays the connection between great risks and greater successes, here are insights that will help you dispel your fear of risk so you can dream big, aim high, move with confidence, and reap rewards you've never imagined. By avoiding risk, are you also avoiding the full potential of your life?
The surgery was as risky as anything Dr. Ben Carson had seen. The Bijani sisters---conjoined twins---shared part of a skull, brain tissue, and crucial blood flow. One or both of them could die during the operation. But the women wanted separate lives. And they were willing to accept the risk to reach the goal, even against the advice of their doctors ... As a child on the dangerous streets of Detroit, and as a surgeon in operating theaters around the world, Dr. Ben Carson has learned all about risk---he faces it on a daily basis. Out of his perilous childhood, a world-class surgeon emerged precisely because of the risks Dr. Carson was willing to take. In his compelling new book, he examines our safety-at-all-costs culture and the meaning of risk and security in our lives. In our 21st-century world, we insulate ourselves with safety. We insure everything from vacations to cell phones. We go on low-cholesterol diets and buy low-risk mutual funds.
But in the end, everyone faces risk, like the Bijani twins did with their brave decision. Even if our choices are not so dramatic or the outcome so heartbreaking, what does it mean if we back away instead of move forward? Have we so muffled our hearts and minds that we fail to reach for all that life can offer us---and all that we can offer life? Take the Risk guides the reader through an examination of risk, including: * A short review of risk-taking in history. * An assessment of the real costs and rewards of risk. * Learning how to assess and accept risks. * Understanding how risk reveals the purpose of your lives.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Gifted Hands, The Ben Carson Story
By Cecil Murphey
Book Description - Publication Date: November 26, 1996
Ben Carson, M.D., works medical miracles. Today, he's one of the most celebrated neurosurgeons in the world.
In Gifted Hands, he tells of his inspiring odyssey from his childhood in inner-city Detroit to his position as director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital at age 33.
Ben Carson is a role model for anyone who attempts the seemingly impossible as he takes you into the operating room where he has saved countless lives.
Filled with fascinating case histories, this is the dramatic and intimate story of Ben Carson's struggle to beat the odds -- and of the faith and genius that make him one of the greatest life-givers of the century.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery That Holds the Secret of America's Future
By Jonathan Cahn
Definition - Harbinger: A person or thing that announces
or signals the approach of another. A forerunner of something.
Book Description - Publication Date: January 3, 2012
Watch a 3-minute Video Summary
Is it possible...
- That there exists an ancient mystery that holds the secret of America s future?
- That this mystery lies behind everything from 9/11 to the collapse of the global economy?
- That ancient harbingers of judgment are now manifesting in America?
- That God is sending America a prophetic message of what is yet to come?
Before its destruction as a nation, ancient Israel received nine harbingers, prophetic omens of warning. The same nine harbingers are now manifesting in America with immediate ramifications for end-time prophecy.
Hidden in an ancient biblical prophecy from Isaiah, the mysteries revealed in The Harbinger are so precise that they foretold recent American events down to the exact days. The revelations are so specific that even the most hardened skeptics will find it hard to dismiss or put down. It sounds like the plot of a Hollywood thriller with one exception... IT'S REAL.
The prophetic mysteries are revealed through an intriguing and engaging narrative the reader will find hard to put down. The Harbinger opens with the appearance of a man burdened with a message he has received from a mysterious figure called The Prophet. The Prophet has given him nine seals, each containing a message about America s future. As he tells of his encounters with The Prophet, from a skyscraper in New York City, to a rural mountaintop, to Capitol Hill, to Ground Zero, the mystery behind each seal is revealed. As the story unfolds, each revelation becomes a piece in a greater puzzle the ramifications of which will even alter the course of world history.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic
By Mark Levin
Book Description - Publication Date: August 13, 2013
Mark R. Levin has made the case, in numerous New York Times bestselling books - Men In Black, Liberty And Tyranny, and Ameritopia - that the principles undergirding our society and governmental system are unraveling. In The Liberty Amendments, he turns to the Founding Fathers and The Constitution itself for guidance in restoring the American Republic.
For a century, the Statists have steadfastly constructed a federal Leviathan, distorting and evading our constitutional system in pursuit of an all-powerful, ubiquitous central government. The result is an ongoing and growing assault on individual liberty, state sovereignty, and the social compact. Levin argues that if we cherish our American heritage, it is time to embrace a constitutional revival.
The delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia and the delegates to each state’s ratification convention foresaw a time when—despite their best efforts to forestall it—the Federal government might breach the Constitution’s limits and begin oppressing the people. Agencies such as the IRS and EPA and programs such as Obamacare demonstrate that the Framers’ fear was prescient. Therefore, the Framers provided two methods for amending the Constitution. The second was intended for our current circumstances—empowering the states to bypass Congress and call a convention for the purpose of amending the Constitution. Levin argues that we, the people, can avoid a perilous outcome by seeking recourse, using the method called for in the Constitution itself.
The Framers adopted ten constitutional amendments, called the Bill of Rights, that would preserve individual rights and state authority. Levin lays forth eleven specific prescriptions for restoring our founding principles, ones that are consistent with the Framers’ design. His proposals—such as term limits for members of Congress and Supreme Court justices and limits on federal taxing and spending—are pure common sense, ideas shared by many. They draw on the wisdom of the Founding Fathers—including James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and numerous lesser-known but crucially important men—in their content and in the method for applying them to the current state of the nation.
Now is the time for the American people to take the first step toward reclaiming what belongs to them. The task is daunting, but it is imperative if we are to be truly free.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Destiny: Let God Use You Like He Made You
By Tony Evans
Book Description - Publication Date: February 1, 2013
Dr. Tony Evans shows readers the importance of discovering their own God-given purpose and helps them discover the reasons why they are here.
God has ordained a custom-designed life for every believer that leads to the expansion of His kingdom. Until people discover the reason why they were uniquely created, they will be empty and frustrated. But a clear understanding of their personal assignment from God brings about their deepest satisfaction, God's greatest glory, and the greatest benefit to others.
Readers will embark on a journey to discover their particular calling--a journey that includes...
- affirming God's plan to give them a unique destiny
- using practical tools to identify their special assignment from God
- growing into the fullness of their destiny
Understanding God's kingdom agenda for the whole world and His singular role for each ambassador leads to a future that is bright with hope.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
God's Unlikely Path To Success: How He Uses Less-Than-Perfect People
By Tony Evans
Book Description - Publication Date: August 1, 2012
When many Christian readers think of the heroes of the Bible, they think about how "good" they were. They forget that....
- Rahab was a harlot.
- Jonah was a rebel.
- Moses was a murderer.
- Sarah was a doubter.
- Peter was an apostate.
- Esther was a diva.
- Samson was a player.
- Jacob was a deceiver.
And yet these eight men and women are among the Bible's greatest heroes.
Dr. Tony Evans uses these prominent Bible characters to illustrate the truth that God delights in using imperfect people who have failed, sinned, or just plain blew it. These are men and women whose actions--or reactions--were not consistent with God's character--and yet God met them and used them in the midst of their mess.
Readers will be encouraged about their own walk with God as they come to understand that He has them, too, on a path to success, despite their many imperfections and mistakes.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
It's Better to Believe: The New Medical Program That Uses Spiritual Motivation to Achieve
By Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper
Book Description - Publication Date:
If you find yourself talking about health and fitness, but never achieving your personal goals, take heart--you're not alone. Research shows that in spite of the current fitness craze, nearly 48 million adults in the United States still lead sedentary lives and about one-third of us are overweight. Dr. Cooper's research and personal experience with lifelong wellness unveil the keys to beginning and maintaining a fitness plan you can literally live with.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
The One Hundred Most Influential Inventors Of All Time
By Robert Curley
Book Description - Publication Date: December 20, 2009
This ambitious series corrals world history's major doers and thinkers whose work challenges and inspires people consistently, or incites change or reform on a large scale. People of many races and nationalities are represented. Careful wording bridges one chronologically arranged article to the next, enhancing the idea that one person's work builds on an earlier individual's accomplishments. The style of writing varies some from article to article. Some pieces are written in an accessible, straightforward style, while others are convoluted. Painters and Sculptors states, for example, that …the complex culture of late Medicean Florence, which was simultaneously infused with the romantic sentiment of courtly love and with the humanist interest for Classical antiquity and its vanished artistic traditions, employed these mythological figures more fully and in more correctly antiquarian fashion. That aside, this series is a goldmine. A few black-and-white illustrations appear throughout.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies
By Michelle Malkin
Book Description - Publication Date: March 13, 2012
Barack Obama’s approval ratings are at an all-time low. A recent Gallup poll found that half of the Americans polled said Obama did not deserve a second term. Weary of the corruption that gushes from the White House faster than a Gulf Coast oil spill, voters are ready to put a cap on smear campaigns, pay-to-play schemes, recess appointments, and Chicago politics.
In the updated paperback edition of her #1 New York Times bestselling book Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies, Michelle Malkin says, “I told you so,” citing a new host of examples of Obama’s broken promises and brass knuckled Chicago way.
Culture of Corruption proves once again this isn’t just any politics. It’s “boodle”-clogged, dissent-squelching, redistributive Chicago politics. The 2010 elections promise to be an anti-corruption referendum for the history books. “After all,” Malkin says “You can’t reform corruptocrats, but you can vote them out.” New revelations in the updated Culture of Corruption:
How Obama has declared war on independent government whistleblowers—with unannounced firings, smear campaigns, and forced silence—when their findings expose his political allies.
How First Lady Michelle Obama’s campaign against childhood obesity is less about reducing our youths’ waistlines and more about swelling SEIU coffers with nearly 400,000 new food service workers.
How, despite the exposure of ACORN’s illegal practices and subsequent defunding, ACORN still remains—and why the Obama White House remains tight-lipped on the future of ACORN.
How Obama is using recess appointments to install politicos when both Democrats and Republicans have torpedoed the nominations.
How the White House is manipulating key races across the country, including endorsing such candidates as Alexi Giannoulias—a mob-linked, scandal-tainted banker from Obama’s hometown.
Powerful, damning, and comprehensive, the paperback edition of Culture of Corruption reveals the ever-growing mountain of sleaze and self-dealing that the Obama administration would rather you not know.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Thomas Paine's Rights of Man:
A Biography (Books That Changed the World)
By Christopher Hitchens

Book Description - Publication Date: November 20, 2012
Thomas Paine was one of the greatest advocates of freedom in history, and his Declaration of the Rights of Man, first published in 1791, is the key to his reputation.
Inspired by his outrage at Edmund Burke’s attack on the French Revolution, Paine’s text is a passionate defense of man’s inalienable rights.
Since its publication, Rights of Man has been celebrated, criticized, maligned, suppressed, and co-opted.
But in Thomas Paine’s Rights of Man, the polemicist and commentator Christopher Hitchens, “at his characteristically incisive best,” marvels at its forethought and revels in its contentiousness (The Times, London).
Hitchens is a political descendant of the great pamphleteer, “a Tom Paine for our troubled times.”
(The Independent, London) In this “engaging account of Paine’s life and times [that is] well worth reading” he demonstrates how Paine’s book forms the philosophical cornerstone of the United States, and how, “in a time when both rights and reason are under attack,” Thomas Paine’s life and writing “will always be part of the arsenal on which we shall need to depend.” (New Statesman)
An Overview of Thomas Paine's "Rights of Man"
Rights of Man (1791), a book by Thomas Paine, including 31 articles, posits that popular political revolution is permissible when a government does not safeguard its people, their natural rights. Using these points as a base it defends the French Revolution against Edmund Burke's attack in Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790)
It was published in two parts in March 1791 and February 1792.
Human rights originate in Nature, thus, rights cannot be granted via political charter, because that implies that rights are legally revocable, hence, would be privileges:
It is a perversion of terms to say that a charter gives rights. It operates by a contrary effect — that of taking rights away. Rights are inherently in all the inhabitants; but charters, by annulling those rights, in the majority, leave the right, by exclusion, in the hands of a few... They... consequently are instruments of injustice ... The fact, therefore, must be that the individuals, themselves, each, in his own personal and sovereign right, entered into a contract with each other to produce a government: and this is the only mode in which governments have a right to arise, and the only principle on which they have a right to exist.
Government's sole purpose is safeguarding the family and their inherent, inalienable rights; each societal institution that does not benefit the nation is illegitimate — especially monarchy and aristocracy. The book's acumen derives from the Age of Enlightenment, especially from the Second Treatise of Government, by John Locke.
Read More About Thomas Paine on Wikipedia
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Do the Right Thing: Inside the Movement That's Bringing Common Sense Back to America
By Mike Huckabee
Book Description - Publication Date: November 18, 2008
When Governor Mike Huckabee entered the Republican presidential race, he was the ultimate dark horse, with almost no money, no consultants, and no name recognition beyond Arkansas. The so-called experts were highly amused by this former small state governor from blue-collar roots who also played bass in a rock band. He wouldn’t have a prayer against the well-connected and financially wired pros like Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, and Fred Thompson.
But Huckabee had one big advantage: a common sense message that connected with millions of people, and not just his fellow evangelical Christians. He spoke about family values, fair taxes, and helping hard-working, middle-class Americans in a tough economy. And to the dismay of some Republicans, he talked about fighting Wall Street greed and K Street corruption.
Huckabee shocked the country by winning the all-important Iowa caucuses and seven other states, while spending far less than the other major candidates. He created an army of passionate volunteers and small donors, transforming his campaign into a true movement that will endure long after Election Day.
Do The Right Thing is Huckabee’s amazing story, in his own words—from making commercials with Chuck Norris to meeting a Michigan woman who insisted on donating her wedding ring. But this is more than just a campaign memoir. It’s a vision for a smarter, fairer type of politics—“vertical politics”—that focuses on common sense solutions for education, health care, the economy, and many other issues. It’s not about right versus left; it’s about taking America up rather than down.
