Our mission is to re-establish the presence and influence of the Bible into American public schools.
Calendar of Events
Check Out Local & Global Events
Check this Web Page often to see what is happening in your local community and around the world.
Send information about upcoming events to:
Russ at russwebdesigns@yahoo.com
Be sure to write 'America's Godly Heritage' in the Subject line.
Upcoming Events:
Past Events:
Upcoming Events
The Christian Business Men's International Association
Every Thursday
The Christian Business Men's International Association meets every Thursday
at The Moon Kitchen Cafe.
Women are welcome also.
The Moon Kitchen Cafe.
Bob Dempsey - Owner
712 Idaho, Boise, Idaho
Phone: (208) 385-0472
Please be my guest and I will show you how you can help with our project.
~ Chuck Seldon ~

The 53rd State Prayer Breakfast
53rd Annual State Prayer Breakfast
March 8, 2014, Saturday at 8am
Boise Center on the Grove
Reponse given by Governor Butch Otter
More information will follow. Check back for details.
Past Events (Annual)

The Idaho State Prayer Breakfast is a state version of the National Prayer Breakfast held annually in Washington, D.C. The Idaho breakfast was inaugurated 50 years ago and continues to be sponsored by a volunteer committee of interested persons who have joined together for this occasion with the desire to deepen the spiritual life and moral fiber of the people of Idaho through God's leadership.
The Idaho State Prayer Breakfast operates under Idaho Prayer Fellowship, Inc., a not-for-profit 501(C)3 corporation.
No government funds are used in association with the breakfast or its surrounding activities.
Our Speaker:
David Barton - Founder of WallBuilders
David Barton is the founder and president of WallBuilders, an organization which presents "America's forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built."
Idaho State Prayer Breakfast Web Site
May 6, 2011
National Day of Prayer
Location: Idaho State Capitol Steps
Time: 12 Noon

June 27, 2012, Wednesday
46th Annual God And Country Family Festival
Location: Idaho Center, Nampa (Off I-84)
Time: 4pm to Midnight
Fireworks at dusk
January 26, 2012
Showing of "Agenda" by Curtis Bowers
Read More About This Film...
Location: Boise Bible College
8695 West Magnolia Street
Phone: (208) 514-7626
Time: 6:15pm
Contact Chuck Seldon for further information - (208) 954-2788
DVD will be available from Chuck Seldon
2012 Lincoln Day Celebration
Ada County Lincoln Day Celebration Web Site
Come celebrate our 102nd Annual Dinner
Date To Be Announced
The Ada County Lincoln Day Association celebrates the memory and legacy of Abraham Lincoln. President Lincoln was instrumental in creating the Idaho territory and establishing the great state of Idaho.
The Association carries out an annual event that draws hundreds of people to a patriotic celebration of Lincoln and Republican principles. The event takes place on or near Presidents' Day in February. The event features a top-tier speaker and a inspiring program that celebrates Idaho and our great Republic. The Ada County Lincoln Day Association is longest running annual event west of the Mississippi River. The first Ada County Lincoln Day event was held in Boise in 1912.
The Association is a voluntary organization composed of selected public-spirited Republicans devoted to honoring and commemorating the memory of Abraham Lincoln. This association is wholly non-profit in character and shall function exclusively through this voluntary association.
Seating is limited.
Buy your tickets today!

Mailing Address:
Ada County Lincoln Day Association
P.O. Box 2203
Boise, ID 83701
February 21, 2013
Faith Impact Day
Come and see what God is doing and meet your legislator.
Location: Boise Capitol
Time: 11am-2pm
Open to all Faith-based ministries like Mission Media and several of the ministries listed on this Web site.
You may set up a booth with your own literature. Contributions are accepted.
This event takes place during the next Legislative Session.
Contact Chuck Seldon for further information - (208) 954-2788

4th of July Parade
- Sponsored by the Boise Chamber of Commerce
- Time - July 4, 2013 @ 10am to Noon
- Location - Downtown Boise, Idaho
- You Can Be Involved
More Information To Follow
Please be my guest and I will show you how you can help with our project.
~ Chuck Seldon ~

For those that prefer to think
God is not watching over us ...
This is a beautiful photo of a giant American flag in Arizona.
The photo is authentic, untouched, and was taken on regular Kodak 35 mm film.
The person who took the picture couldn't believe the image created by the sun's rays.
Nice of them to share it with the world!