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Our mission is to re-establish the presence and influence of the Bible into American public schools.

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Current Amount Owed As Of November 29, 2017

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Web Site Work Done

Date Hours Worked Charge Amount Owed Work Done
Nov 25, 2012 .5 $12.50 $0.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Laura Hillenbrand
Nov 25, 2012 .5 $12.50 $12.50 Add Book to Library Page:
David Jeremiah
The Handbook of Bible Application
Nov 27, 2012 .5 $12.50 $25.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Paul Kengor - The Communist
Nov 30, 2012 .5 $12.50 $37.50 Add to Like-Minded Organization Page:
Louis Palau Ministry
Dec 12, 2012 .5 $12.50 $50.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Walter Stahr - Seward - Lincoln's Indespensible Man
Dec 12, 2012 .5 $12.50 $62.50 Add Book to Library Page:
David McCullough - John Adams
Dec 12, 2012 .5 $12.50 $75.00 Add to Like-Minded Organization Page:
Like-Minded Organizations
Dec 12, 2012 .5 $12.50 $87.50 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Dec 17, 2012 - -$50.00 37.50 Payment of $50.00
Dec 21, 2012 .5 $12.50 $50.00 Add Book to Library Page:
A Biography of Charles Goodyear by P. W. Barker
Dec 27, 2012 .5 $12.50 $62.50 Added Teen Challenge Riverside Photos
to About Us Web Page
Dec 29, 2012 .25 $6.25 $68.75 Main Page Advisors Section
JenniferSouthard Moved to Silicon Valley, California
Jan 7, 2013 .5 $12.50 $81.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Doris Goodwin - Team of Rivals
Jan 7, 2013 .5 $12.50 $93.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Rosa Koire - Behind The Green Mask
Jan 13, 2013 .5 $12.50 $106.25 Add to Like-Minded Organizations:
Turning Point - David Jeremiah's Ministry
Jan 13, 2013 .5 $12.50 $118.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Tom Brokaw - The Greatest Generation
Jan 13, 2013 .5 $12.50 $131.25 Add Book to Library Page:
David Barton - The Founder's Bible
Jan 13, 2013 .5 $12.50 $143.75 Add DVD to Library Page:
Truth In Action - DVD - Restoring The Value Of Life
Jan 13, 2013 .5 $12.50 $156.25 Add to Like-Minded Organizations:
Young Republican National Federation
Jan 19, 2013 .5 $12.50 $168.75 Add School Shootings article on Message Board Page to FAQ's Page
Jan 23, 2013 .5 $12.50 $181.25 Add Note to Library Page:
Charles Goodyear, The Rubber Baron
"Read the Introduction on Page 7"
Jan 28, 2013 .5 $12.50 $193.75 Add Note to Main & Sponsors Pages:
Explain Option To Donate Via Check
Jan 28, 2013 - -$150.00 $43.75 Payment of $150.00
Feb 11, 2013 .5 $12.50 $56.25 Post the Weekly Update
of Judicial Watch (
and their list of Washington's Top Ten Most Corrupted Politicians for 2012
Feb 11, 2013 .5 $12.50 $68.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Glenn Beck and Harriet Parke - Agenda 21
Feb 13, 2013 .25 $6.25 $75.00 Change Calendar Page
Faith Impact Day is February 21, 2013
Mar 1, 2013 .25 $6.25 $81.25 Added Link To History Channel's
"The Real Face of Jesus"
Mar 4, 2013 - -$75.00 $6.25 Payment of $75.00
Mar 5, 2013 .5 $12.50 $18.75 Bulletin Board Page
Added the Proposal for
"The Idaho Center for Conservative Studies"
Mar 5, 2013 .25 $6.25 $25.00 Learning Aids Page
Added the Proposal for
"The Idaho Center for Conservative Studies"
Mar 5, 2013 .5 $12.50 $37.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Phyllis Schlafly and Grass Roots Conservatism
Mar 9, 2013 .5 $12.50 $50.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Albert Einstein - The World As I See It
Mar 9, 2013 .5 $12.50 $62.50 Add Book to Library Page:
James Thomas and John Bunyan - Pilgrim's Progress
Mar 12, 2013 .5 $12.50 $75.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Samuel Crowther & Henry Ford - My Life and Work
Mar 12, 2013 .5 $12.50 $87.50 Add Book to Library Page:
R.G. LeTourneau - Mover of Men And Mountains
Mar 12, 2013 .5 $12.50 $100.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Booker T. Washington - Up From Slavery
Mar 12, 2013 .5 $12.50 $112.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Bill Hare - JC Penney - Celebration of Fools
Mar 14, 2013 1.0 $25.00 $137.50 Change the Main Page "Supreme Court" Statement
to be larger text and more comprehensive.