Huckabee also shows how the Republican Party can heal its divisions—between social and fiscal conservatives, the wealthy and the middle class, the religious and the secular—and become a true majority party again.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Think Big: Unleashing Your Potential for Excellence
By Ben Carson
Book Description - Publication Date: November 26, 1996
In this follow-up to his best-selling Gifted Hands, Dr. Ben Carson prescribes his personal formula for success. And who could better advise than a man who has transformed himself from a ghetto kid into the most celebrated pediatric neurosurgeon in the world? With an acrostic, Dr. Carson spells out his philosophy of living: T-Talents/time: Recognize them as gifts. H -Hope for all good things and be honest. I -Insight from people and good books. N -Be nice to all people. K -Knowledge: Recognize it as the key to living. B -Books: Read them actively. I -In-depth learning skills: Develop them. G -God: Never get too big for Him. Think Big emphasizes how to evaluate and respond to problems in order to overcome them and make the most of your inner potential. Written in the tradition of his best-selling autobiography Gifted Hands, Think Big is guaranteed to touch the hearts of readers everywhere.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Theodore and Woodrow: How Two American Presidents Destroyed Constitutional Freedom
By Andrew P. Napolatino
Book Description - Publication Date: November 13, 2012
“Either the Constitution means what it says, or it doesn’t.”
America’s founding fathers saw freedom as a part of our nature to be protected—not to be usurped by the federal government—and so enshrined separation of powers and guarantees of freedom in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. But a little over a hundred years after America’s founding, those God-given rights were laid siege by two presidents caring more about the advancement of progressive, redistributionist ideology than the principles on which America was founded.
Theodore and Woodrow is Judge Andrew P. Napolitano’s shocking historical account of how a Republican and a Democratic president oversaw the greatest shift in power in American history, from a land built on the belief that authority should be left to the individuals and the states to a bloated, far-reaching federal bureaucracy, continuing to grow and consume power each day.
With lessons rooted in history, Judge Napolitano shows the intellectually arrogant, anti-personal freedom, even racist progressive philosophy driving these men to poison the American system of government.
And Americans still pay for their legacy—in the federal income, in state-prescribed compulsory education, in the Federal Reserve, in perpetual wars, and in the constant encroachment of a government that coddles special interests and discourages true competition in the marketplace.
With his attention to detail, deep constitutional knowledge, and unwavering adherence to truth telling, Judge Napolitano moves through the history of these men and their times in office to show how American values and the Constitution were sadly set aside, leaving personal freedom as a shadow of its former self, in the grip of an insidious, Nanny state, progressive ideology.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Spoken From The Heart
By Laura Bush - Autobiography
Book Description - Publication Date: April 10, 2007
In this brave, beautiful, and deeply personal memoir, Laura Bush, one of our most beloved and private first ladies, tells her own extraordinary story.
Born in the boom-and-bust oil town of Midland, Texas, Laura Welch grew up as an only child in a family that lost three babies to miscarriage or infant death. She vividly evokes Midland's brash, rugged culture, her close relationship with her father, and the bonds of early friendships that sustain her to this day. For the first time, in heart-wrenching detail, she writes about the devastating high school car accident that left her friend Mike Douglas dead and about her decades of unspoken grief.
When Laura Welch first left West Texas in 1964, she never imagined that her journey would lead her to the world stage and the White House.
After graduating from Southern Methodist University in 1968, in the thick of student rebellions across the country and at the dawn of the women's movement, she became an elementary school teacher, working in inner-city schools, then trained to be a librarian.
At age thirty, she met George W. Bush, whom she had last passed in the hallway in seventh grade.
Three months later, "the old maid of Midland married Midland's most eligible bachelor."
With rare intimacy and candor, Laura Bush writes about her early married life as she was thrust into one of America's most prominent political families, as well as her deep longing for children and her husband's decision to give up drinking.
By 1993, she found herself in the full glare of the political spotlight.
But just as her husband won the Texas governorship in a stunning upset victory, her father, Harold Welch, was dying in Midland.
In 2001, after one of the closest elections in American history, Laura Bush moved into the White House. Here she captures presidential life in the harrowing days and weeks after 9/11, when fighter-jet cover echoed through the walls and security scares sent the family to an underground shelter. She writes openly about the White House during wartime, the withering and relentless media spotlight, and the transformation of her role as she began to understand the power of the first lady. One of the first U.S. officials to visit war-torn Afghanistan, she also reached out to disease-stricken African nations and tirelessly advocated for women in the Middle East and dissidents in Burma. She championed programs to get kids out of gangs and to stop urban violence. And she was a major force in rebuilding Gulf Coast schools and libraries post-Katrina. Movingly, she writes of her visits with U.S. troops and their loved ones, and of her empathy for and immense gratitude to military families.
With deft humor and a sharp eye, Laura Bush lifts the curtain on what really happens inside the White House, from presidential finances to the 175-year-old tradition of separate bedrooms for presidents and their wives to the antics of some White House guests and even a few members of Congress. She writes with honesty and eloquence about her family, her public triumphs, and her personal tribulations. Laura Bush's compassion, her sense of humor, her grace, and her uncommon willingness to bare her heart make this story revelatory, beautifully rendered, and unlike any other first lady's memoir ever written.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
The Shame And The Sacrifice
By Edwin Robertson
Book Description - Publication Date: September 22, 1988
Author and editor of works on the German Resistance, Robertson here tries to maintain "objectivity" rather than resorting to the "saint's legend" tone of the biography by Bonhoeffer's son-in-law, Eberhard Bethge (Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Harper, 1970).
Yet Robertson clearly admires Bonhoeffer, suggesting that from an early age much of his life was foreshadowed.
The biography sets Bonhoeffer in several life contexts of family, of ecumenical movement, of German resistance, as well as of Lutheran pastor and biblical scholarand leads the reader through Bonhoeffer's struggles to find his true calling in a dark and turbulent time.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide: How to Survive, Thrive, and Prosper During Obamageddon
By Wayne Allen Root
Book Description - Publication Date: April 15, 2013
Build your wealth. Protect your faith and family. Secure your freedom. Don’t just survive Obama...learn how to outsmart his big-government, socialist system and thrive!
Bad times are coming -- how will you protect your family, save enough for retirement, and turn your home into a fortress?
In The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide, Wayne Allyn Root provides the answer. First, he explains step by step what Obama has planned.
Then, Root presents Y-PODS: Your Personal Obama Defense Shields - a detailed 18 point plan to protect your assets, capitalize, and PROSPER as the rest of the country treads water – or drowns! And that’s just the beginning.
Wayne Allyn Root is a passionate Capitalist Evangelist, serial entrepreneur, and small businessman extraordinaire. He knows what it takes to weather any economic storm. You’re going to need Root’s expertise as you and your family tackle the biggest challenge facing Americans today: Barack Obama’s second term in the White House.
Root takes you on a tour of the practical, real-life ways you can fight back and WIN, not just at the ballot box, but in your bank account, retirement account, safety deposit box, on your tax forms, at your church, in your home, your schools, and at your doctor’s office.
The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide also features exclusive advice from 18 superstars of business and finance - millionaires, billionaires, and managers of billion dollar hedge funds, who provide their specific plans for investing in precious metals, real estate, stocks, bonds, ETFs and more.
What one investment decision made in 1913 turned $1,000,000 into $87,000,000?
What investment decision outperformed Warren Buffet by 300% since 2000?
What investment have central bankers around the world bought more of in the past year, than in all the years since 1964 COMBINED?
Root provides the answers – along with detailed advice on the smart investments now, the best places to move to escape Obama’s poisonous taxes, the best way to educate your children, survival advice on how to turn your home into a fortress, how to survive if the economy collapses and unrest threatens your family. If you are worried about what Obama has in store (and you should be) then arm yourself with Root’s step-by-step instructions to protect yourself and your family RIGHT NOW from the Obama invasion of every aspect of your life.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
History Decoded: The 10 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time
By Brad Meltzer
Book Description - Publication Date: October 20, 2013
It’s an irresistible combination: Brad Meltzer, a born storyteller, counting down the world’s most intriguing unsolved mysteries. And to make this richly illustrated book even richer, each chapter invites the reader along for an interactive experience through the addition of removable facsimile documents—the evidence! It’s a treasure trove for conspiracy buffs, a Griffin and Sabine for history lovers.
Adapted from Decoded, Meltzer’s hit show on the HISTORY network, History Decoded explores fascinating, unexplained questions. Is Fort Knox empty? Why was Hitler so intent on capturing the Roman “Spear of Destiny”? What’s the government hiding in Area 51? Where did the Confederacy’s $19 million in gold and silver go at the end of the Civil War? And did Lee Harvey Oswald really act alone? Meltzer sifts through the evidence; weighs competing theories; separates what we know to be true with what’s still—and perhaps forever—unproved or unprovable; and in the end, decodes the mystery, arriving at the most likely solution. Along the way we meet Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Nazi propagandists, and the real DB Cooper.
Bound in at the beginning of each story is a custom-designed envelope—a faux 19th-century leather satchel, a U.S. government classified file—containing facsimiles of relevant evidence: John Wilkes Booth’s alleged unsigned will, a map of the Vatican, Kennedy’s death certificate. The whole is a riveting, interactive adventure through the compelling world of mysteries and conspiracies.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Tim Tebow - Through My Eyes
By Nathan Whitaker
Book Description - Publication Date: January 13, 2012
Former University of Florida star quarterback, 2010 first-round draft pick for the Denver Broncos, and devout Christian Tim Tebow tells the story of his faith, his life, and his career in football in "Through My Eyes."
Written with Nathan Whitaker, the New York Times best selling coauthor of Quiet Strength, with Tony Dungy, "Through My Eyes" gives fans a first look into the heart of an athlete whose talent and devotion have made him one of the most provocative figures in football.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Things That Matter: Three Decades of Passions, Pastimes and Politics
By Charles Krauthammer
Book Description - Publication Date: October 22, 2013
From America’s preeminent columnist, named by the Financial Times the most influential commentator in the nation, the long-awaited collection of Charles Krauthammer’s essential, timeless writings.
A brilliant stylist known for an uncompromising honesty that challenges conventional wisdom at every turn, Krauthammer has for decades dazzled readers with his keen insight into politics and government. His weekly column is a must-read in Washington and across the country. Now, finally, the best of Krauthammer’s intelligence, erudition and wit are collected in one volume.
Readers will find here not only the country’s leading conservative thinker offering a passionate defense of limited government, but also a highly independent mind whose views—on feminism, evolution and the death penalty, for example—defy ideological convention. Things That Matter also features several of Krauthammer’s major path-breaking essays—on bioethics, on Jewish destiny and on America’s role as the world’s superpower—that have profoundly influenced the nation’s thoughts and policies. And finally, the collection presents a trove of always penetrating, often bemused reflections on everything from border collies to Halley’s Comet, from Woody Allen to Winston Churchill, from the punishing pleasures of speed chess to the elegance of the perfectly thrown outfield assist.
With a special, highly autobiographical introduction in which Krauthammer reflects on the events that shaped his career and political philosophy, this indispensible chronicle takes the reader on a fascinating journey through the fashions and follies, the tragedies and triumphs, of the last three decades of American life.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
By Amity Shlaes
Book Description - Publication Date: February 12, 2013
Amity Shlaes, author of The Forgotten Man, delivers a brilliant and provocative reexamination of America’s thirtieth president, Calvin Coolidge, and the decade of unparalleled growth that the nation enjoyed under his leadership.
In this riveting biography, Shlaes traces Coolidge’s improbable rise from a tiny town in New England to a youth so unpopular he was shut out of college fraternities at Amherst College up through Massachusetts politics.
After a divisive period of government excess and corruption, Coolidge restored national trust in Washington and achieved what few other peacetime presidents have:
He left office with a federal budget smaller than the one he inherited.
A man of calm discipline, he lived by example, renting half of a two-family house for his entire political career rather than compromise his political work by taking on debt.
Renowned as a throwback, Coolidge was in fact strikingly modern —- an advocate of women’s suffrage and a radio pioneer.
At once a revision of man and economics, Coolidge gestures to the country we once were and reminds us of qualities we had forgotten and can use today.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
The Gettysburg Gospel
By Gabor Boritt
Book Description - Publication Date: December 29, 2006
The literature of the Gettysburg Address tends to fall into one of two extremes.
At one end are those books that maintain that Lincoln wrote his speech hastily, even on a scrap of paper on the train en route from Washington to Gettysburg.
In this version, Lincoln delivered his remarks to an uncomprehending public, which applauded politely, failing to appreciate his genius.
Many of the books that argue this point of view are out of print today, but the myths and legends live on.
At the other end of the spectrum are those books that argue that Lincoln's remarks were written with great care and that they altered the course of the Civil War, even of the country.
This point of view exalts the Gettysburg Address at the expense of the Emancipation Proclamation, which had been made public eleven months earlier.
Gabor Boritt, a Lincoln and Civil War scholar who teaches at Gettysburg College and lives in an old farmhouse adjacent to the battlefield, says that Lincoln's remarks were written rapidly, though not at the last minute, and they received attention, though not nearly so much attention as the lengthy remarks of the featured speaker, Edward Everett.
But Lincoln's address was largely forgotten for decades afterward.
It had no effect on the Civil War and played no role in American history until the twentieth century.
Boritt narrates the events of November 19, 1863, as well as the events preceding and following the dedication of the soldiers' cemetery, which was the occasion for Lincoln's remarks.
He describes the conditions in Gettysburg in the aftermath of the battle -- the stench of rotting corpses of horses and mules filling the air, wounded soldiers occupying hospitals and houses everywhere, and the damage done to roads and houses that were still being repaired when the cemetery was dedicated.
He describes Lincoln's arrival by train, the cheering crowds that applauded the president that night before the ceremony, and the events of the great day itself, as well as the immediate aftermath of the ceremonies as the town tried to return to its pre-battle life.
