George Washington praying at Valley Forge Our Godly
American Heritage

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Our mission is to re-establish the presence and influence of the Bible into American public schools.

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Russ Howell
Preserving American History and Culture
Web Site:

Meeting Place

Our Godly American Heritage has moved their meeting place to the Boise Public Library on Capitol Blvd.. Most of the books and literature on this subject are in this library, so it is a great place to meet and study. See you there. Call Chuck first at 208-954-2788.

Ronalee Linsenmann

  Every Thursday from Noon to 1pm.

Starting September 1, 2011

The Christian Business Men's International Association meets every Thursday at The Moon Kitchen Cafe. Women are welcome also.

      The Moon Kitchen Cafe
      Owner: Gary Torrey
      712 Idaho, Boise, Idaho
      Phone (208) 385-0472

Please be my guest and I will show you how you can help with our project.

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