Mar 19, 2013 .5 $12.50 $150.00 Add Book to Library Page:
D. James Kennedy - Lord of All
Mar 19, 2013 .5 $12.50 $162.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Ben Carson, M.D. - America the Beautiful
Mar 23, 2013 .5 $12.50 $175.00 Add To Media Page
The Jesus Film Project
by Campus Crusade for Christ
Mar 24, 2013 .5 $12.50 $187.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Phyllis Schlafly - The Supremacist
Mar 25, 2013 1.0 $25.00 $212.50 Add Tennis Club Information To The About Us Page
Taken from:
Mar 27, '13 - -$150.00 $62.50 Payment of $150.00
Mar 28, 2013 .5 $12.50 $75.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Anne Graham Lotz
My Jesus Is Everything
Mar 28, 2013 .25 $6.25 $81.25 Media Page
Replace Sylvia with Russ for receiving e-mails
Apr 2, 2013 .5 $12.50 $93.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Edith Schafer - The Tapestry
Apr 3, 2013 .5 $12.50 $106.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Francis A. Schaeffer - He Is There and He Is Not Silent
Apr 4, 2013 .5 $12.50 $118.75 Add Letter from Idaho Representative Pete Nielsen on Teaching the Bible In Schools
Apr 10, 2013 .5 $12.50 $131.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Francis A. Schaeffer - How Should We Then Live?
Apr 15, 2013 .5 $12.50 $143.75 Add Book' Back Cover to Library Page:
Francis A. Schaeffer - How Should We Then Live?
Apr 16, 2013 .25 $6.25 $150.00 Added To Links Page / Like-Minded Organizations
The American Civil Rights Union
Apr 18, 2013 .25 $6.25 $156.25 Change Gloria Hansen's Phone Number To 208-362-5552
Apr 18, 2013 1.0 $25.00 $181.25 Create a Boise Tennis Club Web Page
Apr 19, 2013 .5 $12.50 $193.75 Add To Sponsors Page: Rev. Dave Baumann, Larry Knapp, Willard "Robbie" Robinson, Bob Hoover, Mike Wilson, Boise Business Men's Christian Association
Apr 19, 2013 .5 $12.50 $206.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Eric Metaxas - Amazing Grace
Apr 29, 2013 .5 $12.50 $218.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Michael and Sharon Rusten
One-Year Book of Christian History
Apr 29, 2013 .5 $12.50 $231.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Glenn Beck: Arguing With Idiots
May 9, 2013 .5 $12.50 $243.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Karen Gushta, Phd - How Can America Survive?
May 11, 2013 .25 - $243.75 Add a Statement to Book: Tim LaHaye - Mind Siege
May 12, 2013 .25 - $243.75 Added Links At The End Of Each World War IIArticle
Doolittle, Robinson and Normandy
May 12, 2013 .25 - $243.75 Add a new sponsor to list: Chad Inman
May 12, 2013 .25 - $243.75 Add Sponsor: Bob Hoover - World War II Veteran
Mar 24, '13 - -$200.00 $43.75 Payment of $200.00
June 13, 2013 .5 $12.50 $56.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Dennis Prager, Still The Best Hope
June 14, 2013 .5 $12.50 $68.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Frank Gaffney
The Muslim Brotherhood in the Obama Administration
July 1, 2013 .5 $12.50 $81.25 Add Book to Library Page:
William Bennet
Is College Worth It?