Boritt's vivid narrative is filled with colorful, little-known details.
It re-creates the events, but it also assesses the significance of Lincoln's remarks and places them in their proper historical context as no book has before, showing how the remarks that were quickly forgotten took on a new life decades later and became the most famous speech in American history.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
A Conflict of Visions: Ideological Origins of Political Struggles
By Thomas Sowell
Book Description - Publication Date: June 5, 2007
In this classic work, Thomas Sowell analyzes the two competing visions that shape our debates about the nature of reason, justice, equality, and power: the constrained” vision, which sees human nature as unchanging and selfish, and the unconstrained” vision, in which human nature is malleable and perfectible. He describes how these two radically opposed views have manifested themselves in the political controversies of the past two centuries, including such contemporary issues as welfare reform, social justice, and crime. Updated to include sweeping political changes since its first publication in 1987, this revised edition of A Conflict of Visions offers a convincing case that ethical and policy disputes circle around the disparity between both outlooks.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Miracles And Massacres: True and Untold Stories of the Making of America
By Glenn Beck
Book Description - Publication Date: November 19, 2013
Thomas Edison was a bad guy— and bad guys usually lose in the end.
World War II radio host “Tokyo Rose” was branded as a traitor by the U.S. government and served time in prison. In reality, she was a hero to many.
Twenty U.S. soldiers received medals of honor at the Battle of Wounded Knee—yet this wasn’t a battle at all; it was a massacre.
Paul Revere’s midnight ride was nothing compared to the ride made by a guy named Jack whom you’ve probably never heard of.
History is about so much more than memorizing facts. It is, as more than half of the word suggests, about the story. And, told in the right way, it is the greatest one ever written: Good and evil, triumph and tragedy, despicable acts of barbarism and courageous acts of heroism.
The things you’ve never learned about our past will shock you. The reason why gun control is so important to government elites can be found in a story about Athens that no one dares teach. Not the city in ancient Greece, but the one in 1946 Tennessee. The power of an individual who trusts his gut can be found in the story of the man who stopped the twentieth hijacker from being part of 9/11. And a lesson on what happens when an all-powerful president is in need of positive headlines is revealed in a story about eight saboteurs who invaded America during World War II.
Miracles and Massacres is history as you’ve never heard it told. It’s incredible events that you never knew existed. And it’s stories so important and relevant to today that you won’t have to ask, Why didn’t they teach me this? You will instantly know. If the truth shall set you free, then your freedom begins on page one of this book. By the end, your understanding of the lies and half-truths you’ve been taught may change, but your perception of who we are as Americans and where our country is headed definitely will.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
George Washington's Rules of Civility & Decent Behaviour in Company and Conversation
By Letitia Baldrige
Book Description - Publication Date: April 1, 1989
He was an American Founding Father and the new nation’s first president, but before that, GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) was an excruciatingly correct child with a passion for propriety. At the age of 14, he copied out 110 rules for elegant deportment from a work created by Jesuits in the 16th century as a guide for young gentleman of quality, and through these rules, which he took greatly to heart, we can see the beginnings of the man Washington would become taking shape. Though many of the rules deal with matters of etiquette—such as whom should rise for whom in mixed company—many others concern far deeper matters that touch on personal philosophies about judgment, honor, success, and conscience. As a peek into the manners of a bygone age, this is an intriguing work. As a peek into a great man in his formative years, this is an extraordinary one.
Read A Summary of Rules
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
The Ultimate Exploitation Of Women
By Brian E. Fisher
Book Description - Publication Date: 2014
Get Your FREE Copy of
ABORTION: The Ultimate Exploitation of Women
For decades, Americans have believed countless lies about abortion: It’s a political cause; it’s a women’s issue; it’s a constitutional right.
Although you may think you’ve heard every argument to be made for or against abortion, the truth is you’ve only heard part of the story.
In his new book, Abortion: The Ultimate Exploitation of Women, Brian Fisher, co-founder and president of Online for Life, reveals the untold history of abortion and dispels the myths surrounding this important issue.
Perhaps the most surprising fact is that legalized abortion is not a product of the women’s rights movement. In fact, many pioneering suffragists called it “infanticide.”
Fisher provides a never-before-seen look at the real issues behind abortion and then offers a five-point plan to bring it to an end. Abortion: The Ultimate Exploitation of Women is essential reading for anyone who wants to find practical ways to end abortion in the United States.
So don’t miss this incredible offer. Get your FREE copy of Abortion: The Ultimate Exploitation of Women today.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Hymms And Spiritual Songs
By Issac Watts
Book Description - Publication Date: ?
Hymns and Spiritual Songs is presented here in a high quality paperback edition. This popular classic work by Isaac Watts is in the English language, and may not include graphics or images from the original edition. If you enjoy the works of Isaac Watts then we highly recommend this publication for your book collection.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Darwin's Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design
By Stephen Meyer
Book Description - Publication Date: June 18, 2013
When Charles Darwin finished The Origin of Species, he thought that he had explained every clue, but one. Though his theory could explain many facts, Darwin knew that there was a significant event in the history of life that his theory did not explain. During this event, the “Cambrian explosion,” many animals suddenly appeared in the fossil record without apparent ancestors in earlier layers of rock.
In Darwin’s Doubt, Stephen C. Meyer tells the story of the mystery surrounding this explosion of animal life—a mystery that has intensified, not only because the expected ancestors of these animals have not been found, but because scientists have learned more about what it takes to construct an animal. During the last half century, biologists have come to appreciate the central importance of biological information—stored in DNA and elsewhere in cells—to building animal forms.
Expanding on the compelling case he presented in his last book, Signature in the Cell, Meyer argues that the origin of this information, as well as other mysterious features of the Cambrian event, are best explained by intelligent design, rather than purely undirected evolutionary processes.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Darwin's Dilemma
By Stephen Meyer
Book Description - Publication Date: 2008
Darwin's Dilemma examines what many consider to be the most powerful refutation of Darwinian evolution - the Cambrian fossil record.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Against All Odds: My Life of Hardship, Fast Breaks, and Second Chances
By Scott Brown
Book Description - Publication Date: February 21, 2011
The extraordinary personal journey of a man who, against all odds, rose to become one of America’s most surprising and promising new political figures.
Scott Brown's greatest win did not occur on a cold January election night in 2010 when he came from behind to capture the U.S. Senate seat held by Ted Kennedy for nearly fifty years. It began when he survived a savage beating at the drunken, dirty-fingernail hands of a stepfather when he was barely six years old, while trying to protect his mother.
In this gripping memoir of resilience and redemption, Brown tells the story of his difficult, often nomadic childhood, shunted from house to apartment, and town to town, seventeen times over his first eighteen years. He somehow thrived despite a largely absent father, who married four separate times. So did his mother, in relationships frequently stained with alcohol, anger, and even violence. For nearly two decades' growing up, Brown endured innumerable hardships and challenges, even stealing food to eat. He was periodically sent off to live with relatives, his possessions wrapped in a few old blankets. Saved by basketball, he was the boy who shoveled snow from the public courts to shoot hoops alone in the frozen cold.
With clear-eyed conviction and unflinching can-dor, Brown tells the story of his own bad-boy days, of the coaches who mentored him, and of how he found a way out of familial chaos through the swish of a ball in the net, winning a starting slot on the Tufts varsity basketball team as a freshman player and becoming the tenth-highest scorer to graduate in the school's history.
His rise from there was even more improbable: a first-year law student and member of the Massachusetts National Guard, he was picked as Cosmopolitan magazine's "America's Sexiest Man" and was vaulted into the glamorous world of New York modeling at the height of the 1980s. But the man who was once ushered into the backrooms of Studio 54 returned to Massachusetts to continue with his military and legal training, settle down, raise a family, and soon found an unlikely path that would lead him to national political stardom. Here, too, are the secrets from the unprecedented Senate race that captured the country's imagination and how Scott Brown won his remarkable victory.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
By Robert M. Gates
Book Description - Publication Date: January 14, 2014
From the former secretary of defense, a strikingly candid, vividly written account of his experience serving Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Before Robert M. Gates received a call from the White House in 2006, he thought he’d left Washington politics behind: after working for six presidents in both the CIA and the National Security Council, he was happy in his role as president of Texas A&M University. But when he was asked to help a nation mired in two wars and to aid the troops doing the fighting, he answered what he felt was the call of duty. Now, in this unsparing memoir, meticulously fair in its assessments, he takes us behind the scenes of his nearly five years as a secretary at war: the battles with Congress, the two presidents he served, the military itself, and the vast Pentagon bureaucracy; his efforts to help Bush turn the tide in Iraq; his role as a guiding, and often dissenting, voice for Obama; the ardent devotion to and love for American soldiers—his “heroes”—he developed on the job.
In relating his personal journey as secretary, Gates draws us into the innermost sanctums of government and military power during the height of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, illuminating iconic figures, vital negotiations, and critical situations in revealing, intimate detail. Offering unvarnished appraisals of Dick Cheney, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Presidents Bush and Obama among other key players, Gates exposes the full spectrum of behind-closed-doors politicking within both the Bush and Obama administrations.
He discusses the great controversies of his tenure—surges in both Iraq and Afghanistan, how to deal with Iran and Syria, “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” Guantánamo Bay, WikiLeaks—as they played out behind the television cameras. He brings to life the Situation Room during the Bin Laden raid. And, searingly, he shows how congressional debate and action or inaction on everything from equipment budgeting to troop withdrawals was often motivated, to his increasing despair and anger, more by party politics and media impact than by members’ desires to protect our soldiers and ensure their success.
However embroiled he became in the trials of Washington, Gates makes clear that his heart was always in the most important theater of his tenure as secretary: the front lines. We journey with him to both war zones as he meets with active-duty troops and their commanders, awed by their courage, and also witness him greet coffin after flag-draped coffin returned to U.S. soil, heartbreakingly aware that he signed every deployment order. In frank and poignant vignettes, Gates conveys the human cost of war, and his admiration for those brave enough to undertake it when necessary.
Duty tells a powerful and deeply personal story that allows us an unprecedented look at two administrations and the wars that have defined them.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
To Hell And Back
By Audie Murphy
Book Description - Publication Date: 1949
The classic bestselling war memoir by the most decorated American soldier in World War II, back in print in a trade paperback
Originally published in 1949, To Hell and Back was a smash bestseller for fourteen weeks and later became a major motion picture starring Audie Murphy as himself. More than fifty years later, this classic wartime memoir is just as gripping as it was then.
Desperate to see action but rejected by both the marines and paratroopers because he was too short, Murphy eventually found a home with the infantry. He fought through campaigns in Sicily, Italy, France, and Germany. Although still under twenty-one years old on V-E Day, he was credited with having killed, captured, or wounded 240 Germans. He emerged from the war as America's most decorated soldier, having received twenty-one medals, including our highest military decoration, the Congressional Medal of Honor. To Hell and Back is a powerfully real portrayal of American GI's at war.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
KinderGarden Of Eden: How the Modern Liberal Thinks
By Evan Sayet
Book Description - Publication Date: April 16, 2013
Why the Modern Liberal's thinking leads him to side with evil over good, wrong over right and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success.
Further extrapolating on the ideas in his wildly popular viral YouTube talk to the Heritage Foundation, that has received over 600k hits, Evan Sayet uses his signature wit in this new book to ask thought-provoking questions during these turbulent economic and social times.
And he provides the reader with some surprising answers.
Andrew Breitbart said that Evan Sayet's Heritage Foundation Speech was 'one of the five most important conservative speeches ever given.'
That speech was the foundation for this book.
How did the song "Imagine" by John Lennon become the perfect symbol of liberal thinking?
Why does Bruce Springsteen dub "pain" as the wages of toil and hard work?
What’s the Democrats’ beef with God?
What do they have against the Jews of Israel?
Why do they want abortion to be commonplace and frequent?
Why does the Modern Liberal – the dominant force in today’s Democratic Party and in so much of today’s popular culture – seem to always side with evil over good, wrong over right and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success?
Evan Sayet answers those questions and a lot more.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph
By Dennis Praeger
Book Description - Publication Date: April 24, 2012
Conservative radio host and syndicated columnist Dennis Prager provides a bold, sweeping look at the future of civilization with Still the Best Hope, and offers a strong, cogent argument for why basic American values must triumph in a dangerously uncertain world. Humanity stands at a crossroads, and the only alternatives to the “American Trinity” of liberty, natural rights, and the melting-pot ideal of national unity are Islamic totalitarianism, European democratic socialism, capitalist dictatorship, or global chaos if we should fail. America is Still the Best Hope, as this eminently sensible, profoundly inspiring volume so powerfully proves.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Four Blood Moons: Something Is About to Change
By John Hagee
Book Description - Publication Date:
"...There will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars...Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near." Luke 21:25a, 28
It is rare that Scripture, science, and history align with each other, yet the last three series of Four Blood Moons have done exactly that. Are these the “signs” that God refers to in His Word? If they are, what do they mean? What is their prophetic significance?
In this riveting book, New York Times best-selling author, Pastor John Hagee, explores the supernatural connection of certain celestial events to biblical prophecy—and to the future of God’s chosen people and to the nations of the world.
Just as in biblical times, God is controlling the sun, the moon, and the stars to send our generation a signal that something big is about to happen. The question is: Are we watching and listening to His message?
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
God Less America: Real Stories From the Front Lines of the Attack on Traditional Values
By Todd Starnes
Book Description - Publication Date:
Pay attention, people of faith. Dark clouds are gathering. The winds of intolerance are blowing. There’s a great storm approaching.
American Christians are facing uncertain times. Our nation’s values are under assault. Religious liberty has been undermined. We live in a day when right is now wrong and wrong is now right. The vicious leftwing attack against the recent traditional marriage stance of Chick-fil-A should serve as a wakeup call to people of faith. It’s not about a chicken sandwich. It’s about religious liberty. It’s about free speech. It’s about the future of our nation.
