George Washington praying at Valley Forge Our Godly
American Heritage

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Our mission is to re-establish the presence and influence of the Bible into American public schools.


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Please Help Us Get The Bible Back Into Public Education

We are a volunteer organization
with financial needs.

Everyone involved with this project is a volunteer. There remains the inevitable costs of printing, travel costs, and more to achieve our goal of re-establishing the teaching of the Bible in our Public Schools.

Please help in anyway you can.

All donations to Our Godly American Heritage
are tax deductible under the 501(c)3 incorporation laws of the US.

If you would rather write a check than use PayPal, please make checks payable to
"Our Godly American Heritage"
and send to:
      Chuck Seldon
      3077 Bonview Drive
      Boise, Idaho 83712

      Cell Phone: (208) 954-2788

People & Organizations Who Are Helping Our Cause

Thank You!

  The Christian Business Men's International Association  

The Christian Business Men's International Association
meets every Thursday at The Moon Kitchen Cafe.
Women are welcome also.

The Moon Kitchen Cafe
Bob Dempsey - Owner
712 Idaho, Boise, Idaho
Phone: (208) 385-0472

  Bob Hoover  

World War II Veteran

  Rev. Dave Baumann  

Pastor, Legislator, Educator

  Larry Knapp  

Property Development

  Chad Inman  
Tea Party Boise - Phone: 208-870-5496

  Carol Cassady  

  Mike Wilson  

  Willard "Robbie" Robinson  

Author / WW II Veteran

  Russ Howell  

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