July 1, 2013 .5 $12.50 $93.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Jim DeMint
Why We Whisper
July 3, 2013 .5 $12.50 $106.25 Add Book to Like-Minded Organizations Page: - Offering $1,000 Scholarships
Jul 5, '13 - -$150.00 (-$43.75) Payment of $150.00
July 8, 2013 .5 $12.50 -($31.25) Add To Like-Minded Organizations Page:
The Election Integrity Defense Project
July 8, 2013 .5 $12.50 -($18.75) Add Book to Library Page:
Lynn Curlee - Rushmore
July 10, 2013 .5 $12.50 -($6.25) Add Book to Library Page:
July 11, 2013 .5 $12.50 $6.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Flip Schulke - King Remembered
July 17, 2013 .5 $12.50 $18.75 Add The History Channel's 3 DVD Set to Media Page:
"The Men Who Built America"
July 18, 2013 .5 $12.50 $31.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Grace Raymond Hebard - Sacajawea
July 18, 2013 .5 $12.50 $43.75 Added Boise Weekly article
"The Boise Tennis Coalition Helping Returning Veterans"
July 19, 2013 .25 $6.25 $50.00 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
July 19, 2013 .5 $12.50 $62.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Charles Colson - Kingdoms In Conflict
July 31, 2013 .5 $12.50 $75.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Ben Carson - The Big Picture
July 31, 2013 .5 $12.50 $87.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Ben Carson - Take The Risk
July 31, 2013 .5 $12.50 $100.00 Add to Like-Minded Organizations
Christian Music Organization
July 31, 2013 .5 $12.50 $112.50 Copy From The Media Page to Learning Aids Page
"The History Channel - "The Men Who Built America"
Add "Blu-ray is now available."
Aug 7, 2013 .5 $12.50 $125.00 Add To Message Board Page:
Eddie Rickenbacker
A Story Of Survival
Aug 15, 2013 .5 $12.50 $137.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Cecil Murphey - Gifted Hands, The Ben Carson Story
Aug 16, 2013 .5 $12.50 $150.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Jonathan Cahn - The Harbinger
Aug 17, 2013 .5 $12.50 $162.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Mark Levin - The Liberty Amendments
Aug 21, 2013 .5 $12.50 $175.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Tony Evans - Destiny
Aug 24, 2013 .5 $12.50 $187.50 Add Video to Media Page:
Sarah Palin - The Undefeated
Aug 25, 2013 .5 $12.50 $200.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Tony Evans - God's Unlikely Path To Success
Aug 26, 2013 .25 $6.25 $206.25 Add Link to Like-Minded Organizations:
See You At The Polls
Sep 3, 2013 .5 $12.50 $218.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Dr. Kenneth Cooper - It's Better To Believe
Sep 3, 2013 .25 $6.25 $225.00 Add To Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Stand Up America -
Sep 3, 2013 .25 $6.25 $231.25 Add To Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Billy Graham's Decision Magazine
Sep 3, 2013 .25 $6.25 $237.50 Add To Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Dr. James Kennedy Sermon - Truth in Action
Sep 5, '13 - -$200.00 $37.50 Payment of $200.00
Sep 11, 2013 .25 $6.25 $43.75 Add to Like-Minded Organizations:
Bible Study Fellowship - Bible Classes
Sep 11, 2013 .25 $6.25 $50.00 Add to Like-Minded Organizations:
Christian HomeSchoolers of Idaho State
Sep 11, 2013 .25 $6.25 $56.25 Add to Political Page:
Don't Fund It! Obamacare
Sep 12, 2013 .25 $6.50 $62.50 Add Carol Cassady to Main Page
Advisors Section
Sep 13, 2013 .25 $6.25 $68.75 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Idaho Freedom Foundation
Sep 13, 2013 .25 $6.25 $75.00 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Samaritan Ministries
Sep 18, 2013 .25 $6.25 $81.25 Add to Like-Minded Organizations:
Motivating People to be More Productive
Sep 18, 2013 .25 $6.25 $87.50 Add to Like-Minded Organizations:
Trinity Broadcasting Family of Networks
Sep 25, 2013 .25 $6.25 $93.75 Add to Sponsors Page:
Chad Inman
Sep 25, 2013 .25 $6.25 $100.00 Add to Sponsors Page:
Carol Cassady