As a reporter covering the culture war for FOX News, Todd Starnes is on the front lines of these attacks against traditional values. In God Less America, he uses both recent news stories and compelling interviews with today’s top conservative leaders to bring to light what is happening across our country. In his award-winning, satire-meets-serious writing style, he strikes an important blow in today’s culture wars.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
According to our founder, Dr. Charles Seldon, Phd. and a life-long educator, “Our nation has 43 states that have the Bible back in the schools.
Some states like my state of Idaho, thinks it is okay to teach the Bible in school but they have failed to realize that by pulling out the first line of the Bible they in fact do not have the Bible in their school system.
Every country that has chosen to be Secular or Godless with their education system has failed.
Some of our Government leaders like Mike Huckabee and Ben Carson are educating citizens that the reality expressed by author Todd Starnes in his book, "GODless America", and Pastor Robert Jefferies, point out the fact that across our nation as a whole our Public Education System is failing in its’ original purpose of teaching our children and people to read the Bible.
We are inviting YOU as a Citizen of this United States to help us put the Bible and prayer back into the public schools system.
Lest we follow the examples of Governments that adopted godless education systems like Germany, Japan, China, North Korea, France and others.
Let’s not fail in our responsibility to take action now!
We invite you to respond.
Remember, Insanity has been defined as making a mistake over and over and expecting a different result.
This issue seems like a simple example of insanity to me… what do you think?
Call, write, or simply post a response on our Web site so your voice can be heard.
We already have over 602,524 hits on our Web site, and it is important that yours be there as well.
One Nation: What We Can All Do to Save America's Future
By Ben Carson
Book Description - Publication Date:
Dear Reader,
In February 2013 I gave a speech at the National Prayer Breakfast. Standing a few feet from President Obama, I warned my fellow citizens of the dangers facing our country and called for a return to the principles that made America great.
Many Americans heard and responded, but our nation’s decline has continued. Today the danger is greater than ever before, and I have never shared a more urgent message than I do now.
Our growing debt and deteriorating morals have driven us far from the founders’ intent. We’ve made very little progress in basic education. Obamacare threatens our health, liberty, and financial future. Media elitism and political correctness are out of control.
Worst of all, we seem to have lost our ability to discuss important issues calmly and respectfully regardless of party affiliation or other differences. As a doctor rather than a politician, I care about what works, not whether someone has an (R) or a (D) after his or her name. We have to come together to solve our problems.
Knowing that the future of my grandchildren is in jeopardy because of reckless spending, godless government, and mean-spirited attempts to silence critics left me no choice but to write this book. I have endeavored to propose a road out of our decline, appealing to every American’s decency and common sense.
If each of us sits back and expects someone else to take action, it will soon be too late. But with your help, I firmly believe that America may once again be “one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Ben Carson
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
The Influence Of The Bible In America
By David Barton
Book Description - Publication Date: January 31, 2008 (90 mins)
The Bible's profound influence on America, widely understood by previous generations, is largely unrecognized today. For years, Americans saw the Bible as a practical guidebook for directing every aspect of daily life, and it therefore shaped American government, law, and education as well as our free enterprise system, our views of private property, our social services, and so much more. This inspiring video presentation documents the dramatic impact of the Bible on American life and culture over the past four centuries.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Founding Mothers, The Women Who Raised Our Nation
By Cokie Roberts
Book Description - Publication Date: February 15, 2005
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Cokie Roberts comes New York Times bestseller Founding Mothers, an intimate and illuminating look at the fervently patriotic and passionate women whose tireless pursuits on behalf of their families–and their country–proved just as crucial to the forging of a new nation as the rebellion that established it.
While much has been written about the men who signed the Declaration of Independence, battled the British, and framed the Constitution, the wives, mothers, sisters and daughters they left behind have been little noticed by history. #1 New York Times bestselling author Cokie Roberts brings us women who fought the Revolution as valiantly as the men, often defending their very doorsteps. Drawing upon personal correspondence, private journals, and even favoured recipes, Roberts reveals the often surprising stories of these fascinating women, bringing to life the everyday trials and extraordinary triumphs of individuals like Abigail Adams, Mercy Otis Warren, Deborah Read Franklin, Eliza Pinckney, Catherine Littlefield Green, Esther DeBerdt Reed and Martha Washington–proving that without our exemplary women, the new country might have never survived.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Extraordinary Ordinary People
By Condoleezza Rice
Book Description - Publication Date: October 11, 2011
Condoleezza Rice has excelled as a diplomat, political scientist, and concert pianist. Her achievements run the gamut from helping to oversee the collapse of communism in Europe and the decline of the Soviet Union, to working to protect the country in the aftermath of 9-11, to becoming only the second woman - and the first black woman ever -- to serve as Secretary of State.
But until she was 25 she never learned to swim.
Not because she wouldn't have loved to, but because when she was a little girl in Birmingham, Alabama, Commissioner of Public Safety Bull Connor decided he'd rather shut down the city's pools than give black citizens access.
Throughout the 1950's, Birmingham's black middle class largely succeeded in insulating their children from the most corrosive effects of racism, providing multiple support systems to ensure the next generation would live better than the last. But by 1963, when Rice was applying herself to her fourth grader's lessons, the situation had grown intolerable. Birmingham was an environment where blacks were expected to keep their head down and do what they were told -- or face violent consequences. That spring two bombs exploded in Rice’s neighborhood amid a series of chilling Klu Klux Klan attacks. Months later, four young girls lost their lives in a particularly vicious bombing.
So how was Rice able to achieve what she ultimately did?
Her father, John, a minister and educator, instilled a love of sports and politics. Her mother, a teacher, developed Condoleezza’s passion for piano and exposed her to the fine arts. From both, Rice learned the value of faith in the face of hardship and the importance of giving back to the community. Her parents’ fierce unwillingness to set limits propelled her to the venerable halls of Stanford University, where she quickly rose through the ranks to become the university’s second-in-command. An expert in Soviet and Eastern European Affairs, she played a leading role in U.S. policy as the Iron Curtain fell and the Soviet Union disintegrated. Less than a decade later, at the apex of the hotly contested 2000 presidential election, she received the exciting news – just shortly before her father’s death – that she would go on to the White House as the first female National Security Advisor.
As comfortable describing lighthearted family moments as she is recalling the poignancy of her mother’s cancer battle and the heady challenge of going toe-to-toe with Soviet leaders, Rice holds nothing back in this remarkably candid telling. This is the story of Condoleezza Rice that has never been told, not that of an ultra-accomplished world leader, but of a little girl – and a young woman -- trying to find her place in a sometimes hostile world and of two exceptional parents, and an extended family and community, that made all the difference.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
The Root Of The Problem
By Dr. James Kennedy
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Book Description - Publication Date:
The theory of evolution is manifestly false, yet our society is following it down a dangerous road of destruction. Although it is contrary to the Bible’s teaching on human origins and is contradicted by numerous scientific facts, it has impacted every aspect of our culture.
Based on its tenuous assumptions, the U.S. Supreme Court barred God and prayer from classrooms, exiled the Ten Commandments, and now allows children to be aborted.
A character in Dostoyevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov famously noted: “If there is no God, then everything is permissible.” Denying the God of creation, our society is steadily pushing Him out of public life. Now we are reaping the deadly consequences.
In this compelling DVD series, Dr. D. James Kennedy exposes “the root of the problem” in seven full-length messages:
- The Root of the Problem
- Creation and Fall of Man
- Creationism: Science or Religion?
- Evolution and You (presented at the 2nd International Conference on Creationism)
- Evolution’s Bloopers and Blunders
- The Crumbling of Evolution
- Noble Origin and Destiny
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
By Joel Rosenberg
Book Description - Publication Date: August 18, 2008
In his first groundbreaking nonfiction book, now with updated content, New York Times best-selling author Joel C. Rosenberg takes readers on an unforgettable journey through prophecy and current events into the future of Iraq after Saddam, Russia after Communism, Israel after Arafat, and Christianity after radical Islam. You won't want to miss Joel's exclusive interviews with Israeli, Palestinian, and Russian leaders, along with previously classified CIA and White House documents. New content includes the most up-to-date information since the hardcover release in 2006, a new poll about American attitudes toward the Middle East and prophecy, and transcripts of interviews conducted during the interview process for the Epicenter DVD-video.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
The Hiding Place
By Corrie Ten Boom
Book Description - Publication Date: October 1, 1984
“I pray that God forgive them...”
Corrie Ten Boom stood naked with her older sister Betsie, watching a concentration camp matron beating a prisoner. “Oh, the poor woman,” Corrie cried. “Yes. May God forgive her,” Betsie replied. And, once again, Corrie realized that it was for the souls of the brutal Nazi guards that her sister prayed.
Both woman had been sent to the camp for helping the Jews. Christ’s Spirit and words were their guide; it was His persecuted people they tried to save—at the risk of their own lives; it was His strength that sustained them through times of profound horror.
Here is a book aglow with the glory of God and the courage of a quiet Christian spinster whose life was transformed by it. A story of Christ’s message and the courage woman who listened and lived to pass it along—with joy and triumph!
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
U-Turn: Restoring America to the Strength of its Roots
By David Barton
Book Description - Publication Date: October 21, 2014
Restoring America to the Strength of its Roots
The United States became a unique, prosperous, and admired nation because of its faith in God and the willingness of the people to abide by God s standards and principles. Over time, however, the people s urge to glorify self rather than God has seriously eroded the strength and potential of the nation.
U-Turn examines current cultural trends and historical patterns to reveal that America cannot sustain its strength if it remains on its current path. Combining current research with the authors trademark insight and analysis, the book gives readers a unique view of the moral and spiritual condition of Americans and provides specific insights into how we can turn our nation around by focusing on:
- The restoration of the family
- The restoration of the Christian Church
- The future activity of our government
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Dreamers And Deceivers: True Stories of the Heroes and Villains Who Made America
By Glenn Beck
Book Description - Publication Date: October 28, 2014
Dreamers and Deceivers: True Stories of the Heroes and Villains Who Made America by #1 bestselling author and popular radio and television host Glenn Beck is delightful, enjoyable and an informative account of people who have contributed in no small measures to the making and unmaking of America. Written in the style of his earlier bestselling book, Miracles and Massacres: True and Untold Stories of the Making of America, this book is a treasure trove of information and history which will fascinate and mesmerize readers.
Dreamers and Deceivers is a collection from the archives of history about people working for good or evil, heroes or villains, who are familiar yet have a side to their lives that is not well known. Glenn Beck includes people who have a story or message to tell, and in doing so he includes peoples from opposite ends of the pole. What is simply striking about the stories is the meticulous research undertaken by Glenn Beck to fit into the larger scheme of his book.
Riveting and engaging, the ten stories in the book are:
- Grover Cleveland: The Mysterious Case of the Disappearing President
- "I Did Not Kill Armstrong": The War of Wills in the Early Days of Radio
- Woodrow Wilson: A Masterful Stroke of Deception
- >Streets of Gold: Charles Ponzi and the American Scheme
- He Loved Lucy: The Tragic Genius of Desi Arnaz, the Inventor of the Rerun
- The Muckraker: How a Lost Letter Revealed Upton Sinclair's Deception
- Alan Turing: How the Father of the Computer Saved the World for Democrcy
- The Spy Who Turned to a Pumpkin: Alger Hiss and the Liberal Establishment That Defended a Traitor
- The City of Tomorrow: Walt Disney's Last and Lost Dream
- "Make It Great, John": How Steve Jobs and John Lasseter Changed History at Pixar
Dreamers and Deceivers will take you through the lives of an eclectic mix of people who used either deception or their brilliance to shape the course of history. Either way, you will find their stories utterly enthralling and a compelling read.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Out Of The Depths
By David Harrell
Book Description - Publication Date: March 23, 2005
Out of the depths have I cried unto to thee, O LORD. Lord, hear my voice: let thine ears he attentive to the voice of my supplications. - Psalm 130:1-2 (KJV)
Like so many stories surrounding World War II where fact is stranger than fiction, Out of the Depths is a terrifying firsthand account of the sinking of the USS Indianapolis and the Navy cover-up that led to the bizarre court-martial and eventual exoneration of its captain. Marine survivor Edgar Harrell vividly describes the horrors of being plagued by sharks, hypothermia, severe dehydration and salt-water hallucinations, and the crew’s heart wrenching struggle to survive the greatest catastrophe at sea in the history of the U.S. Navy—a truly riveting story of survival, political intrigue and faith in the providence of God.
On July 16, 1945, the USS Indianapolis departed from San Francisco for the American B-29 base on Tinian island with a top-secret cargo that would ultimately put an end to World War II—components for the first operational atomic bombs. After a record run, covering 5,300 miles in only ten days, the Indianapolis successfully delivered her cargo on July 26, 1945, and was ordered to set a course from Guam to the Leyte Gulf in the Philippines to prepare for the invasion of Japan. Traveling unescorted, at fourteen minutes past midnight on July 30, 1945, she was hit by two Japanese torpedoes midway between Guam and Leyte, sending her to a watery grave in twelve minutes. Of the 1,196 men aboard, about 900 sailors and Marines entered the water. Due to a series of Navy debacles, no one knew of their plight. Five horrifying days later, 317 men who had survived the terror of shark attacks, hypothermia, severe dehydration and salt-water hallucinations, were accidentally spotted and rescued.
About USS Indianapolis Survivor Edgar Harrell: Edgar Harrell owned and operated the Pella Window Company, Inc., Rock Island, Illinois for thirty-five years until his retirement in 1985. During the years 1970 to 1985, he served on the board of trustees of the Moody Bible Institute, in Chicago, Illinois, and has been a popular Bible teacher and lay minister throughout his adult life. He has enjoyed many years of fishing and big game hunting in the Rocky Mountains from Alaska to New Mexico, and currently resides in Paris, Tennessee with his wife Ola, together enjoying their two children, eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. As a survivor of the USS Indianapolis (www.indysurvivor.com), Mr. Harrell speaks extensively around the United States about his experience at sea.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
The Hope Of Christmas
By Jack Countryman
Book Description - Publication Date: October 9, 2012
Paints the picture of God’s promises for Christmas—from the beginning of time and to all of eternity.
Go on a journey . . . from the promise of the Messiah given to us in the Old Testament . . . to the promise of Jesus’ birth in the New Testament . . . to the promise of Jesus’ life and our salvation . . . to the promise of His resurrection and our eternal life.
This unique Christmas book contains Scripture followed by brief writings that will take readers on a voyage as they explore God’s prophecies and promises for Christmas—prophecies and promises that began centuries ago. Readers will be transported through the miracles of God’s promises from Genesis throughout eternity and that Jesus would come to fulfill those promises. More than a simple story, The Hope of Christmas reveals the broad and miraculous scope of Christ’s birth in the manger and the continual gift of His love, joy, peace, grace, comfort, and much more—all within our grasp because of our one true hope, Jesus Christ. The Hope of Christmas is Jesus’ gift foretold from the beginning of time, offering salvation and a life in Him for those who believe.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
What Every American Needs To Know About The Quran
By Bill Federer
Book Description - Publication Date: January 22, 2007
You will be fascinated by this fast-paced, objective history of the world from a perspective you have never imagined.
Current events will come into focus in the back drop of 1,400 years of inconceivable yet true events and conflicts.
Thousands of books, documents and articles have been researched over several years in preparation for this book.
In 2006, Keith Ellison became the first Muslim elected to the United States Congress.
He swore in on a Qur'an.
Most Americans know little about the Qur'an, who wrote it and how Islam spread.
Within 100 years of Mohammed's death, his followers conquered North Africa, the Holy Land, Persia, Spain - from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean.
President Barak Obama stated in Cairo, Egypt, June 4, 2009: "Islam has always been a part of America's story."
Indeed, Islam has affected the Western World for 1,400 years, from 622 AD to today's headlines.
This book will give you a fascinating glimpse into captivating events and amazing stories - you won't want to put it down!
Find answers to how Islam is connected to:
- The stirrup for riding horses, who invented it and how Muslims used it to win military conquests?
- Santa Claus - how Islam caused the story of Saint Nicholas to spread from the Byzantine Empire to Western Europe in 1087 AD?
- How did Muslim Ottoman Turks invading the Byzantine Empire resulted in the Crusades, 1095-1272 AD?
- What did Marco Polo say was the origin of the word "assassin"?
- What happened to the Seven Churches of mentioned in the Book of Revelation?
- How did the 1000 year old Byzantine Empire get conquered?
- What did Sultan Mehmet II do to Constantinople in 1453 that led Columbus to set sail in 1492?
- Dracula - What is the real-life account of "Vlad the Impaler" in 1462, (not Bram Stoker's 1897 fiction novel)?
- What did Martin Luther say in 1529 about Muslim Turkish Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent who was laying siege to Vienna, Austria?
- Who did Captain John Smith fight in Hungary in 1600 before founding Virginia in 1607?
- Who did James Oglethorpe fight in Serbia in 1717 before founding the Colony of Georgia?
- What happened to a Pilgrim ship returning to England to trade for supplies in 1625 when they met a Moroccon pirate man-of-war?
- September 11, 1683 - How the Muslims loss in the Battle of Vienna lead to coffee and croissant pastries spreading across Europe?
- How was Islamic expansion funded by the slave trade of millions Africans and Europeans?
- How did Thomas Jefferson and James Madison's fighting the North African Barbary Pirates, 1805-1815, lead to the U.S. Marine nickname "leathernecks,' Marine "mamluke" sword, Marine Anthem "From the halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli"?
- What happened to over 1.5 million Armenian Christians when President Woodrow Wilson failed to convince the U.S. Senate in 1922 to adopt Armenia as a protectorate - similar to Puerto Rico?
- What was the impact of oil being discovered in Saudi Arabia in 1938?
You will not be the same after you have learned What Every American Needs to Know about the Qur'an.
(288 pages, paperback)
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
America's God and Country: Encyclopedia of Quotations
By William Federer
Book Description - Publication Date: June 9, 2000
With over 2,100 quotations from approximately 700 sources, this exhaustive reference tool contains inspiring quotations ranging from the Magna Carta (1215) to the 1990s. Included are founding fathers, presidents, statesmen, constitutions, court decisions, military heroes, business leaders, scientists, inventors, ministers from a variety of denominations, African-American leaders, musicians, educators, authors, artists, women leaders, British leaders, and more.
Ideal for students, teachers, home schoolers, attorneys, journalists, speakers, politicians, and others, this book has received raving reviews from people in many walks of life, such as attorneys, parents, teachers, U.S. Senators, U.S. Representatives, U.S. presidential candidates, former U.S. presidential cabinet member, ministers, authors, etc.
This book was one of the top five finalists in the Reference Works category of ECPA's prestigious Gold Medallian Book Awards and was nominated for the Freedoms Foundation George Washington Honor Medal in 1995. Illustrated. Fully footnoted.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that's Conspiring to Islamize America
By P. David Gaubatz
Book Description - Publication Date: October 15, 2009
You've heard about the courageous young investigators who covertly videotaped officials of ACORN advocating illegal activities.
Now, get ready for an undercover expose even more daring: a six-month penetration of the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations that resulted in the collection of thousands of pages of smoking-gun documents from this terror-supporting front group for the dangerous, mob-like Muslim Brotherhood.
This is what Muslim Mafia delivers.
It has all the elements of a top-flight mystery novel, but the situations and conversations are real.
The book's frightening allegations are supported by more than 12,000 pages of confidential CAIR documents and hundreds of hours of video captured in an unprecedented undercover operation.
This trail of information reveals the seditious and well-funded efforts of the Brotherhood under the nonprofit guise of CAIR to support the international jihad against the U.S.
Follow intern Chris Gaubatz as he courageously gains the trust of CAIR's inner sanctum, working undercover as a devoted convert to Islam, and blows the whistle on the entire factory fueling the wave of homegrown terrorism now plaguing America.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives have Penetrated Washington
By Paul Sperry
Book Description - Publication Date: December 9, 2008
The most sinister terrorists won't be sneaking through our borders from the Middle East.
They're already here.
This is the untold story about the silent, yet extremely dangerous threat from the Muslim establishment in America - an alarming expose of how Muslims have for years been secretly infiltrating American society, government, and culture, pretending to be peace-loving and patriotic, while supporting violent jihad and working to turn America into an Islamic state.
In this powder keg of a book, you'll learn:
- How radical Muslims have penetrated the U.S. military, the FBI, the Homeland Security Department, and even the White House - where subversive Muslims and Arabs have received top-secret clearance.
- How they've infiltrated the chaplains program in the federal and state prison systems - a top recruiting ground for al-Qaida.
- How they've successfully run influence operations against our political system with the help of both Democrats and Republicans, badgering corporate boards into Islamizing the workplace.
- How we've been utterly duped about what the Quran does and doesn't teach. Sadly, much of anti-Western terrorism is simply Islam in practice, the text of the Quran in action.
In a time when religious and political leaders are scrambling to smooth over differences in faith and beliefs, this book gives the terrifying truth abaout the very real, very deadly agenda of Islam and how it has already infiltrated key American institutions with agents, spies, and subversives.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
The Bible And Public Schools A First Amendment Guide
By The Bible Literacy Project, First Amendment Center, Society of Biblical Literature
Publication Date: 1999
Book Description:
“Academic study of the Bible in public secondary schools may appropriately take place in literature courses.
Students might study the Bible as literature.
They would examine the Bible as they would other literature in terms of aesthetic categories, as an anthology of narratives and poetry, exploring its language, symbolism and motifs.
Students might also study the Bible in literature, the ways in which later writers have used Bible literature, language and symbols.
Much drama, poetry and fiction contains material from the Bible.”
Download PDF Book (1,883KB)
Dear God, It's Me, And It's Urgent
Prayers for Every Season of a Woman's Life
By Marion Stroud
Book Description - Publication Date: May 1, 2013
Women have a lot to talk about—relationships, careers, health, the future, and anything else in life that concerns them. And the One who is always available to listen is God. In the book Dear God, It’s Me and It’s Urgent, author Marion Stroud offers inspiring prayers for women to have heartfelt conversations with God.
Focusing on everyday issues that matter most in a woman’s life, this collection of 200 prayerful meditations includes relevant Scripture and thought-provoking quotes. No matter where you are in your journey, you’ll find encouragement to help you deal with every aspect of life. Discover how you can honestly express your thoughts, feelings, and emotions to God— about anything, anytime and anywhere.
With its large type, Dear God, It’s Me and It’s Urgent has been designed for clear, easy reading. This Easy Print Book takes the struggle out of focusing on small print and is perfect for readers who are visually challenged or dyslexic.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
The Book That Made America: How the Bible Formed Our Nation
By Jerry Newcombe
Book Description - Publication Date: June 1, 2009
The Book that Made America: How the Bible Formed Our Nation comprehensively documents, with joy, Americas deep roots in the Bible of the Christian faith.
From our first civil compacts and the New England Primer textbook, to the declaration of every state constitution and the declaration of the United States Supreme Courts Trinity decision of 1892, America cries out that its traditions have resulted from an abiding faith in the God of the Holy Bible.
Accomplished historian, broadcast producer, and author Dr. Jerry Newcombe demonstrates the unmatched contributions of our Christian heritage to American liberty and prosperity.
Likewise, Dr. Newcombe candidly and sensitively treats the very real issues of slavery and treatment of the American Indian.
With its extensive documentation, The Book that Made America will soon become the standard bulwark defense of the much maligned but thoroughly true contention that America and its blessings result directly from the centrality of the Bible in our history.
Dr. Newcombe has published twenty one books, including fourteen with well-known pastor Dr. D. James Kennedy.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Rebuilding Civilization On The Bible
By Jay Grimstead & Eugene Clingman
Book Description - Publication Date: April 1, 2014
An enjoyable source of inspiration and personal study, and for leaders, solid material for teaching and preaching, and will help Christians be an effective part of the coming revival of the Church and a new reformation to bring true Biblical Christianity to the nations.
The 24 vital documents in this book which provide the sure foundation for restoring the Church to God s Word and God's favor to the Church are the culmination of 37 years of the work of hundreds of Christian theologians and pastoral and lay leaders from a broad variety of denominations, who met to restore the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3) and hashed out creedal statements of Biblical Truth on 24 controversial topics, beginning with the Eternal and Inerrant Word of God.
Authors invite input and debate from readers who think they see a more Biblical interpretation.
The goal is to discern from the very Word of God truth versus error and encourage the Body-of-Christ-global to unify in spirit around a Biblical-theological standard of doctrine consistent with the first 20 centuries to spearhead a new reformation and global revival.
Said Dr. Jay, There can be no new reformation and revival unless many pastors preach strongly for Christians to obey the Bible from the heart 24/7.
This book is not only a call to action, but also provides effective tools and truths with which to advance, Lord willing, the Kingdom of God on earth, as in heaven.
May the Church in America and around the world move forward courageously and valiantly to rebuild civilization on the Bible and thus bring blessing to the nations.
The author's prayer for the reader is: May our wonderful God bless, guide, and mobilize all who read this book to love Him more passionately and to live more wholeheartedly in obedience to His inerrant written Word, the Bible. Amen!
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Faith On Earth
By Lou Poumakis
Book Description - Publication Date: April 1, 2013
"Faith on Earth" introduces the reader to an aspect of Christianity not well known among Christians today.
It describes God's plan for this world and the role that He intends Christians to play in that plan.
It will show the reader a side of the faith he may well, never have been exposed to before.
It is solidly based on Scripture yet easily understood by the average reader.
This book opens a door to the full meaning, purpose, and significance of being a Christian in today's world.
The church and the yet to be evangelized world need this message!
"Faith on Earth" draws extensively from the voluminous work of R. J. Rushdoony, which remarkably influenced Biblical understanding in the twentieth century, and continues to do so.
"Faith on Earth" crisply summarizes much of Rushdoony's applied faith and Biblical worldview in this readable and pithy overview.
It begins with Christ's question, "When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" (Lk 18:8) and goes on to show that this question has significant implications for what our Lord expects from all true Christians.
Lou Poumakis does an excellent job of stimulating our thinking of the world on Christ's terms, so that the answer to the question may be, for His glory, Yes, the Son of Man found faith on the earth!
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Complete Guide To Money: The Handbook of Financial Peace University
By Dave Ramsey
Book Description - Publication Date: March 3, 2015
Dave Ramsey’s Complete Guide to Money covers the A to Z of Dave’s money teaching, including how to budget, save, dump debt, and invest. If you’re looking for practical information to answer all your “How?” “What?” and “Why?” questions about money, this book is for you. You’ll also learn all about insurance, mortgage options, marketing, bargain hunting and the most important element of all—giving. Now let’s be honest: This is the handbook of Financial Peace University.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich
By Peter Schweizer
Book Description - Publication Date: May 5, 2015
In 2000, Bill and Hillary Clinton owed millions of dollars in legal debt. Since then, they’ve earned over $130 million. Where did the money come from? Most people assume that the Clintons amassed their wealth through lucrative book deals and high-six figure fees for speaking gigs. Now, Peter Schweizer shows who is really behind those enormous payments.
In his New York Times bestselling books Extortion and Throw Them All Out, Schweizer detailed patterns of official corruption in Washington that led to congressional resignations and new ethics laws. In Clinton Cash, he follows the Clinton money trail, revealing the connection between their personal fortune, their “close personal friends,” the Clinton Foundation, foreign nations, and some of the highest ranks of government.