Sep 25, 2013 .5 $12.50 $112.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Robert Curley - The One Hundred Most Influential Inventors Of All Time
Oct 2, 2013 .5 $12.50 $125.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Michelle Malkin - Culture of Corruption
Oct 2, 2013 .25 $6.25 $131.25 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Edward Grinnan of GuidePosts Ministries
Oct 2, 2013 .5 $12.50 $143.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Christopher Hitchens - Thomas Paine's Rights of Man
Oct 4, 2013 .5 $12.50 $156.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Mike Huckabee - Do The Right Thing
Oct 4, 2013 .5 $12.50 $168.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Ben Carson - Think Big
Oct 7, 2013 .5 $12.50 $181.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Andrew P. Napolatino - Theodore and Woodrow
Oct 7, 2013 .5 $12.50 $193.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Laura Bush - Autobiography - Spoken From The Heart
Oct 8, 2013 .25 $6.25 $200.00 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Life Legal Defense Foundation - Anti-Abortion -
Oct 10, 2013 .5 $12.50 $212.50 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Bible-based Youth Organizations
Boy Scouts of America -
Girl Scouts of America -
Brownies -
4H Club - Ranching Education -
Pioneer Woman - Cooking Show -
Oct 12, 2013 1.0 $25.00 $237.50 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Hisorian Skip Critell - Abraham Lincoln
Hisorian Terry Shepherd - Ben Franklin
Oct 12, 2013 .25 $6.25 $243.75 Change Boise Tennis Club to Winter Schedule
Oct 14, 2013 .25 $6.25 $250.00 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Larry Knapp (Idaho Christian Business Men's Association)
Cowboy College -
Oct 14, 2013 .5 $12.50 $262.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Edwin Robertson - The Shame And The Sacrifice
Oct 14, 2013 - -$135.00 $127.50 Payment of $135.00 - Carol Cassady
Oct 23, 2013 .5 $12.50 $140.00 Add Chuck Seldon's Letter To Our Great Conservative Leaders
To The Learning Aids Web Page
Oct 23, 2013 .25 $6.25 $146.25 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Citizens United
Oct 23, 2013 .5 $12.50 $158.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Wayne Allen Root - The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide
Oct 25, 2013 .5 $12.50 $171.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Brad Meltzer - History Decoded
Nov 5, 2013 .5 $12.50 $183.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Nathan Whitaker - Tim Tebow, Through My Eyes
Nov 5, 2013 .5 $12.50 $196.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Charles Krauthammer - Things That Matter
Nov 6, 2013 .25 $6.25 $202.50 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Patriot Voices - Rick Santorum
Nov 6, 2013 .25 $6.25 $208.75 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Morris Cerullo World Evangelism
Nov 6, 2013 .25 $6.25 $215.00 Add Chuck's October 2013 Letter To Conservative Leaders To Main Page/Left Column/Left of Praying Eagle
Nov 6, 2013 .5 $12.50 $227.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Amity Shlaes - Calvin Coolidge
Nov 9, 2013 .25 $6.25 $233.75 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
American Conservative Union - John Bolton -
Nov 20, 2013 .5 $12.50 $246.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Gabor Boritt - The Gettysburg Gospel
Nov 20, 2013 .25 $6.25 $252.50 Change Information for New owner of the Moon Restaurant
Gary Torrey - Phone (208) 385-0472
Nov 29, 2013 .25 $6.25 $258.75 Add a Link on the Main Page to
The Official US Constitution Web Site
Nov 29, 2013 .25 $6.25 $265.00 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Nov 29, 2013 .25 $6.25 $271.25 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Young America's Foundation -
Add a Link to Nonie Darwish Letter
Nov 29, 2013 .25 $6.25 $277.50 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
National Day Of Prayer -
Nov 29, 2013 .25 $6.25 $283.75 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Citizen's Link - Partner of Focus On The Family
Nov 29, 2013 .25 $6.25 $290.00 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Judicial Watch - Christian Legal Organization
Nov 29, 2013 .25 $6.25 $296.25 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Media Research Center
Nov 29, 2013 .5 $12.50 $302.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Thomas Sowell - A Conflict of Visions
Dec 2, 2013 .25 $6.25 $308.75 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Boise Rescue Mission -
Dec 6, 2013 - -$100.00 $208.75 Payment of $100.00 - Gloria Hansen
Dec 6, 2013 .25 $6.25 $215.00 Correction - Main Page & Political Page - Menu Item 22C
Chuck's 3-Page Letter
Eliminate the link to the MS-Word Document
Dec 7, 2013 .25 $6.25 $221.25 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Freedom Works -
Dec 8, 2013 .25 $6.25 $227.50 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Ideals Books - A GuidePost's Company
Dec 12, 2013 .5 $12.50 $240.00 Add to Media Page:
Dr. Benjamin Carson's Speech at the February 7, 2013 National Prayer Breakfast
Dec 12, 2013 .5 $12.50 $252.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Glenn Beck - Miracles and Massacres
Dec 12, 2013 - -$143.00 $109.50 Payment of $143.00 - Carol Cassady
Dec 17, 2013 .5 $12.50 $122.00 Add to Endorsement Page:
Idaho Senator Mike Crapo Letter - November 12, 2013
Dec 17, 2013 .5 $12.50 $134.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Letitia Baldrige - George Washington's Rules of Civility
Dec 20, 2013 .25 $6.25 $140.75 About Us Page
Remove the Tennis Club Phone Number: 208-375-3662
Jan 7, 2014 - - $140.75 Add Book to Message Board Page:
Group Unveils 7-Foot Satan Statue Design For Oklahoma State Capitol
Jan 7, 2014 .5 $12.50 $153.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Brian E. Fisher - Abortion: The Ultimate Exploitation Of Women -
Jan 7, 2014 .5 $12.50 $165.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Issac Watts - Hymms And Spiritual Songs
Jan 7, 2014 .5 $12.50 $178.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Stephen C. Meyer - Darwin's Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design
Jan 7, 2014 .5 $12.50 $190.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Stephen C. Meyer - Darwin's Dilemma
Jan 7, 2014 .5 $12.50 $203.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Scott Brown - Against All Odds
Jan 13, 2014 .25 $6.25 $209.50 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Decision Magazine -
Jan 13, 2014 .5 $12.50 $222.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Robert Gates - Duty
Jan 13, 2014 .5 $12.50 $234.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Audie Murphy - To Hell And Back
Jan 20, 2014 .5 $12.50 $247.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Evan Sayet - Kindegarten of Eden
Jan 24, 2013 - -$150.00 $97.50 Payment of $150.00
Jan 27, 2014 .25 $6.25 $103.75 Swap Chuck Seldon's New "To Our Great Conservative Leaders" letter in place of the Old Version
Feb 3, 2014 .5 $12.50 $116.25 Add To Both The Main & Calendar Pages:
March 8, 2014 - 53rd Annual State Prayer Breakfast
Mar 12, 2014 .5 $12.50 $128.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Dennis Praeger - Still the Best Hope
Mar 22, 2013 - -$120.00 $8.75 Payment of $120.00
Apr 1, 2014 .25 $6.25 $15.00 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Senator Ted Cruz - The Club for Growth
Apr 11, 2014 .25 $6.25 $21.25 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Hillsdale College's publication Imprimis
Apr 23, 2014 .25 $6.25 $27.50 Change the Tennis Club Time from 8pm to 8am
Apr 23, 2014 .5 $12.50 $40.00 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Dr. Ben Carson For President
Apr 25, 2014 .5 $12.50 $52.50 Add Book to Library Page:
John Hagee - Four Blood Moons