Schweizer reveals the Clinton’s troubling dealings in Kazakhstan, Colombia, Haiti, and other places at the “wild west” fringe of the global economy. In this blockbuster exposé, Schweizer merely presents the troubling facts he’s uncovered. Meticulously researched and scrupulously sourced, filled with headline-making revelations, Clinton Cash raises serious questions of judgment, of possible indebtedness to an array of foreign interests, and ultimately, of fitness for high public office.
Read More About The Uranium Deal
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now
By Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Book Description - Publication Date: March 24, 2015
Continuing her journey from a deeply religious Islamic upbringing to a post at Harvard, the brilliant, charismatic and controversial New York Times and Globe and Mail #1 bestselling author of Infidel and Nomad makes a powerful plea for a Muslim Reformation as the only way to end the horrors of terrorism, sectarian warfare and the repression of women and minorities.
Today, she argues, the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims can be divided into a minority of extremists, a majority of observant but peaceable Muslims and a few dissidents who risk their lives by questioning their own religion. But there is only one Islam and, as Hirsi Ali shows, there is no denying that some of its key teachings—not least the duty to wage holy war—are incompatible with the values of a free society.
For centuries it has seemed as if Islam is immune to change. But Hirsi Ali has come to believe that a Muslim Reformation—a revision of Islamic doctrine aimed at reconciling the religion with modernity—is now at hand, and may even have begun. The Arab Spring may now seem like a political failure. But its challenge to traditional authority revealed a new readiness—not least by Muslim women—to think freely and to speak out.
Courageously challenging the jihadists, she identifies five key amendments to Islamic doctrine that Muslims have to make to bring their religion out of the seventh century and into the twenty-first. And she calls on the Western world to end its appeasement of the Islamists. “Islam is not a religion of peace,” she writes. It is the Muslim reformers who need our backing, not the opponents of free speech.
Interweaving her own experiences, historical analogies and powerful examples from contemporary Muslim societies and cultures, Heretic is not a call to arms, but a passionate plea for peaceful change and a new era of global toleration. In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo murders, with jihadists killing thousands from Nigeria to Syria to Pakistan, this book offers an answer to what is fast becoming the world’s number one problem.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
America Imagine The World Without Her
By Dinesh D'Souza
Book Description - Publication Date: 2013
Someone once observed: “America is great because she is good; if she ever ceases to be good she will cease to be great.” Today, that notion of the essential goodness of America is under attack, replaced by another story in which theft and plunder are seen as the defining features of American history, from the theft of Native American and Mexican lands and the exploitation of African labor to a contemporary foreign policy said to be based on stealing oil and a capitalist system that robs people of their “fair share.”
Our founding fathers warned us that, although the freedoms they gave us were hard fought, they could very easily be lost. America stands at a crossroads, and the way we understand our past will determine our future. America the movie takes 21st-century Americans into the future by first visiting our past.
Gerald Molen, the Academy-award winning producer of Schindler’s List, and Dinesh D’Souza, the creator of 2016: Obama’s America, invite you on a journey of discovery that will bring you face-to-face with the heroes who built America, in the times in which they lived, bled, and sacrificed in order to build a great nation: Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, and others. You’ll be there as Columbus sets foot on American soil, as bullets whiz by Washington’s head, as Douglass demands that America live up to the promises of her Founding Fathers, and as Lincoln sacrifices thousands of lives, including his own, to right a great wrong of history.
We’ll also meet their present-day critics, hear their stories, and then let you decide which America you believe in. From the team that created 2016: Obama’s America comes the story not of a man, but of a nation at the crossroads of hope and disaster, whose destination will soon be decided.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Go To The Official Web Site
Obama's America:
Unmaking the American Dream
By Dinesh D'Souza
Book Description - Publication Date: July 1, 2014
In this #1 New York Times bestselling book, Dinesh D’Souza, the creator of the second highest-grossing political documentary ever, 2016: Obama’s America, lays out Obama’s plans through the end of his second administration and warns us how he will harm the country.
America as we know it—wealthy, powerful, assertive—is not what Obama wants. He wants a smaller America, a poorer America, an America unable to exert its will, an America happy to be one power among many, an America in decline so that other nations might rise—all in the name of global fairness. To Obama, the hated “1 percent” isn’t just wealthy Americas; it is America itself. In Obama’s view, America needs to be taken down a notch.
That is the startling conclusion of bestselling author Dinesh D’Souza in Obama’s America. Building on his previous New York Times bestseller The Roots of Obama’s Rage—which Newt Gingrich called “stunning…the most profound insight I have read in the last six years”—D’Souza shows how Obama’s goal to downsize America is in plain sight but ignored by everyone.
D’Souza lays out what Obama plans to do in a second administration—a makeover of America so drastic that the “shining city on a hill” will become a shantytown in a rather dangerous global village. Arresting in its presentation and sobering in its conclusions, Obama’s America is essential reading for those who want to change America’s course before it’s too late.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
How To Answer A Jesus Critic: Exposing the 10 Worst Arguments Against Christianity
By Scott M. Sullivan
Book Description - Publication Date: 2014
Learn How To Respond To Comments Like:...
- “Christians are a bunch of hypocrites."
- "God doesn’t care which religion you believe.”
- “Christians always think they are right and everyone else is wrong.”
- “Christians irritate me because they are always warning people about Hell.”
- And more...
About The Author:
Dr. Scott M. Sullivan, founder of Classical Theist Productions. (Curriculum Vitae 2003; M.A., Philosophy, Holy Apostles College, Ph.D., Philosophy, University of St. Thomas, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy at the University of Houston, San Jacinto College, and University of St. Thomas (Houston) 2004-2008).
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Queen Of Gospel Songs
By Fanny Crosby
Book Description - Publication Date: May 2, 2014
The man said he was a doctor . . . but he did something to little baby Fanny’s eyes that made her blind for the rest of her life. How could she find out about the world around her? How could she be happy? How could she learn? How could she love God? How could she forgive? Fanny Crosby was blind for more than ninety years . . . and she wrote over 8,000 hymns and gospel songs about her Savior.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
A Time For Truth: Reigniting the Promise of America
By Ted Cruz
Publication Date: June 30, 2015
Book Description
In the Senate, I've tried to do two things: tell the truth, and do what I said I would do. We should expect that from every single elected official.
Washington D.C. desperately needs leaders who aren't afraid to tell the truth. And Ted Cruz tells the truth—about political collusion, a corrupted legislative process, and the bureaucratic barriers to actually fixing the enormous challenges we face. Cruz's truth-telling habit hasn't made him popular in Washington. But it has earned him millions of supporters nationwide.
Since his election to the Senate in 2012, Ted Cruz has refused to go along with the established way of doing business in Washington. In A Time for Truth, the outspoken Texas Senator tells his story for the first time—the story of a Cuban immigrant's son who made it to the Ivy League, to the Supreme Court bar, and eventually to the U.S. Senate. It's a deeply personal journey that begins with Cruz's father's experience of brutality in a Cuban prison and ends with Cruz's discovery that Washington has neither the courage nor the desire to do what is needed to preserve the freedom and opportunities that gave hope to his father and millions like him.
Cruz discusses his role in the 2000 recount, helping to elect a president he respects—and whom he would have to stand up to a few short years later when he served as the solicitor general of Texas. He provides a behind-the-scenes look at his remarkable grassroots campaign for the U.S. Senate. And he reveals the true story behind his twenty-one-hour Senate filibuster, where he gave the most famous bedtime reading of Green Eggs and Ham in history.
Pulling back the curtain on the backroom deals in Congress between Republicans, Democrats, and the lobbyists who keep them in office—instead of keeping them accountable—Cruz offers an inside look at what has gone so very wrong in our nation's capital. But he also makes an optimistic case that by reestablishing the principles of our founders, the opportunities for our citizens, and our unique place in the world, we can reignite the promise of America for generations to come.
A Time for Truth is sharp, funny, and honest.
What Cruz reveals will win him few friends in Washington. Then again, that isn't why he went there in the first place.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Time to Get Tough:
Making America #1 Again
By Donald Trump
Book Description - Publication Date: December 5, 2011
Donald J. Trump has just five words for the politicians and so-called leaders in Washington, DC:
It's Time to Get Tough
President Obama has been a disaster for America. In four short years, he s wrecked our economy, saddled our children with more debt than America managed to rack up in 225 years, and gone around the world apologizing for our country—as if the greatest nation in the world needs to apologize for being a land of opportunity and freedom, which we were before Obama became president.
Now, America looks like a broken country—stripped of jobs, stripped of wealth, stripped of respect. And what does President Obama do about it? He plays nice with a China that is doing everything it can to destroy our economy, while refusing to stand up for America with Middle Eastern oil mobsters who think they can hold us hostage through higher prices at the pump, and chucking billions in “stimulus money to his friends and supporters while letting the rest of us foot the bill.
This can t go on. And if Donald J. Trump has anything to say about it, it won't.
In his new blockbuster book, Time to Get Tough, Trump has the answers America has been looking for, an agenda for making America number one again, including:
- How to put OPEC out of business
- How to create American jobs by forcing Communist China into truly fair trade
- How to retire our debt without endangering long-established programs—like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid—that millions of Americans depend on
- How to undo the fraud of Obamanomics and the disaster of Obamacare
Blunt, straightforward, and honest, it s all trademark Trump, setting out a common sense agenda to restore American prosperity and make our nation respected once again.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
A Passion for Giving:
Tools and Inspiration for Creating
a Charitable Foundation
By Peter Klein & Angelica Berrie
Book Description - Publication Date: ?
Praise for A Passion for Giving
"Klein and Berrie have produced a great book that manages to make complex issues simple. It blends with grace and craft the deep with the practical and the concrete with the philosophical. It is a precious tool for both the neophyte and the experienced philanthropist. It is both a useful manual and a profound exploration of the core values of giving. In a word, this book is a true gift."
—Andres Spokoiny, President and CEO, Jewish Funders Network
"Through the years, many people have asked us why we set up our family foundation and how we went about accomplishing this goal. The 'why' is easy to answer: we are fortunate enough to be able to give back and help others in need. The 'how' is perfectly explained in this compelling and very informative book by Peter Klein and Angelica Berrie."
—Marilyn and Barry Rubenstein, The Marilyn and Barry Rubenstein Family Foundation
"This book should be required reading for new donors and experienced philanthropists. Klein and Berrie have crafted a winning combination of practical guidelines and heartfelt personal accounts to create a moving call to action for anyone who wishes to give back. The stories remind us that when philanthropy, an intensely personal journey, is coupled with deep learning, transformation occurs for both the recipient and the donor."
—Debra Mesch, PhD,Professor and Director, Women's Philanthropy Institute, IUPUI
"I wish I could have had this book to guide me and refer to as my wife, Andrea, and I launched our Harbor Glow Foundation a decade ago. We would have been much more efficient in the process and more focused in our direction from the get-go. Peter and Angelica capture the spirit and nitty-gritty of a family foundation."
—Michael Leeds, Co-Chair, Harbor Glow Foundation
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Why Science
Does Not Disprove God
By Amir Aczel
Book Description - Publication Date: ?
The renowned science writer, mathematician, and bestselling author of Fermat's Last Theorem masterfully refutes the overreaching claims the "New Atheists," providing millions of educated believers with a clear, engaging explanation of what science really says, how there's still much space for the Divine in the universe, and why faith in both God and empirical science are not mutually exclusive.
A highly publicized coterie of scientists and thinkers, including Richard Dawkins, the late Christopher Hitchens, and Lawrence Krauss, have vehemently contended that breakthroughs in modern science have disproven the existence of God, asserting that we must accept that the creation of the universe came out of nothing, that religion is evil, that evolution fully explains the dazzling complexity of life, and more. In this much-needed book, science journalist Amir Aczel profoundly disagrees and conclusively demonstrates that science has not, as yet, provided any definitive proof refuting the existence of God.
Why Science Does Not Disprove God is his brilliant and incisive analyses of the theories and findings of such titans as Albert Einstein, Roger Penrose, Alan Guth, and Charles Darwin, all of whose major breakthroughs leave open the possibility— and even the strong likelihood—of a Creator. Bolstering his argument, Aczel lucidly discourses on arcane aspects of physics to reveal how quantum theory, the anthropic principle, the fine-tuned dance of protons and quarks, the existence of anti-matter and the theory of parallel universes, also fail to disprove God.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Good Profit: How Creating Value for Others Built One of the World's Most Successful Companies
By Charles Koch
Book Description - Publication Date: October 13, 2015
In 1961, Charles Koch joined his father’s Wichita-based company, then valued at $21 million. Six years later, he was named chairman of the board and CEO of Koch Industries, Inc. Today, Koch Industries’ estimated worth is $100 billion -- making it one of the largest private companies in the world. Koch exceeds the S&P 500’s five-decade growth by 27-fold and plans to double its value on average every six years.
What exactly does this company do and why is it so remarkably profitable? Koch’s name may not be on your stain-resistant carpet, stretch denim jeans, the connectors in your smart phone, or your baby’s ultra-absorbent diapers but it makes them all. And Koch’s Market-Based Management® system is what drives these innovations and many more.
Based on five decades of interdisciplinary studies, experimental discovery, and practical implementation across Koch businesses worldwide, the core objective of MBM is to generate good profit. Good profit results from products and services that customers vote for freely with their dollars, products that improve people’s lives. It results from a culture where employees are empowered to act entrepreneurially to discover customers’ preferences and the best ways to satisfy them. Good profit is what follows when long-term value is created for customers, employees, shareholders, and society.
Here, drawing on revealing, honest, and previously untold stories from his nearly six decades in business, Koch walks the reader through the five dimensions of MBM to show how to apply its framework to generate more good profit in any business, industry, or organization of any size. Readers will learn how to:
- Craft a vision for how to thrive in spite of increasingly rapid disruption
- Select and retain a workforce possessing both virtue and talent
- Create an environment of knowledge sharing that prizes respectful challenges from everyone at every level
- Award employees with ownership and decision rights based on their proven contributions, not job title
- Motivate all employees to maximize their contributions by structuring incentives so compensation is limited only by the value they create
A must-read for any leader, entrepreneur, or student, as well as anyone who wants a more civil, fair, and prosperous society, Good Profit is destined to rank as one of the greatest management books of all time
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Margaret Sanger: A Life of Passion
By Jean H. Baker
Book Description - Publication Date: November 13, 2012
To some, the concept of having faith in a higher power or a set of religious beliefs is nonsensical. Indeed, many view religion in general, and Christianity in particular, as unfounded and unreasonable.