May 6, 2014 .5 $12.50 $65.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Todd Starnes - A God Less America
May 6, 2014 .5 $12.50 $77.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Ben Carson - One Nation
May 6, 2014 .5 $12.50 $90.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Carl Medearis - Muslims, Christians and Jesus
May 6, 2014 .25 $6.25 $96.25 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Ben Carson for President - American Legacy Pac
Jun 3, 2014 .25 $6.25 $102.50 Remove Book from Library Page:
Muslims, Christians and Jews
Jun 3, 2014 .25 $6.25 $108.75 Remove the Message Board Page Link:
Chuck Norris - Don't Mess With Texas
Jul 17, 2014 .25 $6.25 $115.00 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Jul , 2014 .25 $6.25 $121.25 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Boys Town: Saving Children/Healing Families -
Jul 7, 2014 .5 $12.50 $133.75 Add Book to Library Page:
David Barton - Influence of the Bible
Jul 7, 2014 .5 $12.50 $135.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Cokie Roberts - Founding Mothers, The Women Who Raised Our Nation
Jul 20, 2014 .5 $12.50 $147.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Condoleezza Rice - Extraordinary Ordinary People
Jul 22, 2014 - -$150.00 -$2.25 Payment of $150.00
Aug 3, 2014 .5 $12.50 $10.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Truth In Action - Dr. D. James Kennedy
The Root Of The Problem
Oct 9, 2014 -$9.25 -$20.00 -$9.75 Payment of $20.00
Oct 9, 2014 .25 $6.25 -$3.00 Add to Links Page:
Ben Carson for President - Contact Vernon Robinson at 336-577-2711 - Request to be put on a Mailing List
Oct 13, 2014 .25 $6.25 $3.25 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Links Page - Add Links Under Hillsdale College
Oct 15, 2014 .25 $6.25 $9.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Joel Rosenberg - Epicenter
Oct 15, 2014 .25 $6.25 $15.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Corrie Ten Boom - The Hiding Place
Oct 21, 2014 .25 $6.25 $22.00 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
James Kennedy - 7 DVD Movie Set - "How Should We Then Vote?"
Nov 17, 2014 .5 $12.50 $34.50 Add Book to Library Page:
David Barton
U-Turn: Restoring America to the Strength of its Roots
Nov 17, 2014 .5 $12.50 $47.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Glenn Beck - Dreamers And Deceivers
Nov 28, 2014 .5 $12.50 $59.50 Add Book to Library Page:
David Harrell - Out Of The Depths
Dec 11, 2014 .5 $12.50 $72.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Jack Countryman
The Hope Of Christmas
Feb 5, 2015 .25 $6.25 $78.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Marion Stroud - Dear God, It's Me, And It's Urgent
Mar 13, 2015 .25 $6.25 $84.50 Add to Media Page:
March 13, 2015 - Decision Magazine - May 2013, Pages 12-13, Alan Sears & Kevin Theriot - The Battle To Eliminate Faith In The Classroom
Mar 16, 2015 - -$100.00 -$15.50 Payment of $100.00
Mar 30, 2015 - -$25.00 -$40.50 Payment of $25.00
Apr 24, 2015 .5 $12.50 -$28.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Jerry Newcombe - The Book That Made America:
How The Bible Formed America
Apr 25, 2015 .25 $6.25 -$21.75 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Eagle Formum, Phyllis Schlafly
Apr 29, 2015 .25 $6.25 -$15.50 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
St. Labre Indian School Ministry
May 8, 2015 .5 $12.50 -$3.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Jay Grimstead: Rebuilding Civilization On The Bible
May 8, 2015 .5 $12.50 $9.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Lou Poumakis: Faith On Earth
May 13, 2015 .25 $6.25 $15.75 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
May 26, 2015 .25 $6.25 $22.00 Move Main Page PayPal Request for Donation
to Lower Position on Page
May 26, 2015 .5 $12.50 $34.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Dave Ramsey - Complete Guide To Money
May 26, 2015 .5 $12.50 $47.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Peter Schweizer- Clinton Cash