Norman Geisler and Frank Turek argue, however, that Christianity is not only more reasonable than all other belief systems, but is indeed more rational than unbelief itself. With conviction and clear thinking, Geisler and Turek guide readers through some of the traditional, tested arguments for the existence of a creator God. They move into an examination of the source of morality and the reliability of the New Testament accounts concerning Jesus. The final section of the book deals with a detailed investigation of the claims of Christ. This volume will be an interesting read for those skeptical about Christianity, as well as a helpful resource for Christians seeking to articulate a more sophisticated defense of their faith.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
I Don't Have Enough Faith
To Be An Atheist
By Norman L. Geisler
Book Description - Publication Date: March 12, 2004
To some, the concept of having faith in a higher power or a set of religious beliefs is nonsensical. Indeed, many view religion in general, and Christianity in particular, as unfounded and unreasonable.
Norman Geisler and Frank Turek argue, however, that Christianity is not only more reasonable than all other belief systems, but is indeed more rational than unbelief itself. With conviction and clear thinking, Geisler and Turek guide readers through some of the traditional, tested arguments for the existence of a creator God. They move into an examination of the source of morality and the reliability of the New Testament accounts concerning Jesus. The final section of the book deals with a detailed investigation of the claims of Christ. This volume will be an interesting read for those skeptical about Christianity, as well as a helpful resource for Christians seeking to articulate a more sophisticated defense of their faith.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
A More Perfect Union: What We the People Can Do to Reclaim Our Constitutional Liberties
By Dr. Ben Carson
Book Description - Publication Date: October 6, 2015
Dear Reader,
Many people have wondered why I’ve been speaking out on controversial issues for the last few years. They say I’ve never held political office. I’m not a constitutional scholar. I’m not even a lawyer. All I can say to that is “Guilty as charged.”
It’s true that I’ve never voted for a budget America could not afford. I’ve never raised anyone’s taxes. And I’ve never promised a lobbyist anything in exchange for a donation.
Luckily, none of that really matters. Our founding fathers didn’t want a permanent governing class of professional politicians. They wanted a republic, in Lincoln’s words, "of the people, by the people, and for the people." A country where any farmer, small-business owner, manual laborer, or doctor could speak up and make a difference.
I believe that making a difference starts with understanding our amazing founding document, the U.S. Constitution. And as someone who has performed brain surgery thousands of times, I can assure you that the Constitution isn’t brain surgery.
The founders wrote it for ordinary men and women, in clear, precise, simple language. They intentionally made it short enough to read in a single sitting and to carry in your pocket.
I wrote this book to encourage every citizen to read and think about the Constitution, and to help defend it from those who misinterpret and undermine it. In our age of political correctness it’s especially important to defend the Bill of Rights, which guarantees our freedom to speak, bear arms, practice our religion, and much more.
The Constitution isn’t history—it’s about your life in America today. And defending it is about what kind of country our children and grandchildren will inherit.
I hope you’ll enjoy learning about the fascinating ways that the founders established the greatest democracy in history—and the ways that recent presidents, congresses, and courts have threatened that democracy.
As the Preamble says, the purpose of the Constitution is to create a more perfect union. My goal is to empower you to help protect that union and secure the blessings of liberty.
Ben Carson
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Stealing America: What My Experience with Criminal Gangs Taught Me about Obama, Hillary, and the Democratic Party
By Dinesh di Sousa
Book Description - Publication Date:
Dinesh di Sousa did detention time and learned a lot which led to his new book.
He was interviewed by Dennis Prager
Shown at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiGU9o-qpNgwindo
A signpost along America's path to serfdom was the part about a bundler on a much larger scale who tampered with witnesses, but had a better outcome because his crime supported Democrats including Hillary Clinton. The Left tried to silence di Sousa and they made him more knowledgeable of the way in which the Democrat Party is analogous to a crime family. It would be funny if it weren't so sad that America suffers under this crime family - the analysis of the Clintons and Obama with their comparable members of the other side.
America is more threatened by an apathetic electorate than by Global Warming.
“In this timely, fresh, provocative, and entertaining book, D’Souza explains how his experience among hardened criminals not only changed his life, but fundamentally transformed his perception of his adopted country.”
What do the Democratic Party and a gang of criminals have in common? Funny you should ask!
In the fall of 2014, outspoken pundit, author, and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza found himself hauled into federal court for improperly donating money to a friend who was running for the Senate.
D’Souza pleaded guilty, apologized for his offense, and was sentenced to eight months in a state-run confinement center near his home in San Diego. In the facility, he lived among hardened criminals—drug dealers, thieves, gangbangers, rapists, and murderers.
Previously, D’Souza had seen America through the eyes of a grateful immigrant who came here as a student and became successful by applying and defending conservative principles. Again and again, D’Souza made the case that America is an exceptional nation, fundamentally fair and just.
D’Souza’s prolonged exposure to the criminal underclass provided an eye-opening education in American realities. In the view of hardened criminals, America is anything but fair and just. Instead, it is a jungle in which various armed gangs face off against one another, with the biggest and most powerful gangs inhabiting the federal government.
Applying this hardboiled perspective to American politics, D’Souza saw that America is becoming less exceedingly exceptional every day. Indeed, it is in danger of becoming just like India and other corrupt third world nations, run by gangs of kleptocrats. As for American liberalism, it is not a movement of ideas at all; it is but a series of scams and cons aimed at nothing less than stealing the wealth of the American people.
From The Back Cover:
“I had won—for now. But I knew I still had an ordeal ahead. Little did I know what was in store for me at the confinement center. Let me say that it was not overpopulated with dentists, entrepreneurs, and CEOs. Rather, I was destined to spend every night for the next either months sleepingin a dormitory with more than a hundred rapists, armed robbers, drug smugglers, and murderers.
I learned how the hoodlums think and how they operate, how they organize themselves in gangs, how they rip people off and crush their enemies. I understood, for the first time, the psychology of crookedness. Suddenly I had an epiphany: this system of larceny, corruption, and terror that I encountered firsthand in the confinement center is exactly the same system that has been adopted and perfected by modern progressivism and the Democratic Party.
This book is an exposé of Obama, Hillary, and modern liberalism, not as a defective movement of ideas, but as a crime syndicate.”
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All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Max Your Mind: The Owner’s Guide for a Strong Brain
“Mind Maxing: Where Body and Spirit Merge for Peace”
By Sandra S. Stanton
Book Description - Publication Date: November 3, 2015
“Why did I come into this room?” Maybe you couldn’t come up with your neighbor’s son’s name when you’ve lived next door for years. These instances are part of “the Fade”-the slowing of the mind as years pass. However, getting older doesn’t have to mean growing forgetful! “Max Your Mind: The Owner’s Guide for a Strong Brain takes a light-hearted look at the struggles of aging and offers tips and guidance for how to stay young in heart and mind.
Sandra Sunquist Stanton NCC, LPC, BCC is an author, speaker and board certified health and wellness life coach. Since retiring from school counseling after twenty-five years, she has published over 75 articles and book chapters, presented over 100 workshops in 8 states and in Canada and was invited to set up a guidance program at Hunming Internaqtional Academy in Yunnan, China. Sandra continues to jelp eople of all ages make3 the ost of their amazing brains through her business, Connections of the Heart LLC, and her online platforms. Contact her at www.SandraStantonAuthor.com for more information about individual and group Brain Coaching packages. Her book is available at your favorite bookstore, on Amazon.com. For a personalized, signed copy, order through her Web site.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
A Miracle That Changed the World The 5000 Year Leap
By W. Cleon Skousen
Book Description - Publication Date: 2007
This is the best-selling Original Authorized Edition regularly featured by Glenn Beck to Fox TV viewers as a Must Read!
The nation the Founders built is now in the throes of a political, economic, social, and spiritual crisis that has driven many to an almost frantic search for modern solutions. The truth is that the solutions have been available for a long time -- in the writings of our Founding Fathers -- carefully set forth in this timely book.
In The 5000 Year Leap: A Miracle That Changed the World, Discover the 28 Principles of Freedom our Founding Fathers said must be understood and perpetuated by every people who desire peace, prosperity, and freedom. Learn how adherence to these beliefs during the past 200 years has brought about more progress than was made in the previous 5000 years. These 28 Principles include The Genius of Natural Law, Virtuous and Moral Leaders, Equal Rights--Not Equal Things, and Avoiding the Burden of Debt.
Learn The Constitution - Study Guide - Outline of 28 Principles
- Principle 1 - The only reliable basis for sound government and just human relations is Natural Law.
Natural law is God's law. There are certain laws which govern the entire universe, and just as Thomas Jefferson said in the Declaration of Independence, there are laws which govern in the affairs of men which are "the laws of nature and of nature's God."
- Principle 2 - A free people cannot survive under a republican constitution unless they remain virtuous and morally strong.
"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." - Benjamin Franklin
- Principle 3 - The most promising method of securing a virtuous people is to elect virtuous leaders.
"Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt. He therefore is the truest friend to the liberty of his country who tries most to promote its virtue, and who ... will not suffer a man to be chosen into any office of power and trust who is not a wise and virtuous man." - Samuel Adams
- Principle 4 - Without religion the government of a free people cannot be maintained.
"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.... And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion." - George Washington
- Principle 5 - All things were created by God, therefore upon him all mankind are equally dependent, and to him they are equally responsible.
The American Founding Fathers considered the existence of the Creator as the most fundamental premise underlying all self-evident truth. They felt a person who boasted he or she was an atheist had just simply failed to apply his or her divine capacity for reason and observation.
- Principle 6 - All mankind were created equal.
The Founders knew that in these three ways, all mankind are theoretically treated as:
1. Equal before God.
2. Equal before the law.
3. Equal in their rights.
- Principle 7 - The proper role of government is to protect equal rights, not provide equal things.
The Founders recognized that the people cannot delegate to their government any power except that which they have the lawful right to exercise themselves.
- Principle 8 - Mankind are endowed by God with certain unalienable rights.
"Those rights, then, which God and nature have established, and are therefore called natural rights, such as are life and liberty, need not the aid of human laws to be more effectually invested in every man than they are; neither do they receive any additional strength when declared by the municipal [or state] laws to be inviolable. On the contrary, no human legislation has power to abridge or destroy them, unless the owner [of the right] shall himself commit some act that amounts to a forfeiture." - William Blackstone
- Principle 9 - To protect human rights, God has revealed a code of divine law.
"The doctrines thus delivered we call the revealed or divine law, and they are to be found only in the Holy Scriptures. These precepts, when revealed, are found by comparison to be really a part of the original law of nature, as they tend in all their consequences to man's felicity." - William Blackstone
- Principle 10 - The God-given right to govern is vested in the sovereign authority of the whole people.
"The fabric of American empire ought to rest on the solid basis of the consent of the people. The streams of national power ought to flow immediately from that pure, original fountain of all legislative authority." - Alexander Hamilton
- Principle 11 - The majority of the people may alter or abolish a government which has become tyrannical.
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes ... but when a long train of abuses and usurpations ... evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security." - Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence
- Principle 12 - The United States of America shall be a republic.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
And to the republic for which it stands...."
- Principle 13 - A Constitution should protect the people from the frailties of their rulers.
"If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.... [But lacking these] you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself." - James Madison
- Principle 14 - Life and liberty are secure only so long as the rights of property are secure.
John Locke reasoned that God gave the earth and everything in it to the whole human family as a gift. Therefore the land, the sea, the acorns in the forest, the deer feeding in the meadow belong to everyone "in common." However, the moment someone takes the trouble to change something from its original state of nature, that person has added his ingenuity or labor to make that change. Herein lies the secret to the origin of "property rights."
- Principle 15 - The highest level of prosperity occurs when there is a free-market economy and a minimum of government regulations.
Prosperity depends upon a climate of wholesome stimulation with four basic freedoms in operation:
1. The Freedom to try.
2. The Freedom to buy.
3. The Freedom to sell.
4. The Freedom to fail.
- Principle 16 - The government should be separated into three branches.
"I call you to witness that I was the first member of the Congress who ventured to come out in public, as I did in January 1776, in my Thoughts on Government ... in favor of a government with three branches and an independent judiciary. This pamphlet, you know, was very unpopular. No man appeared in public to support it but yourself." - John Adams
- Principle 17 - A system of checks and balances should be adopted to prevent the abuse of power by the different branches of government.
"It will not be denied that power is of an encroaching nature and that it ought to be effectually restrained from passing the limits assigned to it." - James Madison
- Principle 18 - The unalienable rights of the people are most likely to be preserved if the principles of government are set forth in a written Constitution.
The structure of the American system is set forth in the Constitution of the United States and the only weaknesses which have appeared are those which were allowed to creep in despite the Constitution.
- Principle 19 - Only limited and carefully defined powers should be delegated to government, all others being retained by the people.
The Tenth Amendment is the most widely violated provision of the bill of rights. If it had been respected and enforced America would be an amazingly different country than it is today. This amendment provides:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
- Principle 20 - Efficiency and dispatch require that the government operate according to the will of the majority, but constitutional provisions must be made to protect the rights of the minority.
"Every man, by consenting with others to make one body politic under one government, puts himself under an obligation to every one of that society to submit to the determination of the majority, and to be concluded [bound] by it." - John Locke
- Principle 21 - Strong local self-government is the keystone to preserving human freedom.
"The way to have good and safe government is not to trust it all to one, but to divide it among the many, distributing to every one exactly the functions he is competent [to perform best]. - Thomas Jefferson
- Principle 22 - A free people should be governed by law and not by the whims of men.
"The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all the states of created beings, capable of laws, where there is no law there is no freedom. For liberty is to be free from restraint and violence of others, which cannot be where there is no law." - John Locke
- Principle 23 - A free society cannot survive as a republic without a broad program of general education.
"They made an early provision by law that every town consisting of so many families should be always furnished with a grammar school. They made it a crime for such a town to be destitute of a grammar schoolmaster for a few months, and subjected it to a heavy penalty. So that the education of all ranks of people was made the care and expense of the public, in a manner that I believe has been unknown to any other people, ancient or modern. The consequences of these establishments we see and feel every day [written in 1765]. A native of America who cannot read and write is as rare ... as a comet or an earthquake." John Adams
- Principle 24 - A free people will not survive unless they stay strong.
"To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace." - George Washington
- Principle 25 - "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations -- entangling alliances with none."- Thomas Jefferson, given in his first inaugural address.
- Principle 26 - The core unit which determines the strength of any society is the family; therefore the government should foster and protect its integrity.
"There is certainly no country in the world where the tie of marriage is more respected than in America , or where conjugal happiness is more highly or worthily appreciated." Alexis de Tocqueville
- Principle 27 - The burden of debt is as destructive to human freedom as subjugation by conquest.
"We are bound to defray expenses [of the war] within our own time, and are unauthorized to burden posterity with them.... We shall all consider ourselves morally bound to pay them ourselves and consequently within the life [expectancy] of the majority." - Thomas Jefferson
- Principle 28 - The United States has a manifest destiny to eventually become a glorious example of God's law under a restored Constitution that will inspire the entire human race.
The Founders sensed from the very beginning that they were on a divine mission. Their great disappointment was that it didn't all come to pass in their day, but they knew that someday it would. John Adams wrote:
"I always consider the settlement of America with reverence and wonder, as the opening of a grand scene and design in Providence for the illumination of the ignorant, and the emancipation of the slavish part of mankind all over the earth."
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All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Crippled America How to Make America Great Again
By Donald Trump
Book Description - Publication Date: November 3, 2015
Look at the state of the world right now. It’s a terrible mess, and that’s putting it mildly. There has never been a more dangerous time. The politicians and special interests in Washington, DC, are directly responsible for the mess we are in. So why should we continue listening to them?
It’s time to bring America back to its rightful owners—the American people.
I’m not going to play the same game politicians have been playing for decades—all talk, no action, while special interests and lobbyists dictate our laws. I am shaking up the establishment on both sides of the political aisle because I can’t be bought. I want to bring America back, to make it great and prosperous again, and to be sure we are respected by our allies and feared by our adversaries.
It’s time for action. Americans are fed up with politics as usual. And they should be! In this book, I outline my vision to make America great again, including: how to fix our failing economy; how to reform health care so it is more efficient, cost-effective, and doesn’t alienate both doctors and patients; how to rebuild our military and start winning wars—instead of watching our enemies take over—while keeping our promises to our great veterans; how to ensure that our education system offers the resources that allow our students to compete internationally, so tomorrow’s jobseekers have the tools they need to succeed; and how to immediately bring jobs back to America by closing our doors to illegal immigrants, and pressuring businesses to produce their goods at home.
This book is my blueprint for how to Make America Great Again. It’s not hard. We just need someone with the courage to say what needs to be said. We won’t find that in Washington, DC.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Wake Up America: The Nine Virtues That Made Our Nation Great--and Why We Need Them More Than Ever
By Eric Bolling
Book Description - Publication Date: June 28, 2016
America was built on nine distinct virtues which shaped the character of our nation and made it great.
Grit, manliness, individualism, merit, profit and providence, dominion over our environment, thrift, and above all pride in our country
-- these qualities define us, and are the reason that hundreds of millions of people worldwide look to America for hope, inspiration, and opportunity.
But it’s precisely these virtues that now are under attack by the radical Left of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and their followers. America as we know it is eroding before our eyes and becoming what Fox News Channel personality and co-host of “The Five” Eric Bolling calls a “politically correct nanny state.” The rewards for individual achievement and hard work, our basic constitutional rights, religious faith, national identity, and capitalism itself, are being replaced by a dangerous socialistic ideology that is the polar opposite of what our Founding Fathers intended America to be.
It’s time for us to wake up and heed the clear-cut warning signs that America is heading in the wrong direction--before we’re too far gone. Eric Bolling knows firsthand what makes America great. Raised in a struggling blue-collar family in Chicago, his parents showed him that hard work and firm values can get you far in life. Those values drove him as a young baseball player to being drafted by the Pittsburgh Pirates, then success as a New York Mercantile Exchange trader, and now his daily role on Fox News Channel. A celebration of America that is informed by Bolling’s personal story, Wake Up America is a much-needed call to arms for America’s citizens to preserve and protect our country's present and future.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
The Right Path: From Ike to Reagan, How Republicans Once Mastered Politics--and Can Again
By Joe Scarborough
Book Description - Publication Date: November 12, 2013
In the aftermath of Lyndon Johnson’s 1964 landslide, the Republican Party appeared to be on the verge of permanent irrelevance. LBJ’s Great Society was institutionalizing sweeping liberal reforms, and the United States had a thriving, prosperous economy. Yet in an instant everything changed, and the next four decades would witness an unprecedented era of Republican ascendancy. What happened?
In The Right Path, Joe Scarborough looks back in time to discern how Republicans once dominated American public life. From Eisenhower’s refusal to let “the perfect be the enemy of the good” to Reagan’s charismatic but resolutely practical genius, Scarborough shows how principled pragmatism, combined with a commitment to core conservative values, led to victory after victory.
Now, however, political incalcitrance is threatening to turn a once-mighty party into a permanent minority.
Opening with the passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965—the high-water moment for liberalism—and ending with the national disillusionment that set in after Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans, The Right Path effortlessly blends American political history with astute analysis and pithy, no-holds-barred commentary. Both a bracing call to arms and a commonsense history, The Right Path provides an illuminating look at conservatism and its discontents—and why the GOP must regain its former tone and tradition if it hopes to survive.
Praise for The Right Path
“This concise history of modern Republican politics might just leave you optimistic about the chances that conservatives can govern again. . . . In the world of commentary, we tend to obsess over the quotidian ebbs and flows—assuming that every little bump in the road is a disaster. . . . But there’s something about reading the history that allows one to take a longer view and put things in context. And that’s precisely what this book does very well.”—The Daily Caller
“The Right Path is the right book at the right time to spark a much-needed conversation about the future of the Republican Party.”—Doris Kearns Goodwin
“If you’re interested in the Republican future, you need to read The Right Path. I don’t agree with all of it, but Joe Scarborough has written a book that’s both thought-provoking and fun.”—William Kristol
“Joe Scarborough’s lively, provocative, and instructive history of the modern Republican Party will stir up the GOP—which is exactly what he has in mind. As the Grand Old Party searches for a path to victory, Joe offers some important lessons to be learned.”—Tom Brokaw
“Joe Scarborough’s incisive, original, provocative, and well-argued book, deploying American political history both distant and recent, deserves to be widely read, carefully considered, and energetically debated.”—Michael Beschloss
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Clean House: Exposing Our Government's Secrets and Lies
By Tom Fitton
Book Description - Publication Date: August 30, 2016
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Corruption Chronicles comes a devastating expose of the scandals of Obama's second term. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton reveals what the largest watchdog agency in America has uncovered in its battles against Obama secrecy.
Clean House takes us through incriminating documents from the attack in Benghazi, Hillary Clinton’s secret emails, the IRS scandal, and the Obamacare swindle.
As the president of Judicial Watch, America’s largest non-partisan government watchdog, Tom Fitton has investigated the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations. Judicial Watch is the group that helped impeach Bill Clinton and took the Bush White House secrecy all the way up to the Supreme Court. Since the beginning of the Obama administration, this grassroots group has filed over 700 open records demands and dozens of lawsuits, including a successful fight over the secret Obama White House visitor logs.
Americans are rightly worried they are losing their country. How did five Congressional committees miss the smoking gun on Benghazi? How did Hillary Clinton keep a secret email server quiet for years? Does the IRS audit you because of your politics? Did the first American target of Obama’s drone program work for the US government? How did Congress commit fraud to get Obamacare taxpayer subsidies?
In Clean House, Tom Fitton answers these questions and provides shocking evidence of the corruption endemic to the Obama White House.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Treason: A Novel
By Newt Gingrich
Book Description
Publication Date: October 11, 2016
Leading politician and bestselling author Newt Gingrich and novelist Pete Earley are back with another gripping international thriller.
THE WORLD'S MASTER TERRORIST, known only as the Falcon, has infiltrated Washington's highest corridors of power, threatening the very existence of our democracy in this realistic tale of modern day TREASON. Major Brooke Grant has been waging war against terrorism since her parents were murdered during 9/11, keenly aware that her enemy transcends borders. But a coordinated attack on the president at the funeral of a Washington power broker leads her to a terrifying revelation: the enemy is closer than she'd ever imagined and is hiding in plain sight. The Falcon has gained a weapon no terrorist has ever wielded before: an American-born traitor burrowed inside the U.S. government itself.
TREASON is a story of a nation fighting for its life not only against outside threats but also against an internal threat-a fanatical jihadist who uses liberty as a shield while trying to destroy the civilization created in its image. Major Grant's deadly chess match with the Falcon turns personal when he issues a fatwa against her and those she loves. Can she unmask the traitor and stop the Falcon's most skilled assassin sent to kill her before he strikes? Or will she fall victim to betrayal by a false friend in this gripping tale of treachery, courage, and ultimately patriotism where good battles evil? Only Newt Gingrich, who brings decades of experience in national security and politics to bear in his collaboration with journalist Pete Earley, can spin such a vivid mix of reality and fiction, daring readers to guess where the line between the two is crossed.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America
By Kevin Kruse
Book Description:
Conventional wisdom holds that America has been a Christian nation since the Founding Fathers. But in One Nation Under God, historian Kevin M. Kruse argues that the idea of “Christian America” is nothing more than a myth—and a relatively recent one at that.
The assumption that America was, is, and always will be a Christian nation dates back no further than the 1930s, when a coalition of businessmen and religious leaders united in opposition to FDR’s New Deal. With the full support of Dwight Eisenhower in the 1950s, these activists—the forerunners of the Religious Right—propelled religion into the public sphere. Church membership skyrocketed; Congress added the phrase “under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance and made “In God We Trust” the country’s official motto. For the first time, America became a thoroughly religious nation.
Provocative and authoritative, One Nation Under God reveals how the comingling of money, religion, and politics created a false origin story that continues to define and divide American politics today.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Rediscovering Americanism: And the Tyranny of Progressivism
By Mark R. Levin
Book Description
Publication Date: June 27, 2017
From #1 New York Times bestselling author and radio host Mark R. Levin comes a searing plea for a return to America’s most sacred values.
In Rediscovering Americanism, Mark R. Levin revisits the founders’ warnings about the perils of overreach by the federal government and concludes that the men who created our country would be outraged and disappointed to see where we've ended up.
Levin returns to the impassioned question he's explored in each of his bestselling books: How do we save our exceptional country? Because our values are in such a precarious state, he argues that a restoration to the essential truths on which our country was founded has never been more urgent. Understanding these principles, in Levin’s words, can “serve as the antidote to tyrannical regimes and governments.” Rediscovering Americanism is not an exercise in nostalgia, but an appeal to his fellow citizens to reverse course.
This essential book brings Levin’s celebrated, sophisticated analysis to the troubling question of America's future, and reminds us what we must restore for the sake of our children and our children's children.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World
By Eric Metaxas
Publication Date: October 3, 2017
Book Description
“Metaxas is a scrupulous chronicler and has an eye for a good story. . . . full, instructive, and pacey.” —The Washington Post
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Eric Metaxas comes a brilliant and inspiring biography of the most influential man in modern history, Martin Luther, in time for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
On All Hallow’s Eve in 1517, a young monk named Martin Luther posted a document he hoped would spark an academic debate, but that instead ignited a conflagration that would forever destroy the world he knew. Five hundred years after Luther’s now famous Ninety-five Theses appeared, Eric Metaxas, acclaimed biographer of the bestselling Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy and Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery, paints a startling portrait of the wild figure whose adamantine faith cracked the edifice of Western Christendom and dragged medieval Europe into the future. Written in riveting prose and impeccably researched, Martin Luther tells the searing tale of a humble man who, by bringing ugly truths to the highest seats of power, caused the explosion whose sound is still ringing in our ears. Luther’s monumental faith and courage gave birth to the ideals of liberty, equality, and individualism that today lie at the heart of all modern life.
All books are available from Chuck Seldon (208-954-2788) or the Boise Public Library.
The Rational Bible
By Dennis Prager
Book Description - Publication Date: April 2, 2018
Why do so many people think the Bible, the most influential book in world history, is outdated? Why do our friends and neighbors – and sometimes we ourselves – dismiss the Bible as irrelevant, irrational, immoral, or all of these things? This explanation of the Book of Exodus, the second book of the Bible, will demonstrate that the Bible is not only powerfully relevant to today’s issues, but completely consistent with rational thought.
Do you think the Bible permitted the trans-Atlantic slave trade? You won’t after reading this book.
Do you struggle to love your parents? If you do, you need this book.
Do you doubt the existence of God because belief in God is “irrational?” This book will give you reason after reason to rethink your doubts.
The title of this commentary is, “The Rational Bible” because its approach is entirely reason-based. The reader is never asked to accept anything on faith alone. As Prager says, “If something I write does not make rational sense, I have not done my job.”
The Rational Bible is the fruit of Dennis Prager’s forty years of teaching the Bible to people of every faith, and no faith. On virtually every page, you will discover how the text relates to the contemporary world and to your life.
His goal: to change your mind – and then change your life.
This book is available from Amazon.