May 26, 2015 .5 $12.50 $59.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now
May 27, 2015 .5 $12.50 $72.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Todd Starnes - God Less America: Real Stories From the Front Lines of the Attack on Traditional Values
Jun 5, 2015 - -$50.00 $22.00 Payment of $50.00
Jul 21, 2015 - -$22.00 $0.00 Payment of $22.00
Aug 20, 2015 .5 $12.50 $12.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Dinesh D'Souza
Obama's America: Unmaking the American Dream
Sep 17, 2015 .5 No Charge $12.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Fanny Crosby - A Thousand Gospel Hymms
Oct 22, 2015 .5 $12.50 $25.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Ted Cruz - A Time For Truth
Oct 22, 2015 .25 $6.25 $31.25 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Museum of the Bible
Nov 6, 2015 .5 $12.50 $43.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Donald Trump - Time To Get Tough
Nov 6, 2015 .5 $12.50 $56.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Peter Klein - A Passion For Giving
Nov 6, 2015 .5 $12.50 $68.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Amir D. Aczel - Why Science Does Not Disprove God
Nov 6, 2015 .5 $12.50 $81.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Charles Koch - Good Profit
Nov 6, 2015 .5 $12.50 $93.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Jean H. Baker - Margaret Sanger
Nov 6, 2015 .5 $12.50 $106.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Norman L. Geisler - I Don't Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist
Nov 16, 2015 .5 $12.50 $118.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Ben Carson - A More Perfect Union
Nov 21, 2015 .25 $6.25 $125.00 Add to Like-Minded Organizations Page:
Teaching American History
Dec 23, 2015 1.0 $25.00 $150.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Sandra Stanton - Max Your Mind:
The Owner’s Guide for a Strong Brain
Dec 23, 2015 - -$50.00 $100.00 Payment of $50.00 by Sandra Stanton
Mar 21, 2016 .5 $12.50 $112.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Donald Trump - Crippled America
Mar 29, 2016 2.0 $50.00 $162.50 Removed All Links To
Political & Gun Rights Pages
Jul 21, 2016 - -$22.00 $140.50 Payment of $22.00 by Chuck Seldon
Jul 1, 2016 .5 $12.50 $153.00 Add Book to Library Page:
Eric Bolling - Wake Up America
Jul 29, 2016 .5 $12.50 $165.50 Add to the About Us Page:
Chuck's Christian Living Magazine Interview
Oct 3, 2016 - -$125.00 $40.50 Payment of $125.00 by Chuck Seldon
Oct 4, 2016 .25 $6.25 $46.75 Add Conservative Leaders' Testimonty to Links Page:
Faith and Freedom Coalition
Oct 4, 2016 .25 $6.25 $53.00 Add Hillary Clinton Article to Message Board Page:
Hillary Clinton says she will use government force to make you reject your Christian faith!
Oct 17, 2016 .25 $6.25 $59.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Joe Scarborough - The Right Path
Oct 17, 2016 .25 $6.25 $65.50 Add Book to Library Page:
Tom Fitton - Clean House
Nov 4, 2016 .25 $6.25 $71.75 Add Book to Library Page:
Newt Gingrich - Treason: A Novel
Nov 19, 2016 - -$15.00 $56.75 Payment of $15.00 by Chuck Seldon
Dec 3, 2016 - -$15.00 $41.75 Payment of $15.00 by Chuck Seldon
Dec 6, 2016 - -$50.00 OverPaid: -$8.25 Payment of $50.00 by Chuck Seldon
Mar 18, 2017 - -$25.00 OverPaid: -$33.25 Payment of $25.00 by Chuck Seldon
Apr 1, 2017 .5 $12.50 $20.75 Add Book to Library Page:
One Nation Under God by Kevin Kruse
Jul 1, 2017 .5 $12.50 $8.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Mark Levin: Rediscovering Americanism
Nov 29, 2017 .5 $12.50 $20.75 Change Ronalee Linsenmann title to "Executive Director"
Nov 29, 2017 .5 $12.50 $33.25 Add Book to Library Page:
Eric Metaxas - "Martin Luther"
Dec 16, 2017 - -$20.00 $13.25 Payment of $20.00 by Chuck Seldon
Total Amount Owed = $13.25
Date Hours Worked Charge Amount Owed Work Done
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